Minutes of Meeting Parent, Teacher & Friends Association St Patrick’s Primary School Mullanaskea

Date: 9th April 13

Venue: Staff room , St Patricks Primary school

Time 7pm

Present: Mary Hallett, Mary Love, Michelle Reihill, Rhonda O Donnell, Brenda Dolan, Andy Hamill, Seamus Wray, Gaye Conway, Louise O Neill, Fidelma Beacom

Geraldine Callaghan.

Apologies: Irene Dolan.

Welcome by Ms Louise O Neill to all members and stated that the function of this meeting primarily is to formalise a PTFA to apply for charitable status.

Louise introduced Andy Hamill who is facilitating the process of assisting the current PTFA to meet the requirements to register as a charity. Andy identified an agenda as thus we need to review financial status, look at proposed constitution, election of officers and committee members. Charitable status for the PTFA would confer benefits for example eligibility to apply for gift aid.

Louise distributed a form detailing the income and expenditure account for year ending 31st august 2012. There was much discussion and reflection over the fundraising events and money raised.

Andy distributed the Model Constitution application form for registration with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Andy referred to the application form. The newly formalised PTFA with charitable status will be called “Friends of St Patrick’s Mullanaskea”, this allows present and past pupils, families, extended families, businesses and friends of the school to offer their help and support to raise money to benefit the school. A PTFA website has been designed and website address is, www.friendsofstpatricksmullanaskea.btck.co.uk The pupils in the school have to design a logo for the new website. The logo designed will be used on all stationery for PTFA correspondence. Friends of St Patrick’s website can be used also on all school correspondence also.

The address for all school correspondence is now 22 Feddans Road, Mullanaskea, Tempo, Enniskillen, BT74 4PD.

As regards the Model Constitution, Andy highlighted Objects criteria no 2.1 and 2.2 the object of the association is to advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school. Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment, which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.

All present were in agreement with these sentiments. The following criteria were discussed.

Criteria 6.5.3 a committee member ceases to be a member if absent from three consecutive meetings. Apologies are required if member is going to be absent.

Criteria 5.3 At an AGM, the minimum number of members needs to double the committee members.

The Model Constitution was adopted and proposed by Andy Hamill and seconded by Louise O Neill.

Election of Officers and Committee members occurred by those present.

Andy Hamill was nominated as Chairperson, this was proposed by Mary Love and seconded by Brenda Dolan.

Louise O Neill was nominated as Vice-Chairperson, this was proposed by Brenda Dolan and seconded by Gaye Conway.

Michelle Reihill was nominated as Treasurer, this was proposed by Louise O Neill and seconded by Mary Love.

Seamus Wray was nominated as Assistant-Treasurer, this was proposed by Andy Hamill and seconded by Brenda Dolan.

Geraldine Callaghan was nominated as Secretary, this was proposed by Brenda Dolan and seconded by Louise O Neill

Brenda Dolan was nominated as Assistant-Secretary, this was proposed by Rhonda O Donnell and seconded by Michelle Reihill.

Committee members elected Mary Love, Irene Dolan, Fidelma Beacom, Rhonda O Donnell and Gaye Conway.

New Committee members can join at any stage.


A bank account needs to be established for the new “ Friends of St Patricks Mullanaskea” PTFA , three signatures are required for cheques. Louise, Michelle and Seamus are to bring photographic id and contact the Bank. A discussion ensued regarding auditing of finances. Michelle will investigate this and feedback at next meeting.

Fundraising event

On Tuesday 23 rd April at 7 pm primary one and two are displaying their art in an “ Art Exhibition on canvas ” . Family members can purchase their art for £ 5.00. This is taking place in the Assembly Hall, refreshments and music to accompany this evening. Invitations to be issued. Geraldine is to contact Ken Ramsey in the Buttermarket.

Primary seven children are completing the 10K, on 29th June 13, parental consent is required, parents will have to register children for this event at Fermanagh District Council . Sponsor forms are needed. Entrance fee of £12.00 which will be paid by parents. Oonagh Fitzpatrick is going to coach the children.

Wish list for fundraising.

Primary 1& 2 are going Barrentop farm in Donemana Co. Tyrone, cost approximately £300.00 for bus (paid by School), parents funding entrance cost.

Primary five and seven are going to Irish Linen Centre on 16 th April 13.

Zooland “mini beasts” workshop for all children in school on 25 th April 13.

May fest in Londonderry on 1st May 13 approx £ 300.00 bus fare.

Primary 6 7 are going to titanic exhibition on 10th May 13, costs paying entrance fees and bus.

First Communion is on Saturday 11th May 13

Confirmation on 21st may 13.

Primary 6 7 are visiting Stormont 20th May 13, cost for school bus.

West midlands theatre visit school on 3rd June 13, cost £ 350.00

Swimming gala 20th June 13

Talent show 25th June 13

Prize giving 26th June 13

Brenda highlighted that the committee needs to fund raise for a new school kit.

Mary Love will contact local supermarkets regarding “bag packing”.

A non uniform day was suggested for fund raising. Louise will discuss with staff to arrange an appropriate time.

Date of next meeting 18th April 13 at 7pm

Meeting ended at 9pm.