Mobile Learning Guidelines forStudents and Parents

Responsible Use
The use of the network is a privilege. The user is responsible for what s/he says and does on the network. Student users should assume that none of their data is private or confidential. Any communication or data may be subject to review by network or school administration. Inappropriate use of District Technology can result in limited or revoked technology privileges, disciplinary consequences, removal from courses, loss of credit, receiving a failing grade, and/or legal action.

Student Responsibilities

  • I will comply with the District’s Electronic Network Policy (6:235) and all school procedures and guidelines when using the tablet.
  • I will use my iPad as an educational tool and in an appropriate manner.
  • I will follow the policies outlined in the Mobile Learning Guidelines for Middle School Students and Parents.
  • I will file a report of theft, vandalism, and other acts covered by warranty or insurance.
  • I will return the iPad and all accessories in good working condition.
  • I will monitor activity on my account.
  • I will contact a teacher or administrator if I receive an e-mail or other electronic message containing inappropriate or abusive language, even if the subject matter is questionable.
  • I will be responsible for all assignments, even if the iPad is unavailable, left at home, or access privileges have been suspended. Teachers will provide non-digital options to assignments as needed.
  • I will properly maintain and care for the iPad.
  • The iPad is the property of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 and all users must follow all rules and regulations outlined in this policy. Each iPad is assigned to an individual, and the responsibility for the care of the iPad solely rests with that individual.
  • If your iPad fails to work or is damaged, report the problem to the school office as soon as possible. The school office along with the Technology Department will determine the iPad repair/replacement options.
  • Know where your iPad is at all times; do not lend your iPad to another person. When not being used, keep iPad in a safe location. It is recommended that, unless being used for a school project, the iPad should only be used at home or school and not be left out in “plain sight” where it may be stolen.
  • The iPad is designed for daily use, therefore, each iPad must be charged at home using the provided wall charger, and brought to school ready for use each school day.
  • iPads should never be left in a hot car or similar environment, as damage to the battery will result.
  • Your iPad comes with a case. The protective case provides the iPad with sufficient padding to protect the iPad from normal treatment. The iPad should be left in its case at all times. The iPad case must be returned with only normal wear and no alterations to avoid paying a replacement fee.
  • Do not attempt to remove or change the physical structure of the tablet. iPad must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels. Only labels placed on the iPads by the District are allowed. Each iPad has a unique identification number, and at no time should the numbers or labels be modified or removed.
  • The iPads should be kept away from liquids and food. Before using the iPad make sure hands are clean. The iPad can be cleaned with a soft, slightly water-damped, lint-free cloth. Do not use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, ammonia, or abrasives to clean the screen.
  • While the iPads are scratch resistant, the iPad will scratch/break. Avoid using any sharp objects near the iPad or placing heavy objects on the iPad.

Parent Responsibilities

  • Parents/guardians must supervise their children’s iPad use at home and discuss Internet safety with them.
  • I will read and discuss with my child the policies in the Mobile Learning Guidelines for Middle School Students and Parents. By reading and discussing the care and use policies, you can create a clear set of expectations and limitations for your child.
  • I will go where my child goes online. I will monitor the places that my child visits. I will let my child know that I am here and I will help teach her/him how to act as s/he works and socializes online.
  • I will review my child’s friends list. I will limit my child’s online “friends” to people my child actually knows and is working with in real life.
  • I will report unwelcome or malicious online threats. I will report the threat to the school in a timely manner and bring any online interactions that can be considered threatening.
  • I will take a look at the Apps and programs on my child’s iPad. I understand that it is to the advantage of my child if I gain an understanding of the programs and student work found on the iPad.
  • I will remind my child to bring her/his iPad to school daily. If my child leaves her/his iPad at home s/he is still responsible for getting the course work turned in.

School/District Responsibilities

  • The iPad is a managed by the District’s mobile device management and which provides real time inventory and monitoring. The District has the right to enable the location tracking function at any time, including if the iPad is lost, stolen, or not returned.
  • The District may retain student emails that constitute student records under the Illinois Student Records Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
  • We will provide Internet and e-mail access to all students.
  • We will provide Internet filtering/blocking of inappropriate materials while on the district network.
  • We will provide network/online data storage services. These will be treated similar to school lockers. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 reserves the right to review, monitor, and restrict information stored on or transmitted via Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 owned equipment and to investigate inappropriate use of resources.
  • We will provide staff guidance to aid students in doing research and help assure student compliance of the Mobile Learning Guidelines for Students and Parents.
  • The District has no duty to provide supervision or protection to students using the tablet outside of school.

Acceptable Use/Rules

  • Do not illegally install or transmit copyrighted materials.
  • Do not commit any action that violates existing School Board policy or public law.
  • Do not send, access, upload, download, or distribute offensive or inappropriate material.
  • Do not use social media, messaging services, or chat rooms in school (i.e. Facebook, Myspace, MSN Messenger ICQ, etc.) without prior staff permission.
  • Do not change iPad settings (exceptions include personal settings such as font size, brightness, etc.) or delete Apps that have been placed on the iPad by the District.
  • Do not “jailbreak” (download Apps, movies, music, etc. from any other site than I-Tunes or Apple’s App Store).
  • Do not send spam, mass e-mails, or inappropriate e-mails.
  • Do not attempt or gain access to other students or district accounts, files, and/or data.
  • Do not vandalize (malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data) school equipment.
  • Do not try to bypass the Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 web filter through a proxy.
    Do not have volume on unless permission is given by the teacher.
  • Do not take a picture or record another person or group without the permission of the teacher and the people being recorded. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 reserves all rights concerning any recording and/or publishing of any student or staff member’s work or image. Students must obtain school permission to publish a photograph or video of any school related activity.
  • Do not share personal information, including home address or phone numbers, or the address or phone numbers of other students while on the Internet.
    Do not use the iPad in bathrooms or in the locker rooms.
  • Downloading District approved and paid apps is acceptable. Downloading educationallyappropriate free apps is allowed. Under no circumstances may a personal credit card number beadded to your district iTunes account.

Student-Owned Devices

Should a student and his/her parent/guardian choose to purchase their own iPad 2 or 3 for school use, the student and parent/guardian must understand that while on school property the device will be regulated by the same rules and requirements as if it was a school-owned device. This includes, but is not limited to, the Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Handbook, the Acceptable Use Policy, the Mobile Learning Guidelines for Middle School Students and Parents, and all appropriate laws and regulations.

Warranty and Insurance
The iPad is covered against manufacturer defects by Apple’s warranty program. The District has purchased an extended warranty from Apple for accidental damage. In order to provide adequate protection for the device, the parent is required to cover the cost of one year of this extended warranty for the 2013-14 school year this cost is $40. This charge, which will be collected at iPad orientation, covers the extended warranty for one year and includes the repair of one incident of accidental damage. Should a parent decide not to incur the cost of the extended warranty, the child will have use of the iPad only during the specific participating course (i.e. not at other times during the school day or at home).

District 95 Administration Center- 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459
Phone:(847)438-2831 FAX:(847)438-6702