AT asked for Standards 2a-e, S3a-c and S7a-b to be observed. Although there is no need for the mentor to focus on any other Standards, she also chose to comment on S1a-c and S7c-d as there was evidence of the AT achieving good/outstanding in these areas. *Please note the Standards were graded after dialogue with the AT.*
Associate Teachers should be observed formally and given written feedback on a weekly basis, though it is recognised that informal observation may be undertaken at any time. Please note NOT all Standards will be or indeed need to be assessed during each lesson observation. The AT should identify prior to the observation and circle below the focused Standards. Please report on and grade QTS Focus initially, then comment on other Standards as and if appropriate.Associate Teacher: / SECONDARY / TEACHERS’ STANDARDS 2a-2e, 3a-c, S7a-b
School: / *** / Class /Year Group (size): ***/*** (***)
Mentor/Teacher/Tutor: *** / Date: ***
S1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils:
Excellent relationships evident, students keen, eager and desperate to contribute. This is an aspect which some practising teachers find difficult to achieve at times. There is no doubt that your approachable manner motivates students and they want to achieve the best they can. They check with you they are completing the tasks well eg: ‘would it be okay if I fall off my chair?’, ‘would it be good to involve all of us in this section?’ ‘can we use narration?. These questions when you are monitoring the tasks show how comfortable they are with you. You have a keen sense purpose and the students have clearly picked up on this.
(S1a) (S1b)(S1c)
S2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils (Impact on Pupil Progress)
Again your use of questioning to bring out further developments in student understanding and process allows the students to feel valued and supports their progression. Use of the written task allows you to assess their skill level and set further tasks as appropriate. The use of individual and group targets allows the students to understand your expectations and also understand their development points. Using pair share also allows for student to student feedback and constructively encourages the groups to look for new ways of working.
The information and data as well lodged in your teaching file as well as the evaluation of the last lesson you had with this group evidences how you have used this to plan for successful outcomes. However your plan does not detail this. Make this significant, annotate your plans to show how these aspects have impacted on how you plan for and develop student progress.
(S2a)(S2b) (S2c) (S2d) (S2e)
S3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
Subject knowledge on Pinter secure, you responded to questions from students well, your definition concerning ‘naturalism’ was almost textbook. Use of performance language also strong, using the line to pin up strategies really works and referring back to these by asking students for clarification really worked for them. There is no doubt that their knowledge developed through subtle reinforcement throughout the lesson. Linking this back to strategies and terminology used last lesson also evidenced student knowledge and understanding. Using Year 13 to demonstrate Pinteresque aspects also developed learning on a number of levels, not least a great encouragement for the Year 9s to consider choosing this as a GCSE subject.
S4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons / (S4a)(S4b)(S4c)(S4d)(S4e)
S5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
S6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment
S7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
High expectations in evidence from the start, not an easy class, however you managed them purposefully and productively. You were consistent in your approach, challenged the one off focus incident and brought students back on task with your sense of humour linked to good use of the school behaviour policy. The students appreciate your consistent approach. You planned your work to engage the students in a series of layered tasks linked to student speak and evaluation. You varied the style of delivery, tone and pace of the lesson and this encouraged the students to become involved throughout. Your modelling of tasks, especially when using teacher in role was carefully planned and presented, as was the interlude when the Year 13 showed their skill in Pinter techniques. You challenged the Year 9s with constant very effective questions which linked with the very careful planning and your own evaluations of the class from data and previous lessons moved the lesson into very high levels of engagement and learning. This was added to by good use of praise which promoted a focused learning atmosphere and environment. Well done!
S8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Key Strengths of Lesson (At least three) To be added as evidence by Associate Teacher to Professional Development File
S7a-c Very effective behaviour management and engagement in evidence throughout lesson
S3a-b Highly confident and competent knowledge of both performance language and strategies, and also of Pinter
S2b-c Planning takes account of prior learning, prior assessment and data and own evaluation of previous lessons / Dialogue arising out of this lesson:
To be focused upon in weekly review meeting
- Annotation of plans to show development and impact.
- Building a platform for evidencing own research and reflection, and linking this to own professional understanding and development.
- Moving from good to outstanding.
Mentor/Tutor: ______
Associate Teacher: ______
Refer to Teachers’ Standards Log for guidance
B- Beginning D- Developing G- Good O-Outstanding