Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
June theme: Simplicity June 26, 2016
Thematic Reflection: “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
— Confucius
Next Sunday, July 3: “A Universe Permeated by Energy and Mystery”
Sean Redmond, Worship Leader; Silvine Farnell, Worship Associate
Source: The Spiritual Teachings of Earth-Centered Religions
With so much apparent chaos in the world (and the scientific vision of an immeasurably vast universe), what meaning can the spiritual teachings of earth-centered religions have for us? We invite you to share our awe at the way the cosmos rhythmically and harmonically permeate energy, and how mystery still has meaning, even for scientists.
New to UU?We invite visitors and new members to join the Member Engagement Council after today’s service for an informal conversation about Unitarian Universalist concepts and our congregation. Children welcome! Snacks provided.
Rev. Lydia’s Summer Schedule: As Rev. Lydia renews herself for the upcoming year during her study leave (June 27 – July 17), she will not check her email. Please call or text her at 720-272-8284 during that time for pastoral emergencies. After her study leave, Lydia will go on vacation from July 18 – Aug. 8. Please direct any pastoral care needs to the Neighborhood Connectors at . Rev. Kelly Dignan may also be available until Aug. 5 with any pastoral emergencies. Contact her at .
New Facility Caretaker: Welcome to Gordon Weir, who has joined our staff as the Facility Caretaker. At this time, Gordon will also continue as an Our Whole Lives (OWL) volunteer and the occasional religious education substitute. Glad to have you with us, Gordon!
Black Lives Matter Banner Rededication Ceremony: We invite congregants and members of the Lafayette community to join in the conversation about the “Black Lives Matter” movement at noon on Sunday, July 3 here at the Fellowship. Following the conversation, we plan to rededicate the second banner, replacing the first banner stolen from the outside of the building on June 9.
Living the Questions: Now’s the time to ask Rev. Lydia anything you want! Email your questions to her at with the subject line “Living the Questions.” During the service on July 10, she’ll randomly pull out the submitted questions from a hat and answer them on the spot.
Ordination of Diana McLean: The Fellowship will host the ordination of Diana McLean at 4 p.m. Sunday, July 10 in the sanctuary. Diana served as our Pastoral Care Intern in 2013-14. Reception to follow!
End-of-Year Pledges: A couple notices as we finish up the fiscal year: 1) The BVUUF office will send a “gentle” reminder to those with balances greater than their monthly EFT or $200. 2) Fourth quarter pledge statements will be emailed in mid-July. And 3) Requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the office before June 30. Please contact Carol at with any questions.
Congrats to our emerging high school youth who finished Coming of Age! This summer, we will focus on youth leadership and spiritual practice during many activities. Check out what’s happening below! Register for the 2016-17 Coming of Age (COA) and Our Whole Lives (OWL) at
Youth Ministry Revival – Engaging Spiritual Practice: Teams of youth and adults from congregations across the country will join together at First Unitarian in Portland, Ore. to examine different ways to practice our faith. Tap into our historical roots through worship, music, and storytelling from Sept. 23-25 at First Unitarian Church of Portland. Our Youth Coordinator Rachel Stevenson will be in attendance. To find out more information about registration and cost, visit
Youth Group Overnight: Our annual overnight trip, July 15-16 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, gives the chance to current high school youth and those transitioning to high school to bond. Engage in social justice conversations and team-building exercises while exploring your spirituality.
10 a.m.: 100
Service members: 7
OutBoulder will receive $404.06 from the half-plate taken June 19.
From Rev. Lydia: Thanks to the Social Justice Action and Racial Justice Communiteam leaders for their speedy response to our stolen “Black Lives Matter” banner.
From Sheri Price: Many thanks to Katy Wiley, Barbara Flahive, Ray McCarus, Alisha Blackburn (along with her husband and two children), and Don Price for showing our rainbow colors with the other UU congregations during the Denver PrideFest parade.
From Operation Refugee Child: Thanks to everyone for their generous support. The contributions we received enabled us to touch the lives of families in need.
SUN JUNE 2611:30 a.m. – UU Humanists (Sanctuary)
11:30 a.m. – New to UU? (Thoreau)
MON JUNE 275:30 p.m. – One Voice (Sanctuary)
WED JUNE 299 a.m. – Connections Weekly submissions due
THURS JUNE 303 p.m. – Ordination Committee (Alcott)
7 p.m. – Strategic Planning Committee (TBA)
SAT JULY 29:30 a.m. – Playshop (Sanctuary)