TCNJ Transition to Retirement Program Proposal
Prepared by TCNJFT, Local 2364, AFT - Feb. 7, 2008
Program Rationale
This Transition to Retirement (TTR) program is agreed to by The College of New Jersey (the College) and The College of New Jersey Federation of Teachers, Local 2364 (the Union) in order to facilitate a smooth transition to retirement for fulltime faculty, librarians, and AFT professional staff.
The program allows potential retirees two options that reduce their normal work load for a period of up to three (3) years prior to retirement. The program will serve as a retirement incentive for these AFT unit members, while continuing to provide TCNJ students and the College with the benefit of their accumulated experience and expertise during the transition year/s.
Fulltime faculty, librarians, and AFT professional staff must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible to participate in the TTR program:
a.Be at least 55 years of age when the TTR application is filed.
b.Have at least 10 years of continuous employment at TCNJ, inclusive of the Planning Year (see “Year One: Planning and Application” below)
1.Eligible employees must file the TTR form (to be developed) with the Office of Human Resources no later than April 1 of Year One: Planning and Application (see below). However, applicants are encouraged to file this form prior to December 31 if possible.
The Office of Human Resources will transmit the application to the Provost or other appropriate Cabinet member as well as the Union. Applicant will be notified within 10 business days after submission that the application has been received and is being processed.
2.Responsibility for approving the request rests with the Provost or other appropriate Cabinet member, who must either approve or reject the application no later than February 1 (for those applications filed prior to December 31), or no later than May 1., in the case of applications filed thereafter. (These dates will be modified by mutual agreement for the first year of this agreement if necessary)
3.Once a TTR request has been approved and the applicant has been notified, a detailed calendar for the execution of the approved plan will be agreed upon by the applicant and the appropriate Department Chair, Dean and/or Supervisor no later than May 31.
- In the event an applicant is denied the opportunity to participate in this program, written reasons must be provided to the applicant by the Provost or Cabinet member at the time of denial. A copy of this document must also be provided to the Union.
The applicant will have the right to appeal a rejection to the President of the College within 30 days of the receipt of the written denial, and will have the right to Union representation at the appeal. A decision regarding the appeal must be provided within 20 business days. - Participants in the TTR program will be eligible for all annual salary increases per the bargaining agreement.
- In the event that an early retirement program is announced by the State of New Jersey before the date of retirement identified by the retiree, she/he will have the option to enroll in the New Jersey State program or whichever program represents the best opportunity for the individual.
Schedule and Retirement Transition Options
The TTR process will adhere to the following schedule:
Following the deadlines established above, the prospective retiree submits an application to participate in the program by December 31 if possible but no later than May 1, specifying the desired option (see below), and providing the details of the proposed reduction in teaching or work-load responsibilities.
Retirement Transition Options
1.The employee will retain full benefits and receive full salary in meeting the following responsibilities:
Acombination of teaching assignments and/or special activities or assigned non-teaching duties not to exceed one-half (1/2) the normal load. *
2.The employee will retain full benefits and receive one-half (1/2) salary in meeting the following responsibilities:
A combination of teaching assignments and/or special activities or assigned non-teaching duties not to exceed one-quarter (1/4) the normal load. *
* Since there are various courses with differing FWH at the College, all calculations for a reduced teaching load are to be predicated on the basis of a “standard” teaching load for faculty of six, 3 credit “transformed” classes in an academic year. Arrangements involving any other type of courses or teaching assignments are to be equivalent to this standard.
Note: Teaching-load equivalencies for librarians and AFT professional staff will be mutually agreed to by those individuals and their supervisor and approved by the appropriate Cabinet officer. The Union will be kept informed of all efforts to reach agreement on these issues.
Upon acceptance to the TTR Program, the participant and the College formulate and agree on the calendar for the execution of the specific components of the transition plan, including the work activities to be assumed or for the assignment of non-teaching duties within load in accordance with Article XII, B.7 of the Agreement.
Before the beginning of Year 2 - Retirement Transition Year(see below), the retiree must submit a letter of intention to retire from full time employment at the end of Retirement Transition Year/s. No action will be taken by the TCNJ Board of Trustee on the basis of this letter.
The Retiree shall execute all duties—non teaching assignment and/or teaching assignment as agreed upon in the Retirement Transition Plan.
By mutual agreement between the College and the Retiree, the participant will retire at the beginning of either the third, fourth, or fifth year but, may be rehired as an Adjunct Faculty or as a Visiting Scholar to again fulfill the Retirement Transition Plan or some other agreed to modified assignment.
The Union will be notified of all TTR applications made by AFT unit members as well as provided with copies of all relevant documents. They will also be kept informed as an application moves through the process.
Transition to Retirement Proposal – Local 2364 ( trp-final-020708.doc)Feb 7, 2008