Codebook for CIMT_Worksheet

N = 678

Variable Name / Variable Label / Coding / Comments
SUBJECT_LABEL / Short POUCH ID / Text / Entered by RIX data entry program using list of valid IDs
POUCHID / Short POUCH ID / Text / Entered by ultrasonographer at time of data entry
DOS / Test date / Date9. Format / Date on which scan was conducted
URLVISIT / URL Visit #: / 1 / Scan number for participant
LABID / URL ID: 70- / Text / Sequence number for scans under POUCHmoms project (70-)
SCAN / Repro Only - Test Sequence: / Text / Scan number when repeat scans involved (not applicable for POUCHmoms)
TECH / Technician ID: / ‘089’ = Amy Cole
‘106’ = Tiffany Owen / Ultrasonographer ID
CD / CD # / Number / Number of CD containing scan that was sent to URL
PRSOFT / Plaque reading software used? / 1 = yes
2 = no / Indicates whether plaque-reading software was used
Plaque Index
VIS1R / Proximal CCA visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
VIS2R / Distal CCA visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
VIS3R / Bulb visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
VIS4R / ICA visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
VIS6R / ECA visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
PVISUALR / Any plaques visualized on Right / 1=yes
2= no
LES1R / Proximal CCA: Number of lesions on Right / number
LES2R / Distal CCA: Number of lesions on Right / number
LES3R / Bulb: Number of lesions on Right / number
LESIR / ICA: Number of lesions on Right / number
LESER / ECA: Number of lesions on Right / Number
GRA1R / Proximal CCA: Plaque Grade, Right carotid / Number
[0, 1, 2, 3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRA2R / Distal CCA: Plaque Grade, Right carotid / Number
[0, 1, 2, 3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRA3R / Bulb: Plaque Grade, Right carotid / Number
[0, 1, 2, 3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRAIR / ICA: Plaque Grade, Right carotid / Number
[0, 1, 2, 3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRAER / ECA: Plaque Grade, Right carotid / Number
[0, 1, 2, 3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
CAP1R / Proximal CCA: Calcified plaque on Right / 1=yes
2= no
CAP2R / Distal CCA: Calcified plaque on Right / 1=yes
2= no
CAP3R / Bulb: Calcified plaque on Right / 1=yes
2= no
CAPIR / ICA: Calcified plaque on Right / 1=yes
2= no
CAPER / ECA: Calcified plaque on Right / 1=yes
2= no
TDSR / Technically Difficult Study on Right? / 1=yes
2= no
TVR / Tortuous Vessel contributed to a technically difficult study on the Right. / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
DVR / Deep Vessels contributed to a technically difficult study on the Right / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
PMR / Participant Movement while scanning contributed technically difficult study on the Right / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
MOR / Morbidly Obese contributed to a technically difficult study on the Right / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
MECHR / Machine Failure while scanning the Right carotid / 1=yes
2= no
REASONR / Reason for machine failure on Right / Text
COMMENTR / Comments related to technically difficult study on the Right / Text
Transducer Scanning Angle
ANANTR / Transducer scanning angle for right carotid: 15` to 60` Anterior / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
ANLATR / Transducer scanning angle for right carotid: 10` to -10` Lateral / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
ANPOSR / Transducer scanning angle for right carotid: -15` to -60` Posterior / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
Plaque and Wall Thickening
PCCAR / Proximal CCA: Lesion on Right / 1 = checked
PCCALOCR / Proximal CCA: Lesion location on Right / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
DCCAR / Distal CCA: Lesion on Right / 1 = checked
DCCALOCR / Distal CCA: Lesion location on Right / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
BULBR / Bulb: Lesion on Right / 1 = checked
BULBLOCR / Bulb: Lesion location on Right / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall 3=Both
ICAR / ICA: Lesion on Right / 1 = checked
ICALOCR / ICA: Lesion location on Right / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
ECAR / ECA: Lesion on Right / 1 = checked
ECALOCR / ECA: Lesion location Right / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
Plaque Index
VIS1L / Proximal CCA visualized on Left / 1=yes
2= no
VIS2L / Distal CCA visualized on Left / 1=yes
2= no
VIS3L / Bulb visualized on Left / 1=yes
2= no
VIS4L / ICA visualized on Left / 1=yes
2= no
VIS6L / ECA visualized on Left / 1=yes
2= no
PVISUALL / Any plaques visualized Left / 1=yes
2= no
LES1L / Proximal CCA: Number of lesions on Left / Number
LES2L / Distal CCA: Number of lesions on Left / Number
LES3L / Bulb: Number of lesions on Left / Number
LESIL / ICA: Number of lesions on Left / Number
LESEL / ECA: Number of lesions on Left / Number
GRA1L / Proximal CCA: Plaque Grade, Left carotid / Number
[0,1,2,3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRA2L / Distal CCA: Plaque Grade, Left carotid / Number
[0,1,2,3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRA3L / Bulb: Plaque Grade, Left carotid / Number
[0,1,2,3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRAIL / ICA: Plaque Grade, left carotid / Number
[0,1,2,3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
GRAEL / ECA: Plaque Grade, left carotid / Number
[0,1,2,3] / Grading defined in URL handbook
CAP1L / ProxIMAL CCA: Calcified plaque on Left / 1=yes
CAP2L / Distal CCA: Calcified plaque on Left / 1=yes
CAP3L / Bulb: Calcified plaque on Left / 1=yes
CAPIL / ICA: Calcified plaque on Left / 1=yes
CAPEL / ECA: Calcified plaque on Left / 1=yes
TDSL / Technically Difficult Study on Left? / 1=yes
2= no
TVL / Tortuous Vessel contributed to a technically difficult study on the Left / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
DVL / Deep Vessels contributed to a technically difficult study on the Left / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
PML / Participant Movement while scanning contributed to technically difficult study on the Left / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
MOL / Morbidly Obese contributed to a technically difficult study on the Left / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
MECHL / Machine Failure while scanning the Left carotid / 1=yes
2= no
REASONL / Reason for machine failure on Left / Text
COMMENTL / Comments related to technically difficult study on the Left / Text
Transducer Scanning Angle
ANANTL / Transducer scanning angle for left carotid: 15` to 60` Anterior / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
ANLATL / Transducer scanning angle for left carotid: 10` to -10` Lateral / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
ANPOSL / Transducer scanning angle for left carotid: -15` to -60` Posterior / 1=yes / checkbox for yes only on form
Plaque and Wall Thickening
PCCAL / Proximal CCA: Lesion on Left / 1 = checked
PCCALOCL / Proximal CCA: Lesion location on Left / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
DCCAL / Distal CCA: Lesion on Left / 1 = checked
DCCALOCL / Distal CCA: Lesion location on Left / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
BULBL / Bulb: Lesion on Left / 1 = checked
BULBLOCL / Bulb: Lesion location on Left / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
ICAL / ICA: Lesion on Left / 1 = checked
ICALOCL / ICA: Lesion location on Left / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall
ECAL / ECA: Lesion on Left / 1 = checked
ECALOCL / ECA: Lesion location on Left / 1=Near wall
2=Far wall

Documentation Summary for Missing Studies

F2027C / machine frozeon left side
F2301H / machine froze, lost left side images
G6057J / machine froze, lost some images / machine froze, lost images)
G6196S / machine froze, left bulb image lost
L0588E / machine froze; lost R bulb and ICA images / machine shut down and lost images
L0716H / participant immobility
S4025B / machine froze, lost images
S4241E / machine froze; lost left bulb and ICA images