1. League will be comprised of 4 member teams and supersubs.
  2. A random drawing forms golf league teams. Teams are comprised of one person from each of four flights (A, B, C, and D). The teams will be redrawn after the first half. If a regular member fails to play enough rounds in a half, he may be placed in the substitute pool for the subsequent half.
  3. The Executive Committee will make flight assignments based on past season’s handicaps.
  4. Spouses, sons or daughters of employees may participate in the league as regulars or substitutes. Current and retired employees of Toro will have preference over spouses, sons, or daughters of employees for selection as a regular. Former employees (who are not retirees) and business associates are not eligible according to Employee Club policies.
  5. All participants (regulars and substitutes) must sign a Recreational Activity Waiver.
  6. The league will play foursomes on Wednesday evenings at Hiawatha Golf Course.
  7. The season will be split in half, eight (8) weeks to the each half, with the eighth week serving as a position round. (Position round puts first team against second, third team against fourth, and so on.)
  8. A substitute coordinator (Andrew Berglund) will assign substitutes upon receiving an email from the person needing a substitute. A request for a substitute must be received by 10AMMonday of the week you will miss league play, or else re-imbursement and the guaranteed sub status will be forfeited.
  9. Substitutes will be assigned on a first come basis, but an attempt will be made to match the sub’s handicap to the opposing player.
  10. Substitutes are required to pay $15.00 to a league officer on the night of play or the league Treasurer (Andrew Lien, preferred) by 3PM the Monday following league play.
  11. Golfers with no known handicap will have their handicaps calculated after their first round of play.
  12. League fees shall be paid in full prior to the start of each half. The fees are non-refundable once season play has begun. You will be allowed two reimbursements per half (paid at the end of the season) if you cannot play a particular week(s). You may still sub-out subsequent weeks with proper notification, but you will forfeit the money. No shows or late notification will not be reimbursed.
  13. No individual makeup matches will be allowed.
  14. The league officers will be the Rules Committee. The purpose of the Rules Committee shall be twofold:
  15. to recommend changes, modifications, additions or deletions to the Toro Golf League Playing Rules, and
  16. to render opinions and final interpretation of Toro Golf League Playing Rules and the USGA Rules of Golf as those rules are applied during league play.

The 2013league officersare: President (Mark Fallon), Vice President (Chuck Jacobucci), Secretary (Andrew Berglund), Treasurer (Andrew Lien), and Substitute Coordinator (Andrew Berglund).


  1. Except for the following rules listed here, all play with be governed byUSGA "Medal Play" rules of golf.
  2. All rulings to be decided by the Executive Committee.
  3. Lost ball - two (2) minutes looking time.
  4. Lifting a ball from or losing a ball in a water hazard is a one stroke penalty.
  5. Gimmies" allowed!With the intention of speeding up play and to be more in-line with true match-play rules, “Gimmies” will be allowed. (A) A “Gimmie” could be granted by your opponent if your ball rests within the exposed metal shaft (excluding the grip) of a standard putter (approximately 21”) from the cup. (B) “Gimmies” are not automatic and must be given by your opponent.
  6. On par 3 holes, the group on the green will putt out and not wave the next foursome to the tee.
  7. A ball lost in the fairway, and possibly picked up by another player, may be replaced where presumed lost, with no penalty, if your opponent is in agreement.
  8. Men will play from the white tees. Women must declare the use of either the red or white tees one week before the start of each half of league play and must stay with that tee selection for the duration of that half.
  9. Matches will be played under winter rules. Improve your lie in your own fairway only, using the club head. Ball cannot be moved closer to the hole, and cannot be moved in the rough or a hazard under any condition unless an unplayable lie under the USGA rules of golf is declared by the player, for which there will be a one (1) stoke penalty. Any ball not in the fairway of the hole that you are currently playing is to be considered in the rough and may not be moved without a penalty being assessed.
  10. In the past there has been some confusion about our league's rule for playing a lost ball and the penalty. Listed are the only two (2) options a league member has when faced with a lost ball situation:

A. Provisional Ball - If after hitting a shot you think there is a chance that you won't find it, hit a provisional ball from where you hit the original ball. If after a 2-minute search, your original ball cannot be found, the provisional ball is to be played with a 2-stroke penalty (one shot being the original shot and one being a penalty shot) assessed. For example: Your drive is hit into the rough/trees. Realizing it may be difficult to find, you play a provisional ball. If after a 2-minute search the original ball can't be found, the provisional ball is to be played. You are lying 3 and hitting your 4th shot.
B. No Provisional Ball - If you choose not to play a provisional ball you have the following two options.

  • Drop a ball within 2 club lengths, no nearer the hole, of where the ball entered the rough/trees
  • Dropa ball anywhere along the original trajectory between the point of rough/trees entry and the tee.

Both #10 B options add a 1 stroke penalty. (You will be lying 2 and hitting 3.)
Note: We are deviating from the USGA rule by eliminating the option of returning to the tee to hit another shot. We feel this is just too time consuming for a crowded league situation. Option A (hitting a provisional ball) is in full compliance to the USGA rules and is the recommended option.

  1. ALL water hazards are considered lateral with a one stroke penalty for a lost ball, and the following three options for your next stroke:
  2. Play the next stroke from where the original ball was last played, or
  3. Drop a ball outside the water hazard, no nearer the hole, within two club-lengths of the point where the ball crossed the margin of the water hazard, or
  4. Drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point where it crossed the margin of the hazard directly between you and the hole. There is no limit to how far behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped.

For example:

  1. Tee shot is hit in hazard
  2. Next shot will be your 3rd stroke and may be played from:
  3. Original point
  4. Entry point of hazard (within two club-lengths)
  5. Anywhere on line back from point of entry


  1. Handicap is patterned after the USGA handicap system and will be determined as follows:

a.Score of round played (after ESC has been applied) minus the course rating x .96.

b.Handicaps will be averaged using the best five (5) of the last ten (10) rounds played. The handicap will be determined based upon the nine which you are scheduled to play.

c.Until ten (10) rounds have been completed, the golfer's first score will be weighted at 85%.

  1. Scoring will be match play, two points per hole won one point for holes tied and zero for holes lost.
  2. Holes not played because of darkness or weather will be split with one point going to each player.
  3. Two points will be awarded to low net player of each match. One point is awarded to each player for a tie. Handicaps, as stated on scorecard, will be used to determine the low net of the match.
  4. Members of opposing teams must play the player in his same flight.
  5. A single team can win maximum of 80 total points in one week.
  6. If a player is not facing an opponent (either because a player did not show up or the league Substitute Coordinator could not fill the open slot) points are earned in the following fashion:
  7. The present golfer will play a ‘ghost’ of the absent player.
  8. The ‘ghost’ will adopt a handicap of 6.
  9. The ‘ghost’ will shoot bogey on each hole.
  10. The match will be scored and points will be awarded as if both players were present and it was a normal match.
  11. Foursomes will be scheduled to an exact tee time and order.
  12. A player starting a round, but failing to complete, due to illness or injury, shall be credited with those points earned on the holes played. The remaining holes will treated as ties with each player getting one point. The points for low net for the match will not be awarded.
  13. On occasions of questionable weather due to lightning, the player is the sole judge of whether they are to play. If the league decides to play and the player who is at the course believes the weather conditions are too threatening to play, the match is scored as a guaranteed substitute. If the weather conditions improve and the player re-joins the match, holes missed are treated as ties. The remaining holes are played as a normal match with no low net points awarded. If the player leaves the course, it is treated as a not guaranteed substitute.
  14. The Executive Committee will determine which team is entitled to points won in case of incomplete rounds.
  15. A representative from each foursome is responsible for completing, signing, and turning in scorecards. The representative will calculatenet score, using equitable stroke control, and the points won by each player, although the official point tally will be computed by league software. All score and point “protests” must be filed with a league officer within 1 week of play. Score cards and prize flags shall be turned in to the league secretary, Greg Hollahan, or another league officer at the clubhouse following completion of the round.
  16. Maximum allowable handicap will be thirty (30) strokes.
  17. In case of rain, a decision, in consultation with the golf course, will be made prior to the start of play. The Executive Committee will attempt to notify players before the end of the workday of any cancellations. Please check the league website to leaving for the course in situations of threatening weather.
  18. Use of Equitable Stroke Control:

Nine Hole Course Handicap / Maximum Score on Any Hole
4 or less / 6
5 through 9 / 7
10 through 14 / 8
15 through 19 / 9
20 through 24 / 10
25 and above / 11



  1. Have a game plan for how you want to play the course.
  2. Carry at least a few spare balls.
  3. Limit your practice swings to two or fewer.
  4. Decide what club you will need to use before you get to the ball.
  5. Be thinking about your next shot, about where to place your bag or pull cart, or where to park your golf cart.
  6. Be prepared to play when it's your turn - select your club, line up your shot or study your putt, make your practice swings while others are playing. When it's your turn, address the ball and hit it.
  7. Walk briskly - you will get more exercise!
  8. Don't stop with playing partners while they hit - go on to your own ball, if you are not in danger of getting hit.
  9. Watch where you hit your own ball, so it can be found quickly. If in doubt, hit a provisional.
  10. Be realistic when waiting to hit to a green or off the tee.
  11. Learn how far you can hit the ball with each club.
  12. Watch the actions of other putts to learn about speed and break on the greens.
  13. Repair ball marks and divots while waiting for other players, not while it's your turn.
  14. Mark your scores as you walk to the next tee - not on the green you just played.
  15. Be conscious of the lost ball rule in looking for a lost ball. Others should be hitting while a player hunts for a lost ball.
  16. Learn the rules of golf. (Both local and USGA.)


  1. Forget honors - first person off green and on the tee, hit it.
  2. Play when ready in the fairway.
  3. Putt when ready - don't wait for outside player if they are not ready.
  4. If two are riding, player first to hit should make his club selection, then take two more clubs - one longer and one shorter. While he's preparing to hit, the other player rides to his ball. Don't wait for each other.
  5. Park cart on direction line for green to the next tee.
  6. At the green, the driver should bring the other player's putter, if theydon’t already have it.
  7. When driving from hole to hole, notice the flag stick placement on other greens you will be playing later on.
  8. Read directional signs and other notices that will help you with club selection, where to go next, etc. Most score cards give additional information about the course, and local rules to help speed up play.