College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Second Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Friday, May 3, 2013

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Lane University Center


We welcome applications from students who have participated in experiential and investigative projects that are completed as part of course work and independent study in all departments and majors of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. At least one faculty or staff mentor must be listed for the application to be accepted. Submitting an application indicates a commitment to present at the symposium. Cancelations/withdrawals should be submitted by April 15, 2013.

Applications are due by February 22, 2013. Applications must be submitted electronically to Karen Keller ().

1.  Provide the following information about the students(s) and faculty/staff involved in the project. Graduate students may be listed, but the primary student presenter must be an undergraduate student. Add additional rows to the tables if needed.

Student Name / FSU email / Student ID Number
Faculty/Staff Name / Department / FSU Email

2.  Provide a title and preliminary summary (1-2 sentences) for the presentation. The title and summary should be understandable to general audiences. Full abstracts should be submitted April 1, 2013 electronically to .


3.  Identify the type of presentation intended. Oral presentations, performances, and video/audiovisual presentations should be limited to approximately 15 minutes in length.

Poster / Oral Presentation
Physical Display / Performance
Video/Audiovisual / Other: ______

4.  Describe any special resources you foresee needing for your presentation. Tables, easels, and posterboards will be provided for posters and physical displays. A computer and projector will be available for oral, audiovisual, and recording presentations. Electrical power is available upon request.

5.  Identify any funding sources utilized by this project. If this project received funding from one or more outside agencies, please identify the agency or agencies.

Department Funding / Other Funding (List below)
Faculty Development Grant
FSU Foundation Grant

6.  Provide the dates between which the work on the project was undertaken. For projects that are ongoing, include a projected completion date. For consideration, a majority of the work to be presented must have occurred between January 1, 2012, and May 1, 2013.

(Approximate) Start Date: / (Projected) Completion Date:

Applications are due by February 22, 2013. Applications must be submitted electronically to Karen Keller ().

The CLA&S Undergraduate Research Working Group will schedule a workshop on preparing poster and oral presentations in late March or early April. The exact dates will announced after the abstract submission period.

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