
This variable reflects the mergingof month, year, department and municipality. Data structure is as follows: mm_yyyy_dd_mmm.

ID Nuevo

Unique numerical identifier of each one of the events registered. Ids go from 1 to10451. Numeration is not consecutive since some events had to be unified; the empty ID numbers were erased.


Year. Its value goes from 19802to 2000.


Month. Numeration goes from 1 0 to 12.


Day. Its numbers go from 1 to 31.


This variable is built from year, month and day, in which the entire event date is registered.

Quarterly - Quarter

Variable built from year and month, and represents the trimester of the year in which the event took place.

Monthly - Month

This variable is built from the variables year and month, and contains the month and the year in which the event occurred.

Place – Geographic Reference[1]

This code determines the geographical location of the event. It is constructed from the union of the variables Country, Department, Province, Districts,Province and PopulateCenter. The first two positions are country; positions 3 and 4 are department, with 00 meaning no information; positions 5 and 6 are province, with 00 meaning no information; positions 6 to 8 are districts, with 000 meaning no information; and the last five positions are populated center, with 99999 meaning no information.


Latitude givenin geographic coordinates. Zero (0) means there isn’t any information about coordinates.


Longitude givenin geographic coordinates. Zero (0) means there isn’t any information about coordinates.

Country - Country

Represents the country where the event occurred. It takes the following values: CO for Colombia; EC for Ecuador; BO for Bolivia; CH for Chile; and BR for Brazil.

Department - Department

This variable is composed by a two digit code that represents the departmental code assigned by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics Department of Statistics, INEI.

Province - Province

This variable is composed by a four digit code, the fisrt two digits correspond to the department, INEI’s province code, and refers to the province in which the event took place.

Districts - Districts

This variable is composed by a three six digit code the first four represent the province code, that represents the district code assigned by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, INEI.

Province - Province

This variable is composed by a two digit code, INEI’s province code, and refers to the province in which the event took place.

Complex D – Complex Event Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was a clash and an attack. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Cl no At – Clash no Attack Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was a clash, but there were no attacks. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

At no Cl – Attack no Clash Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was an attack but there were no clashes. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 on the contrary.

Gue D – Guerrilla Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was guerrilla participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Par D – Paramilitaries Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was paramilitary participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Gov D – Government Forces Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was government forces participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CBM D – Community based militias Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was organized civilians militias participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Incluir grupos organizados de civiles

FARC PCP-SL D – FARC “Peruvian Communist Party - Sendero Luminoso” Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was “Peruvian Communist Party - Sendero Luminoso”Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces, FARC, PCP-SL, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

PCP-BR D – “Peruvian Communist Party – Bandera Roja” Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was “Peruvian Communist Party – Bandera Roja”, PCP-BR, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

ELN D – ELN Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was National Liberation Army, ELN, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

EPL MRTA D – EPL “Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru – MRTA-“ Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was “Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru”, MRTALiberation Popular Army, EPL, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

ERP D – ERP Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was Popular Revolutionary Army, ERP, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CGSB D – CGSB Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was participation of “Coordinadora Guerrillera Simón Bolívar”, CGSB. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

OTHGUE D – Other Guerrilla Groups Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was other guerrilla groups’ participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CAD D – “Autodefense Committee” Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was “Autodefense Committee”, CAD, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

RCAMP D – “Rondas Campesinas” Participation Dummy

Dummy variable indicating that in an event there was “Rondas Campesinas”, RCAMP, participation. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.


This variable shows the order of the attacks and clashes in the events. The variable is a categorical dummy that take value of 0 if there is only an attack or a clash but not both. Ittakes the value of 1 if the attack preceded the clash; 2 when the clash preceded the attack and 3 when there is no information.

Initiative 1

This variable indicates the code of the first group that takes the initiative inan attack or a clash. This variable takes values from 1 to 13.

Initiative 2

This variable indicates the code of the second group that takes the initiative inan attack or a clash. This variable takes values from 1 to 13.

Initiative 3

This variable indicates the code of the third group that takes the initiative inan attack or a clash. This variable takes values from 1 to 13.

IniGov– Government Initiative

This variable is an aggregate dummy thattakes into the value of Initiative 1, Initiative2, Initiative3, variables in order to identify whether the groups involved belong to the government’s forces. This variable takes the value of 1 if any of the three initiatives was 1, 2 or 1220.

IniGue– Guerrilla Initiative

This variable is an aggregate dummy that takes into the value of Initiative 1, Initiative2, Initiative3, variables in order to identify whether the groups involved guerrillas. This variable takes the value of 1 if any of the three initiatives was 15, 16, 17 and 184, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 an 13.

IniPar– Paramilitary Initiative

This variable is an aggregate dummy that takes into the value of Initiative 1, Initiative2, Initiative3, variables in order to identify whether the groups involved belong to the AUC. This variable takes the value of 1 if any of the three initiatives was 3, 10 and 19.

CL 1 – Clash with Military Forces Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of military forces that include the Peruvian army and war navy. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 2 – Clash with Police Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of police, however National Police in Peru include several groups named for example: Peruvian Investigations Police – PIP -; Direction against Terrorism – DIRCOTE-; Civil Guard or “Sinchis” and Republican Guard or “Llapan Atic”. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 3 3 – Clash with “Autodefense Committee – CAD-” Paramilitary Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of Autodefense Committee – CAD-” paramilitary groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 10 – Clash with “Rondas Campesinas” (Paramilitary Group) Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of the “Rondas Campesinas” which are a civilian group organized like a local private police (paramilitary group). This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 125 – Clash with Sendero Luminoso PCP-SL (Partido Comunista del Perú – Sendero Luminoso) (Guerrillas) Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of the Communist Party - Sendero Luminoso. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 16 – Clash with bandera Roja PCP-BR (Partido Comunista del Perú – Bandera Roja) (Guerrillas) Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of the Communist Party - Bandera Roja. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 17 – Clash with Tupac Amaru MRTA (Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru) (Guerrillas) Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of the Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 7 – Clash with ERP Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of ERP. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 18 8 – Clash with Other non Identified Guerrilla Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of other non identified guerrilla groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 19 – Clash with Other non Identified Paramilitary Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of other non identified paramilitary groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 20 – Clash with Other non Identified State Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of other non identified state groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 9 – Clash with Other Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of other groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 1021 – Clash with non Identified Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of non identified groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 22 – Clash with Other Groups Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of other groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL 23 – Clash with Community based Militias Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of community based militias. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Cl D – Clash Dummy

Dummy variable indicating there was or not a clash in the event, independently from the existence or not of an attack. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL Gue – Clash with Some Guerrilla Group Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of some guerrilla group. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL Par – Clash with Paramilitaries Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of paramilitary groups. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CL Gov – Clash with Some Government Group Participation

Dummy variable indicating that in the event of a clash, there was the participation of some government group. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGovGue – Clash Between Government and Guerrilla Groups

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some Government and guerrilla groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGovPar – Clash Between Government and Paramilitary Groups

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some Government and paramilitary groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGuePar – Clash Between Guerrilla and Paramilitary Groups

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some Guerrilla and paramilitary groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGovELN – Clash Between Government and ELN

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some government group and ELN in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLParELN – Clash Between Paramilitary Groups and ELN

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between Paramilitary Groups and ELN in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGovFAR – Clash Between Government and FARC

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some government group and guerrilla groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLParFAR – Clash Between Paramilitary Groups and FARC

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some paramilitary groups and guerrilla groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

CLGovGuePar – Clash Between Government and Paramilitary and Guerrilla Groups

Dummy variable indicating that there was a clash between some government, guerrilla and paramilitary groups in the event. This variable takes the value of 1 in the affirmative case and 0 otherwise.

Group 1 1 – First Attacking Group in the First Unilateral Action

Variable that shows the first group involved in the first attack of the event, if it is the case. It takes the following values: 1, armed forces; 2, police; 3, “Comando Chavín”; 4, “Comando Manuel Santana Chiri”; 5, “Comando Manuel Cipriano”; 6, “Águelas Peruanas”; 7, “Pelotón Punitivo Peruano”; 8, “Comando Rodrigo Franco”; 9, Rondas Campesinas”; 10, “Comando haya Vive”; 11, “Apristas” or Civilians Affiliated to the APRA party; 12, “Linces”; 13, “Peruvian Communist Party- Sendero Luminoso; 14, Peruvian Communist party – bandera Roja; 15, Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru; 16, Other non identified guerrillas groups; 17, Other non identified paramilitary groups; 18, Other non identified state groups; 19, non identified groups; 20, Others; 21, Community based Militias; 0, when there is no attack.. paramilitary; 4, ELN; 5, FARC; 6, EPL; 7, ERP; 8, Other Guerrilla; 9, Other; 10, non-Identified; 11, CGSB; 12, DAS; 13, M19; 0, when there is no attack.

Group 1 2 – Second Attacking Group in the First Unilateral Action

Variable that shows the second group involved in the first attack of the event, if it is the case. It takes the following values: 1, armed forces; 2, police; 3, “Comando Chavín”; 4, “Comando Manuel Santana Chiri”; 5, “Comando Manuel Cipriano”; 6, “Águelas Peruanas”; 7, “Pelotón Punitivo Peruano”; 8, “Comando Rodrigo Franco”; 9, Rondas Campesinas”; 10, “Comando haya Vive”; 11, “Apristas” or Civilians Affiliated to the APRA party; 12, “Linces”; 13, “Peruvian Communist Party- Sendero Luminoso; 14, Peruvian Communist party – bandera Roja; 15, Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru; 16, Other non identified guerrillas groups; 17, Other non identified paramilitary groups; 18, Other non identified state groups; 19, non identified groups; 20, Others; 21, Community based Militias; 0, when there is no second attacking group..1, armed forces; 2, police; 3, paramilitary; 4, ELN; 5, FARC; 6, EPL; 7, ERP; 8, Other Guerrilla; 9, Other; 10, non-Identified; 11, CGSB; 12, DAS; 13, M19; 0, when there is no second attacking group.

Group 1 3 – Third Attacking Group in the First Unilateral Action

Variable that shows the third group involved in the first attack of the event, if it is the case. It takes the following values: 1, armed forces; 2, police; 3, “Comando Chavín”; 4, “Comando Manuel Santana Chiri”; 5, “Comando Manuel Cipriano”; 6, “Águelas Peruanas”; 7, “Pelotón Punitivo Peruano”; 8, “Comando Rodrigo Franco”; 9, Rondas Campesinas”; 10, “Comando haya Vive”; 11, “Apristas” or Civilians Affiliated to the APRA party; 12, “Linces”; 13, “Peruvian Communist Party- Sendero Luminoso; 14, Peruvian Communist party – bandera Roja; 15, Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru; 16, Other non identified guerrillas groups; 17, Other non identified paramilitary groups; 18, Other non identified state groups; 19, non identified groups; 20, Others; 21, Community based Militias; 0 when there is no third attacking group.

1, armed forces; 2, police; 3, paramilitary; 4, ELN; 5, FARC; 6, EPL; 7, ERP; 8, Other Guerrilla; 9, Other; 10, non-Identified; 11, CGSB; 12, DAS; 13, M19; 0, when there is no third attacking group.

Type of Att 1 – Type of the First Unilateral Attack

It contains information about the first unilateral attack that took place in the event. The values it takes are different from 0 according to the list of possible attacks, or 0 when there were no attacks in the event.

Method 1 – Method Used in the First Unilateral Attack

Here the method associated with the first attack is registered. It takes values different from 0 from the table of possible methods or 0 when there is no information about the method of the first attack in the event.