Columboola Environmental
Education Centre
M/S 670, Miles, 4415
Web Address:
Ph: 46658166 Fax: 46658196 Mobile: 0428 658 166
School: ......
Address: ...... …………………
Phone: ...... Fax: ......
School Admin Email: ……………………...... ………………...
Year Level/s: ...... Student Numbers (approx.): ......
Contact Teacher:
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………......
Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…...
1 day visit (or night) / 4 day/3 night visit / Off-site Program2 day/1 night visit / 5 day/4 night visit / Weekend visit
3 day/2 night visit
DATES: (Please give 3 preferences):
1 ………./...... /20…….. 2 ………./………./20…….. 3 ………./………./20……..
Expected arrival time: …………………….. Departure Time: …………..…………..
Accompanying Teacher/s: ......
FEES: See Booking Information on website for current camp fees.
CONDITIONS AND INFORMATION – please read carefully
Parents and Teachers stay free of charge. For residential camps the fee includes accommodation for a day and the night at the Centre (onsite activities are included in the accommodation costs). If activities are conducted on the last day of the program schools are charged for that day. For example a camp from Monday to Friday with activities on the Friday morning will be 4 x day and night fee plus one day fee. For camps that depart on the last day without doing any activities there is no charge on the last day.
This Booking Application and the Program Focus Overview over page must be returned ASAP, preferably by e-mail, to confirm your booking.
Columboola Environmental
Education Centre
Program Focus Overview
Columboola EEC is committed to providing quality educational programs in the areas of environmental, science and adventure education, via an experiential approach. So that we can design a program of activities for your school’s needs please provide information about the specific educational outcomes to be addressed by a program with Columboola.
Year level/s:______Curriculum Area:______
Unit Outline:
Identified Outcomes to be targeted at CEEC (eg. Teambuilding, Leadership, Sustainability, Water Quality)
Pre-Columboola Preparation Activities:
Post-Columboola Follow-Up Activities:
Specific Resource Suggestions to address these outcomes:
Please use list ONLY if you wish to identify possible activities, otherwise leave blank.
Most resources/activities are portable and can be offered as on or off site programs.
“Off site” means a program at your school or site other than CEEC or in Miles.
Junior Environmental P-3
In Search of the Bunyip / Environmental Art / Sensory ActivitiesDinosaur Dig / Scientist for a day / Fun games
Environmental Education
Environmental Art / Freshwater Ecology / Scavenger HuntSensory Activities / Yabby catching / Insect Ecology #
Paper making
Outdoor Education
Team building/problem solving / Orienteering –trail, photo / Shelter BuildingTrust Activities and Low Ropes / Orienteering- compass / Archery#
Climbing Elements-Centipede, Crate stack, Tree climb, Leap of Faith (>Yr 6)# / Orienteering- GPS / Canoeing*#
GPS treasure hunt (>Yr 6) / Raft building*#
High Ropes (>Yr 8)# / Catapult building (>Yr 5)
Dogwood Crossing* / Town Walk* / Small School Visit*Pool visit (swim lesson support)*^^ / Historical Village*^^
(entry costs not included)
Night Activities for Visiting Staff
Concert/Red Faces / Video/DVD / Mini OlympicsBush Dancing / Night Walk/Spotlighting
Night Activities for Columboola Staff
Bush Dancing / Night Walk/Spotlighting / AstronomyDamper bake
Cooking Meals (additional costs)
Student trangier cookup >Yr7 (for groups <40) #^^Camp oven dinner (for groups <40)^^
For an additional charge CEEC can provide a meal for one night. These activities can only be selected after consultation with CEEC staff.
* Visiting school must organise a bus to get to appropriate sites. CEEC can program for offsite visits to be conducted, using YOUR bus, on the first or last day of the camp. Please advise staff if this is the case.
^^ These programs will incur an additional charge, please contact CEEC for current prices.
#Activities are considered high risk according to Curriculum Activity Risk Assessments (CARA) guidlines. CARA guidelines recommend parental permission, please refer to letter home in pre-visit information booklet to advise parents of any high risk activities in the program.
Visiting School’s Responsibilities – Please Complete
TRANSPORT: Schools are responsible for their own transport. A safety vehicle will be on site during the school camp.
Circle one / Circle oneBUS / Yes / No / Private vehicles
(Please refer to Note * on previous page) / Yes / No
Is bus required during visit?
(Please refer to Note * on previous page) / Yes / No
CATERING: Schools are responsible for their own catering. Columboola EEC does NOT provide a caterer. Please ensure your caterer is familiar with Education QLD Smart Choices policy.
Self c Commercial c Who......
Have all camp attendees’ dietary requirements been forwarded to your caterer? Yes c
Schools MUST ensure they meet the following requirements:
It is recommended to have both a male and female adult staying overnight? Yes c
Do all adults (who are not parents of students or teachers) have a blue card? Yes c
Is a First Aid person available each night? Yes c
Have PPR modules Administration of Medications and School Excursions been consulted
and followed Yes c
Have the camp planning documents been downloaded and consulted? Yes c
Will the Centre’s medical consent forms be used? Yes c
Does your permission letter home advise of any high risk activities in the program? Yes c
VISITING STAFF are responsible for assisting in activities, managing meal times and self-catering, showers, most night activities, free-time between activities and overnighting.
Name / Signature / DatePrincipal
These forms are an important part of planning for your visit. Until we have received all completed pages, your tentative booking cannot be confirmed.