Policy Statement of Principles
Student Welfare encompasses everything that the school community does to meet the personal and social needs of students and enhance their well-being. It involves recognising, evaluating and developing each student as a total and unique person in the context of society.
An essential part of student welfare is discipline which includes prevention of inappropriate behaviour and dealing with unacceptable behaviour. It encompasses the concept of self-discipline and one’s respect of the rights of others to function and learn in a mutually respectful environment.
Through its student welfare program Collarenebri Central School aims to help its students to develop enjoyment from learning, communication skills, socially acceptable values, responsibility, dignity and a sense of worth, self-reliance, cultural identity and a caring attitude towards others.
The student welfare program is implemented both inside and outside the classroom. For this to occur, Collarenebri Central School needs to be a place where every student can learn and grow with confidence. Students develop best in schools where teaching and learning occur in a context of student welfare.
Student Welfare Policy Aims
As part of welfare, parents, teachers and our community help students to develop and exhibit:
§ A sense of security
§ A sense of identity
§ A sense of self concept
§ A sense of belonging
§ A sense of purpose
§ A sense of personal competence
In curriculum development we consider these aspects of student welfare and incorporate them into their policies and programs. By so doing a student welfare perspective can be incorporated across the curriculum. Students are provided with opportunities beyond the classroom to:
§ Lead others
§ Communicate
§ Develop positive relationships
§ Recognize and value cultural differences
§ Care and support other people
§ Serve the community
Student welfare is therefore the result of teachers, parents and caregivers, and students working together for the benefit of the students. Collarenebri Central School provides:
• Effective learning and teaching
• A positive climate and good discipline
• Community participation
Student Welfare Outcomes
At Collarenebri Central School we aim to promote the following qualities as an integral part of every individual’s education regardless of race, religion, gender or creed:
o self esteem
o respect for others and the environment
o co-operation and involvement
o embracing the values of public education
o pride in effort and achievement
o commitment to life long learning
o responsibility and self discipline
o respect for others and the environment
o spirit of initiative and inquiry
o embracing the values of public education
Student Learning Support & Welfare Team
Whilst student welfare is the responsibility of all staff at Collarenebri Central School. A welfare/learning support team exists to assist with the creation of an environment in which the school's goals and high expectations can be achieved. Student Welfare Team personnel include:
1. Principal
2. Deputy Principal Curriculum and Welfare
3. Assistant Principal/Head Teacher Secondary Studies
4. School Counsellor
5. Learning and Support Teachers
6. Careers Advisor
7. Home School Liaison Officer (HSLO)
The Learning and Support Coordinator (Deputy Principal Curriculum and Welfare) chairs and oversees a rotational roster of the minutes of weekly Welfare Team meetings. The team's main concern is in the pastoral care sphere so that each student can achieve his/her maximum level of achievement academically, socially and behaviourally.
Good student welfare equals good student learning.
Generally, the function of the team is to keep open the avenues of communication concerning the welfare of individual students and to recognise the need for, and to formulate any new procedures, programs or policies concerning student welfare as they arise. Pro-active initiatives aimed at better catering for the evolving needs, interests and abilities of students is a prime concern. All members of the Welfare Team spend considerable time interviewing and advising students and their parents, and in providing a point of contact as well as a source of communication between students, their home and the school. All Pastoral care activities are devised by the Welfare Team.
School Education Area/ Regional Office
We utilise School Education Area and Regional Office expertise, personnel and resources to help
support and develop student welfare programs and interventions that are responsive to the needs of
§ organises, coordinates and leads Welfare Team members and Welfare Meetings. Active member of the Learning Support Team.
§ works closely with roll call teachers and other school welfare personnel to support, guide and inspire their work
§ promotes student leadership and student centred improvement programs oversees and initiates targeted school welfare programs across the school.
§ records and distributes minutes of Welfare Committee Meetings to members of the Welfare Team and the School Executive, maintaining a record of the Minutes for other staff to view.
§ gives/ coordinates Welfare Report at Executive Meeting, which includes names of students mentioned at Welfare Meetings and other welfare matters.
§ interviews or takes appropriate action for students referred by staff members.
§ initiates follow-up including further discussion with staff, consultation with roll call teachers, School Counsellor or parents. This may include planning and implementing future
§ management strategies and the monitoring of student progress.
§ monitors Student Management to take preventative action where ever necessary.
§ creates an environment in which students feel they can confide, seek advice and request help.
§ represents the interests of girls and boys education in discussion with staff and at executive level.
§ co-ordinates liaison with external agencies including Mission Australia, Each etc.
§ general personal and social development of the students within their Year group.
§ preventative and remedial measures for students with behavioural and/ or welfare
§ difficulties in his/her Year group through the use of Progress and Conduct staff surveys,
§ term academic reviews, student and parent interviews and parent phone calls, use of
§ Conduct books and attendance cards.
§ monitoring of student reports - comments on reports, letters of congratulation, merit
§ awards, letters of concern, interviews, reward excursions, recognition ceremonies.
§ communication and liaison with students, staff and parents regarding students within his/her year group.
§ involvement in ceremonial and social activities eg graduation and farewell ceremonies across the range of students within a cohort.
§ administrative duties e.g. guiding staff and students in elective selection, references, Board of Studies, study skills programmes.
The Principal provides strong and effective student welfare leadership of the school staff, students
and wider community in establishing and maintaining the highest tone and a clear direction for the
school. High expectations for students and their welfare ensures school priorities are student
§ Monitors the students of K-12.
§ identifies children at risk through monitoring Student Management, liaising with HT/AP, members of the Welfare Team and, when appropriate, members of the staff and community, and initiates suitable action.
§ promotes and upholds appropriate behaviour – attending assemblies, conducting student led school assemblies, conducting specific gender assemblies, parent and student interviews, welfare meetings.
§ monitors Student Management of the year cohorts under their responsibility and takes preventative action if necessary.
§ arranges for the monitoring and guidance of individuals and groups giving cause for concern
§ assists in developing appropriate strategies for 'difficult' and 'at risk' students.
§ investigates, facilitates and institutes proactive strategies – with key school welfare staff - for student betterment and to better cater for student needs, interests and abilities.
§ facilitates training and development of staff in Welfare and Discipline Strategy development.
§ encourages and monitors students wearing uniform in an acceptable manner for school activities (interviews, contact with parents, remedial measures).
§ assists in the identification and support of children significantly at risk and children with significant disabilities.
§ assists in planning and facilitating appropriate responses to the needs of these children, and in the reviews, assessment and report writing concerning children with special needs or requirements.
§ provides advice and assistance to students, parents and staff in matters to do with the personal problems of students.
§ liaises with School Education Area/ Regional staff, other Government departments and outside agencies regarding student welfare matters.
§ provides advice, support and assistance for students suspended from school or returning from suspension.
There are two main Focus Areas for the School Counsellor:
§ to assist in the identification of children significantly at risk.
§ to assist in the identification of specific needs of children with significant disabilities.
§ to assist in planning and facilitating appropriate responses to specific needs of children with significant disabilities.
§ to provide the Principal/Staff with information and/or advice relating to policy procedures and resources in the student support program.
§ to assist in the professional development of teachers in matters related to the provision for students with special needs.
§ to provide advice and assistance to parents in matters related to the provision for students with special needs.
§ to liaise with School Education Area/ Regional personnel, other Government Departments and outside agencies regarding provision for students with special needs.
§ to facilitate the transfer of students with special needs between educational programs.
§ to assist students in need of help with personal problems and educational guidance.
§ to facilitate parent consultation to assist students in need of help with personal problems and educational guidance.
§ to liaise with School Education Area/ Regional staff, other Government Departments and outside agencies regarding student welfare matters.
§ to provide independent recommendations on application for special case transfers and children suspended from school.
§ to contribute to the school's welfare team.
§ to assist schools to utilise evaluative data to refine and further develop student welfare practices.
§ to assist in the professional development of teachers in welfare related matters.
§ to assist the school with student welfare policy development.
In addition:
§ Students may refer themselves to the School Counsellor by placing their name and class on a piece of paper and depositing under the door of the counsellor. The School Counsellor will then send for the student when there is an opportunity. The School Counsellor will ensure that an “Out of Class” Pass is issued to the student indicating the time of departure. Staff may refer students to the School Counsellor through a Referral Slip (under the Counsellor pigeonhole). Staff may also make arrangements to see the School Counsellor by organising an interview time.
§ facilitate (integration funded) student support learning programmes.
§ liaise with Welfare Committee and Learning Support Team concerning integrated students.
§ students can be referred to the learning support team via the faculty head teacher, roll call teacher, Deputy Principal/Principal
§ Learning Support Team tests referred students and implement appropriate strategy.
§ to provide directions and facilitate subject advice for students.
§ to liaise with classroom teachers, as required so as to assist students.
The Home School Liaison Officer duties include:
§ supporting the school in its development of attendance policies
§ completing roll checks to alert the school to potential problems;
§ conducting home visits to explain, liaise and negotiate on behalf of the school;
§ providing valuable feedback;
§ offering suggestions/strategies;
§ attending welfare meetings when possible or required;
§ assisting the school to develop the welfare policy; addressing groups when required or invited, e.g. staff meetings, parent meetings, students, inservice conferences.
What the Home School Liaison Officer can do to help the welfare of individual students:
§ physically get the student to school;
§ be supportive by identifying tentative causes- addressing these causes by: suggesting solutions; lending support; seeking support.
§ assist in the development of parenting skills, help organise special programs for the child at home;
§ refer to DEC based interventions: H.S.L.O (Home School Liaison Officer), Aboriginal Officer, Community Programs Officer; support and promote self-esteem initiatives.
The Anti Discrimination/ Anti-Racism Officer's duties are to:
§ be available to hear complaints from students and staff regarding discrimination.
§ facilitate identified written complaints on the appropriate paperwork.
§ attempt to resolve these complaints and/or give appropriate advice on action which can be taken.
§ pass on written complaints, if deemed necessary, to the appropriate person
§ help develop an anti discrimination ethos in the school by receiving relevant antidiscrimination material and distributing it amongst staff members for use and understanding.
The school motto for Collarenebri Central School is “Courage and Consideration”. Such courage and consideration is derived from academic, sporting, social and civic success, and due recognition of this success. It is also a product of the underlying philosophy of the school’s discipline code and welfare policy which can be summed up as student self-discipline and mutual respect for all partners in the educational community. A school with good discipline provides effective learning opportunities for students.
“When parents enrol their children at public schools they enter into a partnership with the school staff. This partnership is based on shared responsibility and mutual respect. It should aim at achieving effective learning and good discipline so that the school environment is both productive and harmonious. The partnership must strive to create in children an understanding of appropriate public behaviour. Such understanding should lead the student to develop a responsibility for his or her own behaviour.”