(Effective for 2012 Season and beyond)

(Approved by T&F committee 7th December 2011)

KYAL is part of the competition events provided by the Kent County Athletics Association (KCAA) with an aim of providing competition & development experience for clubs & athletes who otherwise may not have that opportunity.

The League is fully part of KCAA and is managed by the Track & Field committee; with support from the Officials committee.

UKA competition rules apply as amended or replaced.

Under 13 (U13) - 11 years and under 13 years at midnight on 31st August/1st September in year of competition.
Under 15 (U15) - 13 years and under 15 years at midnight on 31st August/1st September in year of competition.
Due to insurance limitations KCAA no longer directly runs Under 11Track & Field competitions – should a host club wish to include some events prior to the main programme it would be their responsibility.
Clubs will be required to register interest, and pay a fee, at the January renewal of club affiliation to KCAA – the closing date for registration with be the 31st January.
The name and date of birth of each competitor will need to be provided to on the athletes league registration form before the first meeting. Any updates should be provided to the Recorders at the meeting; failure to comply with this may result in points being lost.
All forms etc. can be found at:
From those clubs registered to take part; 4 (3 in 2012) will be invited to “Host” a meeting; in recognition of work & costs involved in this KCAA will pay an allowance of £100, on receipt of an invoice from the club.
Please remember to keep KCAA upto date with email addresses & phone numbers so contact can be made as necessary.
Athletes must compete in their club colours, clothing must comply with UKA rule 17.
Each club will provide their own numbers and pins throughout usuallyfour meetings following notification by the League. (Due to the Olympics the number of meetings will need to be reduced in 2012)
In the event of a club arriving without their letters, the League has a set of "H & HH" which will be issued in such an emergency.
Letters to be worn back & front in all track events and generally for most field events, athletes will be turned away at the start if they do not comply.
The League will usually consist of four divisions; depending on the number of teams requiring entry, following registration of interest in January of each year...
Boys - Divisions 1 and Division 2 with generally 6 teams in each division.
Girls – Divisions 1 and Division 2 with generally 6 teams in each division
Two teams will be promoted and two relegated at the end of each season.
Any addition team wishing to join the League must join division 2 of the appropriate league. (The number of teams per division and relegations will be adjusted the KCAA Track & Field Committee dependent upon the number of teams entering and competing teams previous performances)
6. EVENTS / Clubs may nominate an A and a B String athlete for each event. Where track events are run separately Team Managers should nominate the best performing athlete for the A String. In events run together, and in all field events, the best performing athlete will be declared as the A String.
In the 75m/100m clubs may enter a C string runner; the best 2 performing athletes will be declared the scoring athletes.
Each Athlete may compete in up to 4 events in any one meeting, with a maximum of 3 individual events.
U13 Boys / U15 Boys / U13 Girls / U15 Girls
100m / 100m / 75m / 100m
200m / 200m / 150m / 200m
- / 300m* / - / 300m
800m / 800m / 600m / 800m
1500m / 1500m / 1200m / 1500m
2000m Walk / 2000m Walk / 2000m Walk / 2000m Walk
75m Hurdles / 80m Hurdles / 70m Hurdles / 75m Hurdles
4x100m Relays / 4x100m Relays / 4x100m Relays / 4x100m Relays
4x400m Relays / - / -
High Jump / High Jump / High Jump / High Jump
Long Jump / Long Jump / Long Jump / Long Jump
Shot Put / Shot Put / Shot Put / Shot Put
Discus / Discus / Discus / Discus
Javelin / Javelin / Javelin / Javelin
Hammer / Hammer / Hammer / Hammer
* This will be 400m if the proposed UKA rule change does not take effect on 1st April
The maximum total race distance (including walking events) an athlete may compete on the same day will be as follows:-
Age Group / Maximum Total Distance
Under 13 years / 3000 metres
Under 15 years / 5000 metres
7. SCORING / The High Jump minimum start heights shall be:-
Under 13 boys – 1.00m
Under 15 boys – 1.20m
Under 13 girls – 0.90m
Under 15 girls – 1.00m
The high jump bar shall be raised in 5cm increments until there is only 1 competitor when it may be raised by at least 2cm at the athlete’s request.
Subject to the number of athlete competing and safety considerations the 600m and 800m races may be run with A and B String races combined and run from a curved start.
Points will be awarded as follows
If 6 teams in division / If 8 teams in a division
A String / 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4 / 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3
B String / 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 / 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Should an athlete compete in excess of the permitted number of events, including relays, or compete in the wrong age event then the athlete/relay team shall be disqualified from the later event(s) competed in. Where it is the A String athlete who is disqualified, and for that reason only, then the B (& C where appropriate) String athlete’s performance shall be included for scoring purposes with the event results for the A String and the finish positions determined on performance.
Team Managers are requested to submit provisional electronic copies of their team and non scoring declaration sheets to the Friday evening prior to the meeting; this information will be provided to Referees & Chiefs to enable adjustments to be made tocompetition arrangements. Team Managers must submit their confirmed team declaration sheets to the Recorders at least 30 minutes before the first event. Details of non scoring athletes must be provided at the start of the meeting when competition numbers will be allocated; up to the maximum number agreed with the Referees.
The KCAA Officials committee, in consultation with the host club, shall be responsible for the provision of Chief Starter & assistants and Chief Marksman & assistants, Chief Timekeeper, Chief Track Judge, 2 Walking Judges and Field Referee and a Chief Judge – Jumps & Chief Judge - Throws.
Each Club shall be responsible for providing 1 Track Official, 1 Timekeeper & 3 Field Officials. It is preferred that the Officials be suitably qualified. Where a Club is unable to provide the necessary officials then the Host Club shall be informed prior to the meeting. The Field Referee shall be responsible for ensuing that each field event is supervised by a suitably qualified level official.
The Track Referee & Field Referee are empowered to cancel an event if there are insufficient officials to ensure safety & fairness.
Clubs who are unable to provide a full complement of officials will only be allowed to join if they are willing to share both competition and official duties with another club in a similar position.
The Chief Marksman will be responsible for the preparation of the lane draws.
All Trophies are held for one year – details of holders will be posted on the KCAA website.
The 1st and 2nd Division Clubs with the highest overall combined points will be awarded the Ron Sawyer Memorial Trophy (Division 1) or the Ron Sawyer Trophy (Division 2).
A trophy will be awarded to the Club in Division 1 and Division 2 with the highest points total for Under 13 and highest points total for U 15.
A trophy will be awarded to the Best Field and Best Track athlete in both Division 1 and Divisions2.
The Maureen Gordon Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the Club, who has made the most improvement.
The 1st and 2nd Division Clubs with the highest overall combined points will be awarded the Division 1 Trophy or Trophy Division 2.
A trophy will be awarded to the Club in Division 1 and Division 2 with the highest points total for Under 13 and highest points total for U 15.
A trophy will be awarded to the Best Field and Best Track athlete in both Division 1 and Divisions2.(4 trophies)
Team Managers must sign a register of receipt following presentation of Trophies to their Club or their Athlete. The club/athlete will be responsible for the return of the trophies in good, clean condition at the end of the one year period of the award.
At each meeting a KYAL “Athlete of the Match” medal will be awarded for boy & girl in each age group and each division.
This will be reviewed at the end of 2012; when T shirts may be introduced in place of medals.
Timetables, and any update, for each of the 4 meetings (3 in 2012) follow they will also be published on the KCAA website and are attached to the end of the document.
Non-scoring events
KCAA sees the League as an opportunity for the development of athletes who otherwise may not gain competition experience; therefore there will be a limited number of places at each meeting for Non Scoring athletes in Field Events & Track events.
Non scoring entry numbers will be agreed before the start of the meeting, between the Recorders & the Field Referee & Track Referee. Competition numbers must be obtained for each athlete by Team Managers at least 30min before the start of the meeting.
On the track non scoring athletes will only be allowed to compete in races of 600m & aboverun with scoring athletes, wherever possible, subject to safety considerations.
Non Scoring 4x100m relay teams will not be allowed but subject to spare lanes being available the Track Referee may allow non scoring 4x400m relay teams to take part.
Usually only 1 athlete per club permitted in each field event. Where there is an incomplete complement of athletes (incomplete card).
Annually, in January, clubs are invited to apply to join the KYAL when they renew their membership of KCAA. Payment for both can be made via a single cheque payable to Kent County AA (NB: The bank will not accept KCAA). If they wish to enter the KYAL payment must be received by the 1st February.
At this time Clubs can request having a second team (“B” Team) if space exists, or sharing with another club(s) (especially if they can not meet their commitment to providing officials).
A email will be sent from the KCAA Track & Field committee to all clubs wishing to share; so those clubs can arrange their own pairing arrangements.
Once the interest is know the KCAA Track & Field committee will construct the league for the coming year in the way it best sees meets the desire of clubs to compete.
Fees for 2012 have not been increased over 2011:
The Affiliation Fee is:-
Individual team (boy or girl) entry - £70.00
Boy plus girl team entry - £110.00
Any additional team entry £40.00 per team
The League reserves the right to call on member clubs if running costs exceed monies raised.
The Host Club is responsible for providing a qualified First Aider or St. John Ambulance )or similar) to be attendance at the meeting. Chief Officials & Announcer should be informed where the First Aid services are located.
16. "B TEAMS"
Clubs can request having a second team (“B” Team) if space exists
The club must nominate a Separate Team Manager for any B Team entered.
Any club wishing to enter a B Team should make it clear when completing the annual return to the KCAA Treasurer see Rule 14.
If successful a further subscription as detailed in rule 14 above is payable.
If more than one club applies, the first year will be decided by Ballot and subsequent years by rotation.
Athletes may not compete in both teams on the same day.
17. General
Clubs should submit copies of their declaration sheets to by the Friday prior to the meeting.
Host Clubs to be responsible for the smooth running of the meeting, announcing and assisting recording as necessary.
Host clubs are required to provide hot & cold drinks for officials but there is no requirement to provide food.
Results will be posted on the KCAA website, emailed to those who have requested them and submitted to Power of 10.
2012 Track Timetable
11.00 / U13 Girls / 75m / 11.00 / U13 Girls / 150m
11.15 / U13 Boys / 100m / 11.15 / U13 Boys / 200m
11.30 / U15 Girls / 100m / 11.30 / U15 Girls / 200m
11.45 / U15 Boys / 100m / 11.45 / U15 Boys / 200m
12.00 / U13 Girls / 600m / 12.00 / U13 Girls / 1200m
12.15 / U13 Boys / 800m / 12.15 / U13 Boys / 1500m
12.30 / U15 Girls / 800m / 12.30 / U15 Girls / 1500m
12.45 / U15 Boys / 800m / 12.45 / U15 Boys / 1500m
13.00 / U13 Girls / 150m / 13.00 / U15 Girls / 300m
13.15 / U13 Boys / 200m / 13.15 / U15 Boys / 300m
13.30 / U15 Girls / 200m / 13.30 / U13 Girls / 75m
13.45 / U15 Boys / 200m / 13.45 / U13 Boys / 100m
14.10 / U13 Girls / 70m H / 14.10 / U15 Boys / 80m H
14.25 / U13 Boys / 75m H / 14.40 / U15 Girls / 75m H
14.40 / U15 Girls / 75m H / 14.55 / U13 Boys / 75m H
15.00 / U15 Boys / 80m H / 15.10 / U13 Girls / 70m H
15.15 / All Ages / 2K Walk / 15.25 / U13 Girls / 4 x 100
15.45 / U13 Girls / 4 x 100 / 15.35 / U13 Boys / 4 x 100
15.55 / U13 Boys / 4 x 100 / 15.55 / U15 Girls / 4 x 100
16.05 / U15 Girls / 4 x 100 / 16.05 / U15 Boys / 4 x 100
16.15 / U15 Boys / 4 x 100
2012 Field Timetables
11.00 / U13 Girls / Long Jump / 11.00 / U13 Girls / High Jump
11.00 / U13 Boys / High Jump / 11.00 / U13 Boys / Long Jump
11.15 / U15 Boys / Shot Put / 11.15 / U15 Girls / Shot Put
12.00 / U13 Boys / Hammer / 12.00 / U13 Girls / Hammer
12.00 / U15 Girls / Hammer / 12.00 / U15 Boys / Hammer
13.00 / U13 Girls / Shot Put / 13.00 / U13 Girls / Discus
13.00 / U15 Boys / Long Jump / 13.00 / U15 Boys / Discus
13.10 / U15 Girls / Discus / 13.30 / U15 Girls / Long Jump
13.10 / U13 Boys / Discus / 13.30 / U13 Boys / Shot Put
14.15 / U13 Girls / Javelin / 14.00 / U13 Boys / Javelin
14.15 / U15 Boys / Javelin / 14.00 / U15 Girls / Javelin
14.15 / U15 Girls / High Jump / 14.15 / U15 Boys / High Jump
15.15 / U13 Girls / High Jump / 15.15 / U13 Girls / Long Jump
15.15 / U13 Boys / Long Jump / 15.15 / U13 Boys / Discus
15.15 / U15 Girls / Shot Put / 15.15 / U15 Girls / High Jump
15.15 / U15 Boys / Discus / 15.15 / U15 Boys / Shot Put

KCAA – December 2011