**Columbia DancePresents!2018


Columbia Dance Studio & Royal Durst Theatre

3101 Main Street, Vancouver; stage door entrance off of 31st Street

Audience entrance from “F” Street

Tuesday, March 6: at Columbia Dance Center



4:15 pmCALL RDA/P& Junior Company Dancers

4:30-5:30Warm-up class at studio (required for all company)

5:30pmCALL for Coppelia Toy Shop & Village Children in full costume & hair

6:00-7:00Full run-through of Coppeliain costume

7:00-9:00Full run-through of Act I in program order & in costumes

Wednesday, March 7: at Royal Durst Theater

8:00-4:00pmTech Crew

1:30-4:00pmLoad-in theater JR CO. Dancers/Family and Friends


This will be a ‘stop and go’ rehearsal

4:15pmCALL RDA/P & Junior Company Dancers

4:30-5:30Warm-up class (required for all company)

5:00pmCALL for Coppelia dancers put on costumes

5:30-6:45Coppelia Staging Rehearsal in costume

6:45-7:30Full run-through of Coppelia

7:30-8:15Junior Company staging and full run-through

8:15-9:45 Staging and full run-through of rest of ballets in PROGRAM ORDER

**Columbia DancePresents!2018


Columbia Dance Studio & Royal Durst Theatre

3101 Main Street, Vancouver; stage door entrance off of 31st Street

Audience entrance from “F” Street

Thursday, March 8:at Royal Durst Theater



4:15 pmCALL all RDA/P & Junior Company Dancers

4:30-5:30 pmWarm-up class at studio

5:15 pmCALL for Coppelia children

6:00-7:30pmFull run-through of Coppelia

7:30-9:00pmFull run-through of rest of ballets in PROGRAM ORDER in costumes

** Troy will be taking photos at 4:30pm

Friday, March 9:at Royal Durst Theatre

4:30pmCALL for RDA/P & Company & Junior

Company Dancers

5:00-6:00Warm-up class onstage

6:30 CALL for Coppelia Children

7:00pm Evening performance

**Columbia DancePresents!2018


Columbia Dance Studio & Royal Durst Theatre

3101 Main Street, Vancouver; stage door entrance off of 31st Street

Audience entrance from “F” Street

Saturday, March 10:at Royal Durst Theater

11:15 amCALL all RDA/P & Junior Company Dancers

11:30-1:00 pmWarm-up class onstage

1:00 pmCall for Coppelia Children who wish to watch

the first half of the program

1:30 pmCall for Coppelia Children


Dancer meal break

*Reminder all food must be eaten in

32nd Street entryway ONLY. No food in

Dressing Rooms or backstage hallways

5:30-6:00 pmCALL Company dancers onstage for warm-up

6:30 pmCALL for Coppelia Children


9:00-10:00 pm Load-out of theater: Company Dancers &


The more helping hands, the faster the load-out

Columbia DancePresents!2018

*Note to parents: You may drop off your child to the backstage area at the stage door entrance off 31st St. Upon arrival, please be certain to sign in with the

backstage door monitor… and to sign out upon leaving the theater. Please send healthy drinks/snacks for your dancer as well as quiet activities for them to do during downtime (quiet games, books, etc). We will have backstage chaperones to help with makeup, and costumes. We ask that parents do their dancers hair prior to arriving at the theater; we will have no one available to do dancer’s hair backstage. Photography and videotaping are not allowed during the public performances. For the safety of our dancers, photography is not allowed during any on-stage rehearsals. The stage will be available for a short time after each performance for personal photographs. Columbia Dance hires professional videographers and photographers to document our performances; look on the Call Board for DVD and photo CDorder forms.

Dancers who are only inCoppelia: We encourage you to watch the other dances in this wonderful & inspiring program. There is much to be learned from watching the Company & Guest Professional dancers perform and seeing as much dance as possible. You may stay to watch rehearsals from the audience on Thursday, March 8th night. If you wish to watch during a public performance, you will need to inform the Dressing Room Coordinator by Wednesday be in the dressing room by 1:00pm for make-up; then we willseat you in the audience in a reserved area designated for performers only to watch the first half of our program. FOR SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY

Please have nice clothes to wear over your tights and leotard.

Please note that there is NO FOOD IN DRESSING ROOMS OR HALLWAYS.

The only place to eat food is in the 32nd Street entryway. Remember to put your trash in the garbage!

Please be reminded that the audience entrance to the theater is through the front door from “F” Street, as per the request of VSAA.