Title / Knowledge for NursingCode / NJ121
Level / 4
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Entry criteria to pre registration in nursing programme
Type of module / Intensive 2 weeks
Aims / To support the student in their journey towards becoming a nurse.
To introduce the student to three core concepts which underpin this module:
Lifespan transitions
The nurse-patient relationship
The caring philosophy
Contributes to NMC outcomes / 2,3,4
Learning outcomes/objectives / The student will develop an understanding of:
Professional issues common to all branches of nursing
Principles of evidence-based practice
Significance of transitions which take place throughout the lifespan
The student will explore:
The language of healthcare
The nature of nursing knowledge
The nurse-patient relationship
The student will be able to relate their learning to the four NMC Outcomes:
Professional/ethical practice, Care delivery, Care management, Personal/professional development
Content / Introduction to the key module concepts
The nurse-patient relationship with specific emphasis on partnerships
Introduction to the language of healthcare
Introduction to Nursing theory
Health illness transition (concepts of health, illness and rehabilitation in relation to all branches of nursing)
Social Policy and Health including the Essence of Care and National Service Frameworks
Introduction to psychology and its application to nursing
Introduction to cancer care
Accountability, autonomy and advocacy
Law and ethics
Basic principles of pharmacology
Branch specific reflection and problem-based learning
Teaching and learning strategies / The module will utilise a number of different learning and teaching strategies including keynote lectures, small group sessions, debate, student seminars, guided study and branch-specific problem-based learning.
Learning support / Tutorials, indicative reading, websites:
Benner, P., 1984 From novice to expert: excellence and power in clinical nursing practice California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Davis, S. and S. O’Connor 1999 Rehabilitation: Foundations for Practice Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall
Department of Health 2000 The NHS Cancer Plan London: DH
Department of Health 200 The National Service Framework for Older People London: DH
Department of Health 200 The National Service Framework for Children London: DH
Department of Health 200 The National Service Framework for Mental Health London: DH
Dimond, B.,
Egan, The Skilled Helper
Department of Health 2001 Essence of Care London: DH
Meleis, A., 1997 Theoretical Nursing: Development and progress 3rd ed Philadelphia : Lippincott
George, J., 2002 Nursing Theories: The base for professional nursing New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Pilgrim, D. and A. Rogers 1993 A Sociology of Health and Illness Buckingham : Open University Press
Thompson, J. and S. Pickering 2001 Meeting the health needs of people who have a learning disability Bailliere Tindall
Walker, A. and C. Hagan Hennessy 2004 Growing Older: Quality of life in old age Berkshire: Open University Press
Useful Websites:
Assessment tasks / The student will write an essay of 2000 words (+10%) on:
Discuss the key concepts of the nurse patient relationship with reference to your clinical practice experiences and observations.
Discuss the key concepts of lifespan transitions with reference to your clinical practice experiences and observations.
Discuss the key concepts of caring in nursing with reference to your clinical practice experiences and observations.
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module is concerned with three key concepts in nursing; caring, the nurse patient relationship, and lifespan transitions.
These will be explored from a variety of perspectives to facilitate integration of nursing theory, psychology, sociology and life sciences.
Area examination board to which module relates / Pre registration Diploma in Nursing
Module team/authors/coordinator / Brenda Hawkey, Teresa Corkill, Lesley Hart, Mark Sewell
Semester offered, where appropriate / 2 year 1
Site where delivered / All teaching sites
Date of first approval / March 2005
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / March 2005
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / Pre-registration Diploma in Nursing Mandatory
School home / Institute of Nursing and Midwifery
External examiner / Anne Hardie