John 6:1-13
Text Verse: Verse 13, “ and filled 12 baskets with the fragments.....”
The attributes of God are unlimited. Even though He doesn’t go on a healing expedition that would close every hospital, medical clinic, and doctor’s office, doesn’t indicate His healing ability is limited to just a few.
Just because God hasn’t stepped into a sin wrecked society and completely atoned everyone, doesn’t indicate His atonement is limited.
It may seem God has changed His priority for saving sinners and forgiving their sins to allow a welfare oriented government control to become number one. However, that same thundering voice that thundered down to Moses, “I AM THAT I AM” is still speaking today.
I want to show you 3 areas in which we can still see a gathering of 12 baskets full or an over abundance of God’s grace.
Mercy is defined as ‘Not receiving what we deserve.”
Ezra 9:13 (KJV)
13 And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as this;
Every person deserves hell.
Man’s wickedness has no chance when compared to God’s holiness.
a)God’s mercy is longsuffering. II Peter 3:9.
b)God’s mercy is for everyone. Isa. 55:7.
i)The wicked.
ILLUSTRATION A young man was caught in a crime and had come before the judge in a hearing. The judge assured the young man he would receive justice, to which the young man replied, “I don’t want justice. I want mercy.”
ii)The unrighteous.
(1)God’s mercy vindicates the unrighteous.
c)God promises mercy.
i)The Cross of Calvary enables God’s mercy to act.
ii)There my burdened soul found liberty,At Calvary.”
God’s mercy is in over abundance.
a)God always provides for His faithful people.
i)To the faithful tither. II Cor. 9.8.
ii)To those who give to the cause of Christ. Phil. 4:19.
iii)To the righteous. Psalm 37:25.
b)He supplies every need.
Our physical needs.
(a)Anything other than these are luxuries.
“Every need He is supplying.
c)Provision after death.
John 14:2, “I go to prepare a place for you.”
(1)A prepared place.
(2)For a prepared people. Rev. 22:14.
ii)A heavenly city. Heb. 11:16.
(1)Built by God. II Cor. 5:1.
Salvation is for all.
a)Everyone can be saved.
i)Romans 10:13; “Whosoever.”
ii)John 3:16. “Whosoever”
b)Godwants everyone to be saved.
i)“That all should come to repentance.” I Peter 3:9.
ii)“I will draw all men unto me.”
c)Won’t you partake of this salvation today?