Humboldt City Council Meeting Minutes

September 22nd, 2014 at 7:00 pm

The Humboldt City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 22, 2014 at Humboldt City Hall. Mayor Ritchy Griepp called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with the following members present for roll call: Theresa Muth, Allen Schmeichel and Adam Lund. Amanda Siemonsma was present for city personnel. Others present were Paul Clarke, Gabe Laber and John Brown from Stockwell Engineers, and Nance and Chris Addy from Addy Disposal.

On a motion by Schmeichel and a second by Lund, the September 8, 2014 meeting minutes were approved. Motion passed.

In short open discussion, gravel is needed on Ford & 5th Ave to fill in the side of the road.

On a motion by Muth and a second from Schmeichel, the council will purchase a new desktop workstation from Sundermeyer, LLC including setup and install. Sundermeyer was also hired by the council to update and maintain the city website. The motion passed.

The council requested Stockwell Engineers to quote a delineation cost for the Verizon Tower project. Stockwell Engineers will present to the board when available.

Chris and Nancy Addy were present to discuss their thoughts on the City wide garbage ordinance. After some discussion, the council decided not to enforce pass the City Wide garbage ordinance. The council is looking into the option of enforcing fines upon any resident found not having garbage service at their home. Proof of garbage service will need to be presented to the city office.

Paul Clarke was present to discuss with the council the adaption of the 2012 Building Codes. After some discussion, the board decided to skip the 2012 Codes and wait to adapt new codes until the new 2015 Codes are effective.

Gabe Laber and John Brown attended to present the council with information on the need to conduct a sewer study in the near future. After much discussion the council decided to move forward with a sewer project. On a motion by Griepp and a second from Schmeichel the council decided to get on the State Water Plan for a wastewater collection and treatment project. The motion passed. On a motion by Lund and a second from Griepp the council also decided to stay on the State Water plan for the replacement of Water Meters. The motion passed.

Department Reports:

Finance Officer: Siemonsma presented the late fees and disconnects to the board. The town ordinances are to be followed relating to the disconnections. Siemonsma will be off on October 10th and the office will be closed.

Ordinance #14-03, declaring the town board will establish city wide garbage service, died due to the lack of motion.

The second reading of Ordinance # 14-07, rezoning 208 South Roberts Street, was held. On a motion by Griepp and a second from Lund the ordinance was accepted. The motion passed.

The second reading of Budget Ordinance #14-01was held. On a motion by Lund and a second from Schmeichel the ordinance was accepted. The motion passed.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 14th due to Columbus Day on Monday, October 13th.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54pm on a motion by Griepp and a second from Muth.



Amanda Siemonsma

City Finance Officer