Mrs. Crawford’s Weekly Newsletter- 10-8-17

”Crawford’s Crew” of 5th graders- 2017-2018


Theology: We will be working from chapter 21 this week on the resurrection of Jesus. We also are going to start learning the four mysteries of the Rosary. Thursday is Grandparents’ Day. We will begin the day with Mass, then a snack and activity in the classroom, and end with a decade of the Rosary in the Mary Garden. I look forward to meeting my class’s grandparents!

Reading: We completed part fivein Wonder this past week. Justin is a minor character, but showed us how little acts of kindness help others. Part six is back to August’s point of view.

Science: Students will continue working on SSEP (Student Spaceflight Experiments Program) with their groups.

Math: Students will be working on adding and subtracting decimals throughout the week. This will include using estimation to check if answers are reasonable. We will be practicing these skills using white boards and Doceri, which is a white board app on the I-pads. The topic 2 math test will be late next week.

Social Studies: Students will begin chapter 3 this week on American Indian Cultural regions. We will be reading about Native Americans of the Northwest Coast, California Inter-mountain region, the Southwest, the Plateau, the Great Plains, the Eastern Woodlands, and the Southeast.

ELA: We will continue to review plural and possessive nouns and trying to use these nouns correctly in a sentence. We will also be working on nouns used as subjects and subject complements. Students will receive a handout of common prepositions and how these are used in prepositional phrases. This will be helpful when we decide if a noun is a direct object or the object of a prepositional phrase.

5th grade happenings:

  • Grandparents’ Day is Thursday, October 12th
  • There is no school on Friday (October 13th) this week due to student-led conferences.
  • End of the first quarter is this Friday, October 13th.
  • Do you have Box Tops? We are collecting these in our classroom. These can be sent in any day of the week. :)
  • Website- please visit my web page under school staff at . This is where I update the homework, calendar, pictures, and upload handouts to file manager.
  • Does your child play a sport? Do they participate in plays? Do they have upcoming recitals? I would really like to try to attend if it works in my schedule. Please let me know of any upcoming dates so I can plan ahead. Thanks!

I hope all of you have a blessed week!


Jennifer Crawford

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” St. Teresa of Calcutta