Giant 4-part Brain

Left cerebral hemisphere (lateral view)

1a. Motor area (somatomotor cortex)

1b. Sensory area (somatosensory cortex)

  1. Frontal lobe
  2. Temporal lobe
  3. Parietal lobe
  4. Occipital lobe
  5. Left hemisphere of cerebellum
  6. Superior front gyrus
  7. Middle front gyrus
  8. Inferior front gyrus
  9. Precentral gyrus (somatomotor cortex)
  10. Postcentral gyrus (somatosensory cortex)
  11. Superior parietal lobule
  12. Inferior parietal lobule
  13. Lateral occipital gyri
  14. Superior temporal gyrus
  15. Middle temporal gyrus
  16. Inferior temporal gyrus
  17. Superior frontal sulcus
  18. Pre-central sulcus
  19. Central sulcus
  20. Post-central sulcus
  21. Intraparietal sulcus
  22. Transverse occipital sulcus
  23. Lateral occipital sulcus
  24. Parieto-occipital sulcus
  25. Superior temporal sulcus
  26. Middle temporal sulcus
  27. Lateral cerebral sulcus (Sylvian fissure)
  28. Anterior horizontal ramus of Sylvian fissure
  29. Anterior ascending ramus of Sylvian fissure
  30. Posterior ramus of Sylvian fissure
  31. Inferior temporal gyrus

Left cerebral hemisphere (medial view)

  1. Paracentral lobule
  2. Precuneus
  3. Cuneus
  4. Calcarine sulcus
  5. Cingulate gyrus
  6. Cingulate sulcus
  7. Subfrontal part of cingulated sulcus
  8. Sulcus of corpus callosum
  9. Body of corpus callosum
  10. Genu of corpus callosum
  11. Splenium of corpus callosum
  12. Septum pellucidum
  13. Body of fornix
  14. Anterior commissure
  15. Intermediate mass
  16. Posterior commissure
  17. Thalamus
  18. Interventricular foramen (of Monro)
  19. Hypothalamic sulcus
  20. Lamina terminalis
  21. Optic chiasm
  22. Pineal gland
  23. Pineal recess
  24. Corpora quadrigemina
  25. Sylvian aqueduct
  26. Superior medullary vellum
  27. Fourth ventricle
  28. Central canal of medulla oblongata
  29. Arbor vitae
  30. Vermis of cerebellum
  31. Medulla oblongata
  32. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
  33. Pons
  34. Longitudinal fibers of pons
  35. Cerebral peduncle
  36. Tuber cinereum
  37. Mamillary body
  38. Interpeduncular recess
  39. Optic recess
  40. Infundibular recess

Right cerebral hemisphere

  1. Basal surface
  2. Orbital gyri
  3. Straight gyrus
  4. Fusiform gyrus
  5. Lingual gyrus
  6. Hippocampal gyrus
  7. Uncus
  8. Internal capsule
  9. External capsule
  10. Fibers forming corona radiata
  11. Inferior surface of corpus callosum
  12. Short gyri of insula
  13. Fibers of corpus callosum
  14. Insula
  15. Claustrum
  16. Lateral ventricle (anterior horn)
  17. Lateral ventricle (posterior horn)
  18. Fimbria fornicis
  19. Anterior perforated substance
  20. Olfactory tract (Cranial nerve I)
  21. Stria lateralis of olfactory tract
  22. Stria medialis and intermedia of olfactory tract

Right half of brain stem and cerebellum

  1. Branches of internal carotid artery and vena terminalis
  2. Lentiform nucleus
  3. Corona radiata
  4. Caudate nucleus
  5. Stria terminalis
  1. Superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina
  2. Inferior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina
  3. Medial geniculate body
  4. Lateral geniculate body
  5. Lateral sulcus of mesencephalon
  6. Trigonum of lemniscus
  7. Frenulum of vellum
  8. Brachium of superior quadrigeminal body
  9. Brachium of inferior quadrigeminal body
  10. Pulvinar of thalamus
  11. Posterior perforated substance
  1. Optic tract
  2. Optic nerve (Cranial nerve II)
  3. Cavity of third venticle
  4. Oculomotor nerve (Cranial nerve III)
  5. Pitutary gland
  6. Trochlear nerve (Cranial nerve IV)
  7. Trigeminal nerve (Cranial nerve V)
  8. Abducens nerve (Cranial nerve VI)
  9. Facial nerve (Cranial nerve VII)
  10. Auditory or Vestibulocochlear nerve (Cranial nerve VIII)
  11. Glossopharyngeal nerve (Cranial nerve IX)
  12. Vagus nerve (Cranial nerve X)
  13. Spinal accessory nerve (Cranial nerve XI)
  14. Hypoglossal nerve (Cranial nerve XII)
  15. Olive
  16. Pyramidal tracts
  17. Decussation of pyramids
  18. Flocculus of cerebellum
  19. Tonsil of cerebellum
  20. Vermis of cerebellum