April 15, 2014

Also Present: Representative Clark, Board Chair; Representative Koutnik


Consultant Hans Arnold, Gerhardt LLC, reviewed the tip fee as it was structured in the RFP for solid waste transportation and disposal. He recommends setting the fee as close as possible to the open market cost. Representative Rowinski suggested that the established fee be constant for the full term of the 5-year contract with the operator at the Northern and Southern Transfer Stations. Representative Powers moved for approval to amend Resolution No. 169-20140402 to set the tip fee for the remainder of 2014 (May 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and following MOSA dissolution) for Municipal Solid Waste and Construction/Demolition at $57 per ton. Seconded, Lentz. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Representative Powers moved for approval to further amend Resolution No. 169-20140402 to correct the hours of operation at the Northern Transfer Station to be 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon on Monday, Wednesday, Friday (instead of 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.). Seconded, Lentz. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Ellen Coccoma gave updates as follows:

The Home Rule request to NY State for the dissolution of MOSA was signed by Governor Cuomo on April 11, 2014.

The Memorandum of Understanding for management and maintenance of the closed landfills is complete. An April 24th meeting of the three counties is scheduled to finalize the document.

The Casella contract for operation of the Northern and Southern Transfer Stations is being sent to them today for signature.

There will be a meeting on April 25th at MOSA to complete the process and sign documents for MOSA dissolution as of April 30th. Transfer of funds should take place shortly thereafter. Funds will be set aside for MOSA to settle left over matters, which they anticipate will take 60 days.

Northern Transfer Station will be transferred to the three counties with lease back to Otsego.


Scott Fickbohm gave updates as follows:

Ag & Farmland Protection Plan: A survey has been sent out to 1,300 Otsego County farms in an effort to give them a voice in the process. Survey data and Ag census data will be used in the updated plan. Agriculture Economic Development will also be a component of the plan. Public forums will be held later this year.

Chesapeake Bay program: As a headwater state, New York is on track with implementation of the model. It is anticipated NY will sign the voluntary agreement this year.

Clean Water Act: A new rule has been proposed concerning how the Army Corp of Engineers interprets the CWA relating to agriculture activities, in that best management practices would be exempt from Army Corp review.


GAT: actual deliveries for March are below by 1,560 tons. The three county deliveries are below by 4,601 tons.

Recycling: 298 tons were recycled in March at $65.52 per ton, including employee costs.

Karen Sullivan requested approval to contract with 5R Processing for the collection of electronics at the Northern and Southern transfer stations. This would be a continuation of what currently takes place through MOSA. There is no cost to the county. Representative Lentz moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan requested approval for Otsego Auto Crushers to place a container at the NTS and the STS for collection of metals beginning May 1, 2014. Auto Crushers will service the containers. Revenue to the county at the rate at the time of collection will be shared with Casella at 50%. The current metal rate is $150 per ton. Representative Lentz moved for approval. Seconded, Powers. Total: 4; Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Karen Sullivan stated that the total due to Gerhardt at the end of March is $6,000 for agreed upon services.

Representative Rowinski stated that she was contacted by an Oneonta resident requesting to use coupons from an old coupon book that was purchased years ago from the city for trash disposal. MOSA had credited this individual previously for his remaining coupons. The committee agreed that coupons from prior years will not be honored.

Discussion of a sustainability plan for Otsego County will be next month.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 9:15 a.m. at the Meadows Office Complex.