Mrs. Jennifer Potter

Design, Art and music

Fundamentals of Art


This lesson allows students to tie their love of music into Art. It is a look at how music promotional items such as poster, CD covers and album covers are Art forms. Students will produce and original work of art that visually depicts or pays tribute to their favorite musical artist or ensemble.



  • View a PowerPoint on various Artists and their artwork pertaining to the music industry.
  • Brainstorm and Research various symbols or words that represent their favorite musical artists or musical ensembles.
  • Design a composition that utilizes the principles and elements of Art as well as promotes their favorite musical artist or musical ensemble.
  • Create a poster using a variety of media such as markers, colored pencils and tempera paint.
  • Demonstrate a high level of craftsmanship in their finished poster.
  • Properly get out materials and clean up after themselves.
  • Properly use all Art room materials such as markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue etc.
  • Critique their own work and the work of their peers.


9.1.12 A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities.

9.1.12B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts.

9.1.12E: Delineate a unifying theme through the production of a work of art that reflects skills in media processes and techniques.

9.1.12F:Analyze works of arts influenced by experiences or historical and cultural events through production, performance or exhibition.

9.1.12H: Incorporate the effective and safe use of materials, equipment and tools into the production of works in the arts at work and performance spaces.

9.2.12I: Identify, explain and analyze philosophical beliefs as they relate to works in the arts.

9.3.12A:Explain and apply the critical examination processes of works in the arts and humanities.

9.4.12A:Evaluate an individual’s philosophical statement on a work in the arts and its relationship to one’s own life based on knowledge and experience.

9.4.12C: Compare and contrast the attributes of various audiences’ environments as they influence individual aesthetic response


Part One:

  • Show students the prepared power point on Art and music.
  • Show students various examples of album covers, cd covers and music promotion posters.
  • Discuss the ideas of Art and Music. How is Art important to music? How is music important to Art?
  • Introduce the project.

Part Two:

  • Allow students to sketch, brainstorm and gather references
  • Allow students to develop ideas and begin creating their posters
  • Circulate and give help as needed.

Part Three:

  • Allow students to share completed projects with their peers.
  • Discuss projects as a class


  • Please see rubric


  • Power point on Art and music
  • Music posters and Albums with thought out compositions
  • Sketching paper
  • 18x22” cut paper
  • Rulers
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers
  • Crayons
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Pencils

Music, Design and Art rubric:

Behavior/ prepared for class ___/100

Originality and Creativity ___/200

Followed guidelines of project (size, inclusion of text, etc.) ___/100

Craftsmanship ___/200

Total ___/600pts = ____%