“Sample Drop-Off” Sequencing
Sample Drop-Off Locations
For your convenience, the CCIB DNA Core provides a free daily sample pick-up service for the Partners research community. Each business day (Monday through Friday, with the exception of MGH Holidays), samples dropped off at one of our four remote drop-off locations(see below) will be picked up and delivered to our facility in time for the day’s service queue.
Where provided, please use boxes for organizing your sample tubes and attach the order form with a rubber band.
All samples submitted for Sequencing MUST be placed inside the cooler boxer that is in the designated drop-off/pick-up refrigerator! Our Courier Service does not know which samples belong into the cooler and which not, and therefore the courier will not collect any samples that have been placed somewhere else (for instance on one of the refrigerator shelves). We can guarantee timely delivery of sequencing results only for samples that have been correctly placed inside the cooler box in time for the daily pick-up.
Upon sample receipt, all empty sample boxes will be returned with the cooler. If you should not find any empty boxes to submit your samples, please check the cooler box and kindly remove all empty boxes to prevent these from shuttling back to our facility.
Our customers have several options to drop off/send in their samples for sequencing services:
- Simches Building (Molecular Biology): 7th floor in the central corridor just outside the doors of the elevator lobby. Card key access is required.
- Please place your samples inside the blue cooler that is in the designated CCIB DNA Core refrigerator!
- Sample pick-up is usually around 10.30 am.
Please note that exact pick-up times are not under our control. We advice you to put your sample(s) into the coolerno later than 10.15 am to ensure same-day pick-up.
- Simches Building (Lobby): 1st floor, in front of the glass wall on the left side of the entrance. This drop-box is not refrigerated!
- Sample pick-up is usually around 10.30 am.
Please note that exact pick-up times are not under our control. We advice you to put your sample(s) into the coolerno later than 10.15 am to ensure same-day pick-up.
- Jackson Building (MGH main campus): 13th floor, room 1302.
- Please place your samples inside the blue cooler that is in the designated CCIB DNA Core refrigerator!
- Sample pick-up is usually around 10.15 am.
- Please note that exact pick-up times are not under our control. We advice you to put your sample(s) into the coolerno later than 10.00 am to ensure same-day pick-up.
- MGH Charlestown (CNY): 6th floor, room 6133 at the corner of room 6140, East side. You can contact Stacy Francis(Tel 617-726-5689) if you should have any questions.
- Please place your samples inside the red cooler that is in the designated CCIB DNA Core refrigerator!
- Sample pick-up is usually around 11.00 am.
Please note that exact pick-up times are not under our control. We advice you to put your sample(s) into the coolerno later than 10.45 am to ensure same-day pick-up.
- CCIB DNA Core Facility: 38 Sidney Street, Suite 100, Cambridge, MA: 1st floor of Clark Building; DNA Coredrop slot to the left of the door to Suite 100.
- Drop box is not refrigerated, but we are constantly checking it. Please be assured that your sample(s) will be stored at +4oC in our sequencing lab within 5 to 20 minutes upon receipt.
- The latest on-site drop-off time for our typical 24-hour turnaround is12 pm.
- The Clark Building can be accessed on all business days, Mondays through Fridays (8.00 am through 5.45 pm).
- Please do not ring bell unless a consultation is required. We are receiving many samples via our on-site dropbox, and any unnecessary interruption forces us to interrupt our controlled workflow. Thank you for understanding!!!
If you prefer to mail or ship your samples (via FEDEX, UPS, standard mail), please make sure they are adequately protected against crushing and against low pressure if shipped by air. We recommend the use of high-quality 1.5ml Eppendorftubes or 96-well plates sealed with appropriate strip caps or very high-quality adhesive seals. Parafilm has proven not to be very helpful in preventing sample evaporation from tubes or plates.
Our shipping address is:CCIB DNA Core Facility at MGH
38 Sidney Street, Suite 100
Cambridge, MA 02139