Career and College Readiness Council
Health Services Academy
Wednesday March 5, 2014
7:45-8:45 a.m.
Cindy Baumgardner, RHSChris Magee, RPS
Becky Costello, Rasmussen CollegeMark Hunter, Winnebago County Health Dept
David Carson, RPSPatty Linden, RVC
Gina Caronna, RPSLois Lundgrun, RVC
Theresa Thompson, OSFEllen Storm, RVC Nursing
Linda Auman, RVC High School ConnectionsTom Pratt, SAHS
Tyler Fagan, RPSJeff Swanberg, Rockford Career College
Scott Veil, RPSBeverly Long, RHS
Linda Mullen OSF St Anthony Med CenterJennifer Prentice, OSF
Toni Thompson, SAHSMarilyn Wetzel, SAHS
Lucy Rivas, OSF
Kathy Olson, Crusader Clinic
Laura Jernigan, RPS
Donnette Nailor, ROE
Carrie Young, OSF
Steven Siconolfi, Rockford University
Sheila Schmitt, Scribe RPS
- Call to order: 7:45a.m.
- Update from AST& Roster Review and Discussion
This council has representation on all ASTs.
All schools will have three pathways for Health Services
Health and Medical Science
Fitness Wellness
Health Care Associates (includes Technicians and Business)
Looked at the balance of Health Service Associates for each site. East could use a few more people.
Various ideas of people or areas that could be involved.
RPS is adding two courses for next year
One of which is Health Care Technology Communications. There is a meeting for teachers on March 17 and then they will be previewing a text book on April 3. HSC is welcome to come on April 3 to preview the text book along with guidance on projects, outcome, resources, etc. This meeting is at the RPS Admin Building from 8:30 to 11:30 in the Lower Level. Proposed idea of this class is Medical Billing/Coding, Record, Technology, Excel Databases for Health Care Associates.
The second class is Exercise Science. It is a 3 year course progression
There are different text book options. There will be Professional Development for this course. The goal is that teachers should be certified as personal trainers. District is looking at students being ready for NSCA and CPT trainer exams and heading them toward a Bachelors Degree. HS Council input is welcome.
- Pathway outcome document review and plan for continued development.
The pathway forms are available on Google Docs for any input you may have.
These ideas on these forms are initiated by the Council, then they will be discussed and added to by the ASTs, they will share with the teachers for implementation.
Toni had posters and tickets for the Fashion Show sponsored by Physicians Wives. They are $20.00 per ticket for show and dinner. It was suggested that we sponsor students to attend. Send donations to Gina Caronna at RPS and she will get tickets to students based on teacher recommendations
- Update regarding unite, summer site visits, and Academy Expo
Summer Site Visits are July 31 and August 7
They will be one site visit per team (possible 2 depending on number a site can host)
The site visit will be in the morning
Afternoon will be community members working with the team as to how to make positive experiences for the students.
- Academy Expo and Health Science Career Fair – both or one?
Expo is Sept 16
Health Career Fair – April 11
Hold both or combine? Health Career Fair reaches more than RPS students.
Discuss further at April meeting.
- Discussion of community organizations and their relation to the RPS HS CCRC.
Discuss at next meeting
- Other
- Meeting Calendar
HS CouncilMeeting– 7:45am – Rasmussen College – 3rd floor
April 2
May 7
June 4
Adjourn – 9:50a.m.