YOUR NAME:______

College ofArts and Sciences, UniversityofHawai‘i at Hilo


The Liberal Studies Program is designed forthe student who wishes to develop and plan an interdisciplinary course of study that explores a particular problem or theme through a multi-disciplinary constellation of courses, enhances critical thinking with ethical thought, develops problem-solving skills, and creates well-informed, responsible and engaged global citizens. The B.A. in Liberal Studies creates an academically sound and rigorous interdisciplinary course of study with thematic integrity and continuity.

Requirements and Instructions:

Any student in good academic standing (2.0 GPA or better) may apply for admission to the B. A. in Liberal Studies program. At the time that the degree proposal is submitted to the Liberal Studies Program coordinator, a student generally has at least 21 more credits of course work still to undertake in the B. A. in Liberal Studies beginning with the subsequent semester or term.

An eligiblestudent mayapplyforadmissiontotheProgrambycompletinganapplication form on which thefollowingmust beincluded:

  1. a statement addressing the student’s educational goals as embodied in the proposal for a Liberal Studies major-equivalent;
  2. an explanation of why these goals cannot be achieved through an existing major program at UHH;
  3. a Student Learning Outcomes statement;
  4. a justification of the courses that will comprise the B.A. in Liberal Studies, which have a minimum of 33 semester hours, of which at least 24 hours must be in upper-division courses.
  5. a list of courses that will comprise the major-equivalent, which total a minimum of 33 credits, of which at least 24 credits must be in upper-division courses.

The student will select a faculty advisor from among UH Hilo faculty, who will work with the student to design the program of courses, write a Student Learning Outcomes statement and provide a memo endorsing the academic rigor and coherence of the proposed program of courses. TheFacultyAdvisor must append aletterattestingto theacademicqualityof the proposedprogramand the abilityof thestudent to complete theprogram.

Universityregulations applyingto prerequisitesandgraduationrequirements, includingrequirements for GE,WI,and H/A/P and the requirement that studentscomplete 45 upper-divisioncredits (check: for detail) and a total of 120 semestercredits, applyto all students atUHHilo, includingthosewith approvedLiberal Studies major-equivalents.

Thestudent must meet with theLiberalStudies Coordinator beforepreparingtheform. Please contactDiane Van Hoose().

Theapplication form and the Transcript must be submitted to the approved bytheFacultyAdvisor, theLiberal Studies Coordinator, the UHHCollege FacultySenateStandingCommittee– Curriculum Review Committee and the UHH College Dean’s office.

Deadlines:November1 for thefollowingFall Semester orApril 1forthe followingSpringSemester

YOUR NAME:______

Name: ______StudentIDNo.:______

Email:______Phone: ______



____ Transcript downloaded from the MYUH/STAR Degree page

____ Original of the singed[DVH1]Liberal Studies Program ApplicationForm (with Appendix)

____ Original ofFacultyAdvisor'sLetterofSupport


  1. Student: ______Date: ______


☐Not Approved


  1. Faculty Advisor: ______Date: ______


☐Not Approved


  1. Liberal Studies Coordinator: ______Date: ______


☐Not Approved


  1. UHH Curriculum Review Comm[DVH2] Chair:______Date: ______


☐Not Approved


  1. UHH College Dean: ______Date: ______


☐Not Approved


1.Describethe educationalgoals of the proposed(major-equivalent)program:

2.Explain whytheeducationalgoals ofyour proposed program cannot be achievedthroughan existingacademic major:

3.List the Student Learning Outcomes:

4.Explain how the courses thatyou have selected for theproposedprogramwill enableyou to achieveyour program goals:


YOUR NAME:______

5.ProposedMajor Equivalent–Academic Theme

A.CoursesCompleted to Datethat applytowards[DVH3]the proposedprogram(list byinstitution,then alphabetically.)Ifcourseswere takenelsewherethan UH Hilo, indicate where.

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits / Grade

B.Courses to be completed(21 Credits min):Ifcourses will be takenelsewhere,indicatewhere.

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

C.TotalCredits in ProposedProgram:Lower DivisionUpperDivision

Theproposedcourseworkmeets or exceeds therequiredcredit distributionforsuch proposals:


(Print Name/Signature)


(Print Name/Signature)

Liberal Studies Coordinator:Date

(Print Name/Signature)

Degree Plan Worksheet

Appendix 1: Remaining GE/WI/HPP/GCC Requirements[If none, keep blank]

GE Req / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Appendix 2: Major Requirements

1)Major Foundation Courses (___hours) [If none, keep blank]

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

2)Major Requirements (____ hours)

  1. Lower Division Courses (____ hours) [If none, keep blank]

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits
  1. Upper Division Courses (___ hours)

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Notes: Mark “*” for the currently ongoing courses and “**” for courses already completed.

Appendix 3: Degree Pathway - Schedule by Semester

Semester: ______Year: ______

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Semester: ______Year: ______

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Semester: ______Year: ______

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Semester: ______Year: ______

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

Semester: ______Year: ______

Institution / Alpha / Number / Course Title / Credits

REFERENCE: Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the B.A. in Liberal Studies, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts and understand issues and methods from multiple academic disciplines of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences (Information Literacy, Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning);
  2. Employ computer technology and conduct interdisciplinary research to find information (Information Literacy, Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning);
  3. Critically examine social, cultural and historical human behaviors, conditions and movements and interpret the underlying contexts (Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Communication);
  4. Present ideas, results and creative activities in oral and written forms (Communication);
  5. Identify and evaluate the ethical dimension of an issue and demonstrate the importance of behaving ethically in the target field (Critical Thinking);
  6. Produce senior-level interdisciplinary essays or projects (Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Communication).



[DVH2]Comm. or Committee

[DVH3]which apply toward the