(Separate Form No.1)

Mr. Hisao Endo

President, Japan Health Economics Association

Mr. Shuzo Nishimura

Director General, Institute for Health Economics and Policy

License agreement for use of copyrighted material

I agree here to the following contents about the copyrighted work "XXXXXXXXXXX" which was decided to be accepted in the “Asian Pacific JournalofHealthEconomicsandPolicy”: Journal of Japan Health Economics Association (JHEA) and InstituteforHealthEconomicsandPolicy (IHEP).

(1) IHEP and JHEA shall have the right to publish the paper as an article of the "Asian Pacific JournalofHealthEconomicsandPolicy" (including web publication), which is a Journal of IHEP and JHEA.

(2) In the case that the author wishes to disclose the contents of an accepted paper that is in publication via electronic media or other ways, such disclosure should be done after publication in the "Asian Pacific JournalofHealthEconomicsandPolicy," according to (1), and the source of the contents (including a link to the address of the corresponding article on the official website, if available) shall be clearly stated.

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※To be signed by hand by all authors, including coauthors.