Collins Executive Board Meeting

Sunday, March 29, 2009

7:00 PM

Present: Lisa Runion, Sarah Epplin, Nicole Beckage, Ronak Shah, Madeline Wolfe, Josh Nosie, Daniel Herman, Jamie Becker, John Gillard (is dressed up), CJ Lotz, Marianna Eble, Andrea Wolf, Mystery gal, Alex Lahmeyer, Ashley Carter, Aasiya Mirza, Sarah Fernandez

-Transition Meeting-

Meeting Starts at 7:02 PM

The Red Hot Ticket is here for an announcement: The ISUA election is Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

A lot of people from Collins is on the Red Hot Ticket. It is a great coalition ticket.

-$1,000,000 Transportation (there are state transportation $ that we can apply for, but the students are currently paying for the buses – we should apply for the money)

-Virtual Student Union (a place where students could interact together. You can join as a perspective member of groups. If you are interested in Arts, for example, you can say you would like to receive emails from certain organizations.)

-Tarlie is running as the Collin Executive for Red Hot, but Lisa is also running on another ticket, so you can vote for her as well.

  1. Reports

Aasiya: Chelsea is currently in J-Board. Aasiya, Jamie, Alex, and Sarah have been working on selecting positions. Unfortunately, there was an email mishap, so the people who have applied for the positions did not get the email. By Monday evening, the new board will be chosen.

Sarah Fernandez: I wanted to applaud all of you because so many people applied for the new board. The fact that there are so many people who applied means that we’ve done a good job this year. People are interested in it. The rest of the year will go by really quickly.

*Sarah F gets a phone call. She is on duty.

Sarah F: The next bit of the semester can be very stressful, so please let the GSs and RAs know if you come across any problems. A recent problem is that people have been loud in the courtyard late at night. I have been working on a program with IUSPA. We are bringing a slam poetry artist

Aasiya: I wanted to congratulate both CJ and Sarah Epplin for being inducted into NRHH. I think Collins actually had one of the largest representations out of all the groups. Also, Sarah Epplin received the Thomas Hennessy Award.

Ronak: She was also wearing a nice cocktail dress.

Sarah Epplin: What can I say?!


Lisa: We have $1,600 for BOG.

Sarah Epplin: I met with Steven Conrad, Sarah-Anne, and Debby this past week – all 2nd generation Collinsites. They told me several interesting things, including that Debby’s father Peter is reason why we have a dark room at Collins. He lived here in the early ‘70s, just when it became the MRC-LLC, and he told Debby that he just thought Collins needed a dark room, so he made it happen!

Nicole: We have 52 course proposals.

Ronak: There are a lot of good courses. A lot less useless courses.


CJ: What about the deer one?!

Mystery Guy: Would like to do his Q Project – a Collins Olympics thing.

Ashley: Would like him to work with BOP, during Collinsfest.

*We give him Sarah-Anne’s, Lisa’s, Ashley’s, and Alex’s info

Ronak and Nicole: Other than that, we are having a reunion dinner this week. Past instructors are coming back & we want all of you to come especially if you took a seminar class.

Madeline Wolfe: We haven’t had arts council since last week, so there’s not much to report. We are helping with a weekend program. Spring themed: Potted flower seeds and kites.

Josh: We discussed the cancer challenge that we do every year. I encourage you to check it out.

Daniel Herman: Could not make it back to last week’s meeting because he was stuck in the airport. We will be going on a hike later this month. We’re going to have the service project this Saturday at 2 PM at Hilltop Garden. We could invite the new people as well.

Aasiya: I was thinking we could all meet for lunch at 12 at 4th Street & then hop on a C bus to make it to Hilltop. The service is from 2-4 PM.

Daniel: The last time I went there, we talked about composting bins. We would be physically building the bins.

Jamie: We’ve been doing interviews this week for Exec Board members and are waiting for

John: I won’t be able to attend BOG tonight because I have a test.

Ronak: Doesn’t John look nice?

What are you dressed up for?

John: I went out to dinner with my family, and then Sarah said I should stay dressed up for the meeting.

Sarah E: I thought you guys would like it.


*CJ takes pictures and explains that she and Sarah are planning the Exec Board spread for The Lantern, our lovely Collins Yearbook.

CJ: Tomorrow, I will send out GnomeNews. Last night, we had an ice cream social. We would like to have an Easter Egg hunt, but I don’t want to buy a lot of plastic eggs – that just sounds disgusting to me. If you have any ideas please tell me. Exec Board helping with the tent night – I need a lot of help.

Ashley: Do you want to have a bon fire?

Ashley and Lisa: You need to talk to Wil.

Marianna: I found out that CC has 25 more dollars.


Marianna: The rock’n’roll for Darfur decided that they needed to find a rain location. It was in the Coffeehouse.

*The Music Talent Show is coming up.

Andrea: I’ll report for the meal plan committee. We have one more meeting before summer. We were given a big bag full of food and chocolate that they sell in the C-Store. It was pretty nice because they have a pretty bad rap. The E-Meal will start soon at Collins. Because of this, they will move back the hours to 9 AM.

*We are angry.

Andrea: You can pick up E-Meal items at 7:30. RPS likes to hear our input, but they don’t always do what we suggest. You can pick up E-Meal at 7:30 AM. Because of that, the stacks deli hours will change to open at 9 AM. They also said that they would post the new hours soon. It is not definite.

Madeline and CJ: It seems silly because there are consistent customers between 8 and 9, so they will lose business.

Andrea: We should try it out, see how it works, and I will talk about how it is going at the next meeting.

Aasiya: Would like Andrea to express all our concerns.

CJ: Feels like the communication is poor.

Andrea: They did mention that. I met with them on Friday. They did say that they want to have table tents.

CJ: Will post it on GnomeNews.

Andrea: I’m not even done yet. Greshem is moving up their hours. They are opening at 7 instead of 7:30. We looked at the designs for the McNutt food court. We chose the signs. They say “Hot Stuff,” “Cold Stuff,” etc. They decided they wanted to name a section Kaleidoscope Corner. They asked for our input, and we gave them blank stares, so they said, “I guess that’s a no.”

*Great Laughter. Lots and Lots of laughter. More laughter. We are a silly exec board.

Andrea: And McNutt is having a contest to chose the name of the new food court. Maybe it will be Kaleidoscope Food Court. Anyone can submit nominations.

Ronak: We should vote for it to be called the Collins Food Court.

*John poses for the camera as CJ takes pictures

Andrea: We also had the president of union board (Andrew Hahn) talk to us. He spoke about meal points use in the Union. 100% voted against it. It wouldn’t be just our meal points – we would have a certain amount allotted to the Union (like Union Pts – comparable to Campus Access). This summer, they would like to redo a lot of the kiosks – make the rooms bigger, etc.

Mary Well: Applied to be director of communications. This seems really cool; all of you seem to have a lot of fun with this. It’s interesting to hear about all of the meal plan stuff.

Alex Lahmeyer: I’ve been helping with interviews for next year’s exec board. Regarding Collinsfest, I’ve been working with Ashley. I’ve been in contact with people for tabling.

Ashley: Shows us the lovely Collinsfest map. As far as Collinsfest goes, we had a meeting on Friday at 8. It was super productive. This map has each table mapped out. One cool thing is that this year, we are using the grassy area behind Smith. We also chose bands: a gal with a guitar, Ivory Teeth, Clouds of Oceans, and The Panics! Will be our headlining band (Yara’s High School band!)

*Everyone cheers

Ashley: All that we ask of you is that if you are running anything, please be ready by 10 AM. Lunch is at noon. The ice cream will be ready at 3. We’re hiding spoons.

Marianna: I got hands.

Ashley: We’re also tying people’s hands behind their back. The bands start at noon and go till 4.

CJ: The tent night should go until about 11 because the clean-up should last till midnight.

Ashley: For the Exec Board table, we were thinking that we should also have a BOP sign-up sheet along with the weekend events info.

Aasiya: This Wednesday is the last day to vote for IUSA. It is also the day Jamie and Alex become the new VPs.

Madeline: How about McNutts and Berries?


Adjourn at 7:55 PM