The name of this voluntary, non-profit organization shall be the Colorado Babe Ruth League, Inc., and it shall have perpetual existence.



The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an administrative framework to insure the proper management of the Babe Ruth League program within the State of Colorado, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Babe Ruth League, Inc., a New Jersey corporation, (hereafter referred to as NJC). In conjunction with such purpose, the objective of this organization is, through the medium of supervised, competitive baseball and softball programs, guided and governed by the Babe Ruth League, Inc., to implant in the youth of the Stateof Colorado ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and reverence, so that they will be finer, stronger and happier youth who will grow to be good, clean, healthy adults.



Colorado Babe Ruth League shall be affiliated with Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC, and shall be governed by and shall comply with the principles, rules and regulations enunciated and decreed by Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC.



The principal operations of the Colorado Babe Ruth League shall be within the State of Colorado, but may extend into such areas as provided by the Rules and Regulations of Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC.



Colorado Babe Ruth League shall have the following powers in addition to the powers expressly or implicitly conferred upon it by law:

A. To make and enforce rules and regulations to govern itself on a State basis, consistent

with and not contrary to any Rules and Regulations or policies promulgated by Babe Ruth

League, Inc., a NJC, or by the Regional echelons of said Babe Ruth League, Inc., to which

Colorado Babe Ruth League is subject.

B. To make and enforce rules and regulations governing District and or Area, and State

Tournaments as well as declaring eligibility of players, coaches, teams and leagues, consistent with and not contrary to any Rules and Regulations or policies promulgated by

Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC, or by the Regional echelons of said Babe Ruth Leagues, Inc.,

to which this state organization is subject.

C. To approve or disapprove financial fund raising endeavors or solicitation of

contributions by leagues operating within the boundaries set forth in Article IV of this

constitution,consistent with and not contrary to any Rules and Regulations or policies

promulgated by Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC or by the Regional echelons of said Babe Ruth

League, Inc., to which this state organization is subject.

D. Make and enforce rules and regulations governing dues and special assessments to be allocated to constitute State officials, Districts, and leagues within the State of Colorado so long as said dues and special assessments are not contrary to the Rules and Regulations and/or policies of Babe Ruth League, Inc., A NJC, and are approved in writing by Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC, prior to permanent establishment.

E. Approve or disapprove the geographical boundaries of constitute Districts and Leagues and

to create, abolish or consolidate such geographical boundaries as may be established now, or created here after, and not contrary to any Rules and Regulations or policies of Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC, nor without written approval by Babe Ruth league, Inc., prior to the permanent creation, abolishment, consolidation or realignment of said geographical boundaries.

F. Enter into whatever contracts, or hold and own property, as may be legally permissible under

theapplication and pertinent section of the laws of the State of Colorado and not contrary tothe Rules and Regulations or policies of Babe Ruth Leagues, Inc., a NJC, the parent organization. Any conveyance of the Corporation property shall be made to order by the signature of the Babe Ruth State Commissioner with attestation by the Secretary/Treasurer or the Cal Ripken State Commissioner or the Babe Ruth Softball State Commissioner.

G. Open and maintain a bank account for each division (i.e.-Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken

Baseball, Babe Ruth Softball, Bambino Buddy Ball) and maintain a financial account and

record of expenditures and submit the record to the Board of Commissioners at the Spring

and Fall meetings. Divisions may combine accounting where practical with approval by the




Membership in the Colorado Babe Ruth League shall be available to:

A. All Babe Ruth Leagues within the State of Colorado whose annual Charter Application has been presented to and approved by Babe Ruth League, Inc., a NJC, and who has satisfied the requirements of Article V, Section D. of this constitution and any and all other approved Rules and Regulations of this organization and of Babe Ruth League, Inc.

B. Those State officials elected or appointed as per Article VII and Article VIII of this




The officers of Colorado Babe Ruth League, Inc. shall be:

  1. STATE COMMISSIONERS. The State Commissioners, (Cal Ripken, Babe

RuthBaseball,Babe Ruth Softball, and Bambino Buddy Ball), shall be elected by the District Commissioners at the Fall Meeting of odd numbered years, for a two year term. The candidates for this office shall be active and eligible members of Colorado Babe Ruth League, Inc. or shall have had past experience as a national, regional, state, district orleague officer for Babe Ruth League, Inc.

  1. ASSISTANT STATE COMMISSIONERS. An Assistant State Commissioner may be appointed

for the 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16-18 in Baseball and 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 18U in

Softball by the State Commissioners of the respective divisions, as they deem necessary. One

individual may represent more than one age group.


1. SECRETARY. The State Commissioners shall have the authority to appoint, at their discretion, an individual to serve Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues at this position.

2. TREASURER. The State Commissioners shall have the authority to appoint, at their discretion, an individual to serve Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues at this position.

3. PUBLICITY DIRECTOR. The State Commissioners shall have the authority to appoint an editor for the INSIDE PITCH or any other publication for the good of Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues, Inc.

D. DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS. District Commissioners shall be elected every two years for a two-year term prior to the State Fall Meeting inodd numbered years,bythe leagues within

the boundaries of the respective districts. Each league in good standingwithin the district

shallhave one vote;each division (i.e.-Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken, Softball, and

Bambino Buddy Ball) is considered as a league. Oneindividualmay represent morethan

one league. Theleague charter determines therepresentative. Candidates may be nominated

by the leagueswithin the district or may be recommended for nomination by the State

Commissioners or the Board of Commissioners. Ifthere is only oneleaguein the district,

that league’s officersshall electa person as commissioner for their district. In the event a

district has no active leagues; a commissioner shall be elected by the Board of

Commissioners to fill the vacancy.

There shall be an odd number of districts, not to exceed seven (7).

No person shall serve as the District Commissioner for more than one district.

E. ASSISTANT DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS; District Commissioners may appoint a person

to this position to assist with district business and directing tournaments and to serve in the

absence of the District Commissioner.


  1. STATE COMMISSIONERS. If a State Commissioner resigns, dies, becomes unable or ineligible to fulfill the duties of the office, or is expelled by a 75% vote of the Board of Commissioners;A vacancy in this office shall be filled in the following manner:

A vacancy occurring prior to March 1 shall be filled by a special election. The State Commissioners still in office at the time of the vacancy shall notify the Board of Commissioners within ten days of the vacancy, accept nominations, and distribute ballots to the District Commissioners, and announce the results within 30 days.

A vacancy occurring after March 1 shall be filled by theAssistant State Commissioner with the longest tenure, of that division, for the remainder of the office term. They shall then appoint a qualified Assistant State Commissioner.

Ifthe tenure of the Assistant State Commissionersof that division are the same, the Assistant State Commissioner of the older age group will have the responsibility of the State Commissioner’s vacancy.

In the event all State Commissioner positions are vacant, the Assistant State Commissioner with the longest tenure with each respective division, shall notify the Board of Commissioners within 10 days of the vacancy, accept nominations, and distribute ballots to the District Commissioners, announcing the results within 30 days.

  1. DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS. If a District Commissioner resigns, dies, becomes unable or ineligible to fulfill the duties of the office, or is expelled by a 75% vote of the Board; A vacancy in this office shall be filled in the following manner: The State Commissioners shall notify the Board of Commissioners and the League Presidents of the district within 10 days of the vacancy, accept nominations, and distribute ballots to the League Presidents of the district, announcing the results within 30 days.

3. A vacancy of any other office shall be filled by an appointment made by the State

Commissioners. No appointment may exceed the term of the office vacated, but may be re-elected or re-appointed.


  1. Duties of the State Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to:

a)To plan and co-chair the Spring and Fall meetings and any special meetings as well as the monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.

b)To attend regional meetings

c)To find host leagues and place tournaments as needed and as directed by the Board of Commissioners.

d)To assign Tournament Commissioners to officiate District/Area, State and any Regional tournaments in the state for their respective division.

e)Assist tournament hosts with brackets, scheduling, and other tasks as needed

f)League/team recruitment and retention

g)Voting member of the Board of Commissioners.

h)To conduct the business of the Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues as directed by the Board of Commissioners and Babe Ruth League, Inc.

i)To oversee the unique functions and finances of their respective division.

j)Assist League Presidents and District Commissioners with local matters

k)Final authority on all state matters

l)Any and all other duties as directed by Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues and Babe Ruth League, Inc.

  1. Duties of the Assistant State Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to:

a)To assist the State Commissioner of their division.

b)Membership on the Executive Committee.

c)To attend the Spring and Fall meetings and any special meeting of Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues.

d)Voting member of the Board of Commissioners.

e)League/team recruitment and retention

f)Serve as Tournament Commissioner when requested by the State Commissioners.

g)Any and all other duties as directed by Colorado Babe Ruth Leagues and Babe Ruth League, Inc.

  1. Duties of the District Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to:

a)To elect the State Commissioner of each division.

b)To be the direct representative of the State Commissioners and Babe Ruth League, Inc. in relation to administration of the leagues within their district and to enforce all rules, regulations and directives as issued by the State Commissioners and Babe Ruth League, Inc.

c)To represent to the Board of Commissioners, issues and concerns of the leagues within their district.

d)Assist League Presidents with local matters.

e)League/team recruitment and retention

f)Serve as Tournament Commissioner when requested by the State Commissioners.

g)To attend the Spring and Fall meetings and any special meeting of Colorado Babe Ruth League.

h)Voting member of the Board of Commissioners.

i)Any and all other duties as directed by Colorado Babe Ruth League and Babe Ruth League, Inc.

  1. Duties of the Assistant District Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to:

a)To assist the District Commissioner in matters relating to the leagues in their district.

b)Assist with directing tournaments.

c)League/team recruitment and retention.

d)Any and all other duties as directed by Colorado Babe Ruth League and Babe Ruth League, Inc.


The Board of Commissioners of Colorado Babe Ruth League, Inc shall be:

1. State Commissioners

2. Assistant State Commissioners of each age group.

3. District Commissioners of the respective Districts defined by Colorado Babe Ruth League, Inc.

Duties of the Board of Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to:

  1. To attend all Spring and Fall meetings and any special meetings called.
  2. To conduct the business of Colorado Babe Ruth League.
  3. To determine, modify or adjust district boundaries as needed.
  4. To amend or modify these Bylaws when necessary.
  5. To uphold the rules and values of Colorado Babe Ruth League and Babe Ruth League, Inc.
  6. To develop and improve the Colorado Babe Ruth League
  7. Any and all other duties as directed by Colorado Babe Ruth League and Babe Ruth League, Inc.



The State Commissioners may appoint committees as they deem necessary.


  1. Shall be comprised of the State Commissioners and Assistant State Commissioners for all divisions.
  2. The committee shall meet monthly by conference call to discuss issues and concerns of the state’s leagues and to develop ideas and methods to improve the program. District Commissioners and League Presidents may be invited to participate in the discussions. Proposals from this committee may be presented to the Board of Commissioners at either the Spring or Fall meetings for action. These meetings do not constitute a quorum of the Board of Commissioners.
  3. Hall of Fame. Nominations shall be requested from the membership of Colorado Babe Ruth League prior to April 1of even numbered years. In even numbered years, prior to May 1, the committee shall elect up to three inductees into the Hall of Fame. The list of nominees and the ballot counts shall be distributed to the Board of Commissioners within 14 days of the vote. The discussion and vote require a quorum of the Committee, but may be conducted by meeting, conference call or email.



A. The Annual Meeting of Colorado Babe Ruth League shall be held each year during the month of September, at which time the bi-annual election of the State Commissioners shall be held in each odd numbered year by the District Commissioners.

B. The Annual Meeting shall also be held to transact such other business as shall need attention at that time. Each member of the Board of Commissioners shall have one vote in all matters before the Board.

C. The Spring and/or Special meetings shall be held at the call of the State Commissioners or by a majority of the Board of Commissioners at a site, date, and time selected by the State Commissioners or by the Board, provided that notice in writing of the time, date and items to be considered shall be sent to the entire membership of the Board of Commissioners by certified mail, and/or electronic mail, not less than fifteen (15) days before said meeting is scheduled.

D. A Quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board of Commissioners of this organization present in order to transact business. Vacant positions are not to be considered in the determination of a quorum.



This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended, supplemented or modified by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Commissioners,at a properly called meeting of this organization, provided that such amendments, supplements or modifications shall have been presented in writing and sent by certified mail and/or electronic mail, to the Board of Commissioners of this organization not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed change is to be considered.



All meeting and procedures will be governed by the Revised Roberts Rules of Order. The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows:

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Reading and approval of the Minutes of previous meeting

D. Financial Reports

E. Reports of Committees

F. Old Business

G. New Business

H. Remarks for the good of the program, Matters of new business may be conducted hereunder, as a result of these remarks.

I. Adjournment

Amended 1988

Amended 2004

Amended 2013

Revised 2016

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Adopted 02/28/2016