A Guide to Membership of the Management Committee


§  Structure and Regulation of the Management Committee

§  Co-opted Representatives

§  Advisors

§  Job Descriptions for management committee members

§  Specific Job Description for the Honorary Chair and Honorary Vice-Chair

§  Specific Job Description for the Honorary Secretary

§  Specific Job Description for the Honorary Treasurer

§  The Responsibilities and Duties of Members of the Management Committee

§  Sub-Committees and Working Groups

§  Code of Conduct for Management Committee members

§  Time Commitment

§  Support Resources

The Management Committee of Mosac is made up of volunteers, who are elected annually at the AGM.

This year we are specifically looking for members who have one of the following skills / experiences: Treasurer, human resources, counselling and therapy, IT, fundraising, finance and service delivery.

The Structure and Regulation of the Management Committee

The Management Committee may comprise a minimum of three and not more than twelve members as follows:

(a)  The Honorary Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer), elected by full members at the Annual General Meeting, and who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting

(b)  Not less than two and not more than four representatives from full members elected by full members at the Annual General Meeting, and who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting

(c)  Not more than two representatives from associate members elected by associate members at the Annual General Meeting, and who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting

Co-opted Representatives:

The Management Committee may in addition to the above appoint not more than two co-opted representatives, subject to the following provisions:

(a)  Co-optees must be identified as named representatives of members of Mosac;

(b)  No such appointment results in more than one third of the members of the Management Committee being co-opted;

(c)  That it does not take the number of the Management Committee above twelve;

(d)  That it does not give any member of Mosac more than one representative on the Management Committee;

(e)  That it does not give any co-optee more than two year’s continuous service on the Management Committee without standing for election at an Annual General Meeting;

(f)  That it does not allow any individual to return to the Management Committee less than one year after a period of four years’ continuous service.


The Management Committee may appoint any relevant person to attend any of its meetings, without the power to vote.

·  Management Committee members are accountable, so they need to know about all important decisions and issues;

·  Paid employees of Mosac cannot be Management Committee members and do not have voting rights at MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE meetings, but they report to these meetings on a regular basis;

·  Management Committee members who want to become paid staff should resign from the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE and seek permission from the Charity Commission before applying for the post.

Job Descriptions for Management Committee Members

Specific Job Description for the Honorary Chair and Honorary Vice-Chair

The Chair takes the lead role in Mosac, sharing this role with the Vice-Chair as appropriate. The Vice-Chair takes over the lead role when the Chair is unavailable. The Chair and Vice-Chair are figureheads for Mosac and will frequently be the primary contact for external organisations and individuals wishing to liaise or forge relationships with Mosac. The Chair or Vice-Chair will usually chair national meetings of Mosac and meetings of the Management Committee but this duty may be shared with other Management Committee Members.

The Chair and Vice-Chair also:

§  Convene and ensure the proper conduct of national and Management Committee meetings of Mosac;

§  Set agendas for meetings with the Secretary and other members of the Management Committee as appropriate;

§  Between Management Committee meetings, make any emergency decisions needed in consultation with as many of the Management Committee members as possible;

§  Take an active part in the work of Mosac;

§  With the Secretary and Treasurer, ensure that the responsibilities of Mosac are carried out in relation to financial, management, the Annual General meeting and other arrangements.

Specific Job Description for the Honorary Secretary

The Secretary’s main duties are related to administration, communication and information sharing within Mosac and ensuring that relevant external agencies and individuals are kept informed of Mosac’s activities.

The Secretary:

§  Takes the minutes at national meetings of Mosac and the Management Committee;

§  Ensures that files of past minutes and related documents are kept;

§  Ensures that member organisations are informed about forthcoming meetings and other activities of Mosac as appropriate and in liaison with the Chair, Vice-Chair and other members of the Management Committee;

§  With the Chair, Vice-Chair and other members of the Management Committee as appropriate helps to prepare agendas for meetings;

§  Manages the sending and receipt of correspondence on behalf of Mosac including ensuring that files are kept and members informed, as appropriate, of the correspondence sent and received;

§  Ensures that a record of membership is kept;

§  Ensures that other appropriate administrative records are kept, e.g. contact file;

§  Takes an active part in the work of Mosac.

Some of these duties may be delegated to staff or volunteers or shared with other Management Committee members but will remain the primary responsibility of the Secretary.

Specific Job Description for the Honorary Treasurer

The Treasurer has overall responsibility for Mosac’s finances. The Treasurer’s main duty is overseeing the financial management and bookkeeping, whilst ensuring that the Management Committee has access to appropriate financial information on which to base its decisions.

The Treasurer:

§  Approves monthly/quarterly and annual accounts;

§  Reports on financial matters to the Management Committee and to the membership at any general meeting;

§  Ensures that statutory requirements are met for the keeping of financial records and the reporting on financial matters to appropriate external authorities;

§  Ensures that systems are in place and operated effectively for the day-to-day management of cash and other financial resources and that good records are kept of all transactions;

§  With the Operations Director liaises with accountants and other financial advisers as appropriate.

Some of these duties may be delegated to staff or volunteers or shared with other Management Committee members but will remain the primary responsibility of the Treasurer. It is not the Treasurer’s responsibility to decide how money is raised and spent. Such decisions are the responsibility of the whole Management Committee.

Sub-Committees and Working Groups

Mosac currently operates through a structure of Management Committee meetings and sub committees. Sub-Committees are proposed to focus on specific areas, we currently have a fundraising subcommittee and a policy committee. Other ideas can include Research, Training and clinical practise.

The Responsibilities and Duties of Members of the Management Committee

Mosac Management Committee members have legal duties and responsibilities and are accountable. In the event of legal or financial difficulties Management Committee members may be held liable if they are not aware of these and have not acted in accordance with them. Management Committee members, therefore, have a responsibility to know about Mosac and to read the following and make sure that they understand it. It is also strongly recommended that you read the Charity Commissions document (CC3) - Responsibilities of Charity Trustees which is available via their website www.charity-commisssion.gov.uk or as hardcopy from our offices.

The overall purpose of the Management Committee is “To further the work of Mosac as a whole, keeping within its charitable objectives”.

It is the duty of Management Committee members:

1.  To abide by and work within Mosac constitution at all times.

2.  To strive to attend all meetings of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE and to prepare for meetings in such a way that you can contribute appropriately and effectively.

·  You should read the agenda before every MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE meeting (this will be distributed by e-mail where possible) and contact the secretary or chair to make amendments or add items;

·  If for any reason you are unable to attend a meeting you should send your apologies in advance to either the secretary or the chair;

·  Read any relevant reports or documents;

3.  To take part in formulating and regularly reviewing the vision, values and long-term strategic aims of Mosac;

4.  With other Management Committee members to ensure that the policy and practices of Mosac are in keeping with its aims;

5.  To ensure the needs and interests of member organisations and other relevant agencies and organisations are taken into account when making decisions;

6.  With other Management Committee members (and/or with the assistance of appropriate professional advisers) to ensure that Mosac functions within the legal and financial requirements of a charitable organisation and complies with any regulatory and statutory requirements;

7.  To ensure that the work of Mosac is carried out to appropriate quality standards;

8.  To read the constitution and keep it up to date by seeking advice from the Charity Commission and tabling recommendations for constitutional change at the AGM. Once changed the new constitution must be registered with the Charity Commission;

9.  To work collectively and to make all decisions together with the other members of the Management Committee and to take joint responsibility for them;

10.  To vote against any decision that you feel is wrong and to ensure that your objections are recorded in the minutes;

11.  To ensure that the Management Committee keeps good records;

12.  To monitor the finances, with initial responsibility falling on the Treasurer, providing checks and balances, making sure any investments are sound and that the best use is being made of money and to exercise overall control over the financial affairs of Mosac;

13.  With other Management Committee members, to take out and keep up to date other insurances as are appropriate to the legal, constitutional and financial requirements of Mosac and to cover any claims that may be made against Mosac from third parties.

In addition to the above duties and responsibilities Management Committee members should have a commitment to the development and implementation of good practice.

You can help to ensure best practice by:

·  Being an active member of the Management Committee in exercising its responsibilities and functions;

·  Questioning – never be afraid to ask questions and keep on asking until you are satisfied. You are responsible and you need to be happy with, or understanding of, the decisions that are made;

·  Maintaining good relations with staff members;

·  Keeping up to date on issues surrounding the specific work of Mosac;

·  Fulfilling such other duties and assignments as may be required from time to time by Mosac.

Code of Conduct for Management Committee members

As a member of Mosac National Management Committee you must also act in accordance with the following attributes, principles and legal requirements:


Management Committee members of Mosac have a general duty to act in the best interests of Mosac as a whole. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, their friends or any organisation they work for or represent.


Mosac Management Committee members:

·  Must not benefit financially in any way from Mosac (reasonable expenses may be reimbursed on submission of a receipt);

·  Should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their role;

·  Should avoid accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence their judgement;

·  Should conduct themselves in a manner which does not damage or undermine the representation of Mosac, or its staff individually or collectively and should not take part in any activity which is in conflict with the objects of, or might damage the reputation of Mosac;

·  As well as avoiding actual impropriety, should avoid any appearance of improper behaviour.


In carrying out their role, including making appointments (including MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE member appointments), awarding contracts, recommending individuals for rewards and benefits or transacting other business, Mosac Management Committee members should ensure that decisions are made solely on merit.


Mosac Management Committee members:

·  Have a duty to comply with the law on all occasions in accordance with the trust placed in them and in such a way as to preserve public confidence in Mosac;

·  Are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public, funders and service users. They must submit themselves to what scrutiny is appropriate as to their role.


Mosac Management Committee members:

·  Should ensure that confidential material, including material about individuals, is handled with due care and consideration;

·  Should be as open as possible about their decisions and action that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and communicate them clearly to staff and volunteers and restrict information only when the wider interest clearly demands


Mosac Management Committee members:

Have a duty to declare any actual or potential conflict of interests and to take steps to resolve any conflicts that may arise. Where the private interests of a MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE member conflict with their MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE member duties, she must resolve this conflict in favour of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE member role.


All members of the Management Committee of Mosac are required to make a minimum commitment to the organisation. This comprises attendance at monthly Management Committee meetings and active involvement in furtherance of the aims of Mosac. It is hoped that Management Committee members will also make themselves available to attend planning or other days with Mosac.

New members of the Committee will be asked to sign a ‘Management Committee Commitment Agreement’, a copy of which will be held in the offices of Mosac.

If a Management Committee member fails to attend 3 consecutive Management Committee meetings they will be contacted and asked if they can continue.

Time Commitment

The time commitment required of Management Committee members cannot be given precisely but the following is a guide. Management Committee members may be required to: