Attachment 3: Pricing Schedule (A&B)

Schedules A & B must be filled out in their entirety and cannot be altered or changed.

Pricing Schedule A – Total Fixed Price

Pricing Schedule A summarizes the price for all contractor activities during the base contract period, including all activities related to providing QA services described in this RFP. The Total Fixed Price on this schedule must equal the sum of all other pricing schedule totals The bidder should insert its name into the Bidder field of the form.

No more than 25% of the total contract value (the sum of fixed price and supplemental costs for years 1-6) may be assigned to the first contract year.Proposals in which the 1st year price exceeds 25% of the total contract value will be disqualified.

Pricing Schedule B – Supplemental Staff Price

In Pricing Schedules B, bidders should submit the fixed hourly rate for each labor category identified and calculate the total annual price for each labor category and the total for each contract year. Activities related to the specific deliverables outlined in this RFP are not supplemental, and should be included in the Total Fixed Price. The selected contractor must have capacity to support supplemental hours provided per contract year but will only bill NYS for actual hours used at the direction of NYS and based upon a specific project request. Annual hours by category are for evaluation purposes; actual hours by category may vary. The balance of unused enhancement funding shall be rolled into the following contract year. The total annual price, plus any amount rolled forward from previous years, cannot be exceeded in any one year.

The hourly rate must be a fully loaded rate and include all personnel, overhead, indirect, travel, profit, equipment usage, and other miscellaneous costs. The contractor will be paid at the hourly rates proposed for time each individual is used on identified and approved Department projects. Time spent by these individuals for such activities as training or administrative time is to be included in the fixed cost and will not be paid separately.

Total Price:
Pricing Schedule A
Pricing Element / Contract Year 1 / Contract Year 2 / Contract Year 3 / Contract Year 4 / Contract Year 5 / Contract Year 6 / Total
1. Fixed Cost / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
2. Supplemental Staff (Schedule B) / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
Total Price / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
The fixed price is an all-inclusive price for the MMIS QA as defined herein. The contractor will not be reimbursed for any additional costs except for supplemental staff that the Department may require as additional requirements become known and additional funding becomes available. These staff will be based on the hourly rate in Pricing Schedule B.
Proposals in which the 1st year price exceeds 25% of the total contract value will be disqualified.

Attachment 3: Pricing Schedule A

Attachment 3: Pricing Schedule B

Supplemental Staff Price
Pricing Schedule B
Contract Year 1
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 7,500 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 7,500 / $ -
15,000 / $ -
Contract Year 2
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 7,500 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 7,500 / $ -
15,000 / $ -
Contract Year 3
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 5,000 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 5,000 / $ -
10,000 / $ -
Contract Year 4
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 2,500 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 2,500 / $ -
5,000 / $ -
Contract Year 5
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 2,500 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 2,500 / $ -
5,000 / $ -
Contract Year 6
Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Annual Hours / Total Annual Price
Senior Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 5,000 / $ -
Quality Assurance Business Analyst / $ - / 5,000 / $ -
10,000 / $ -