Colonial Advertisement Project
The time is 1735 and you are in London England. A population explosion in England has left little available space throughout the country. The people are running the risk of starving because they are unable to grow and import enough food. There is plenty of room in the 13 American colonies, but with little information available, people are hesitant to move there. The King has asked YOU to create an advertisement of some sort about your colony, in hopes of attracting more people to move there. You may choose whatever format you would like- PowerPoint, magazine or newspaper advertisement, or poster.
Must include this information on the ad:
Ø 3 Good reasons why someone should move to your colony
Ø Location (what colonial group, physical geography and climate, landscape, map, etc.)
Ø Economic Opportunities (industry, natural resources, raw materials, farming, etc.)
Ø Religion (required religion, various religions, religious freedom and toleration, etc.)
Ø Life in General (what is daily life like, education, types of people, fun facts, etc.)
Ø Bonus - History (how was it founded, when founded, founded by whom, why founded, famous people, events, or documents etc.)
*Must include at least 1 visual representation from each category above
*You may use the computer or hand draw your advertisement
POSTER – Use Word or Publisher
Design a poster encouraging immigration to your colony. The poster must be titled, have a slogan/logo, have illustrations (clip art, pictures, drawings), and include information from your worksheet (typed or written neatly).Make your poster colorful and informative. You will be graded on accuracy, following directions, and creative neatness.
PowerPoint presentation advertising your colony.
Create a minimum of 4 PowerPoint slides for your assigned colony.The slides should include information from your Research Chart.You may organize the slides according to the location/geography, economic opportunities, religion, and life in general of the colony.You should also create a slogan for your campaign. The focus of the presentation, though, should be on the completeness and accuracy of your research.
Colonial Advertisement Rubric
The ad has a great, eye catching slogan
0 1 3 4 5
The ad contains 3 good reasons telling why people should move to my colony
0 1 3 4 5
The ad has a map of my colonial region.
0 1 3 4 5
The ad describes which colonial group, physical geography and climate, and landscape of my colony.
0 1 3 4 5
The ad discusses the economy and tells what type of occupations is available for the colonists.
0 1 3 4 5
The ad contains at least 4 visuals.
0 1 3 4 5
The ad is creative, unique, colorful, and neat in appearance.
0 1 3 4 5
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