27th April 2017

Cheltenham in Bloom

Schools Nature Garden Competition 2017

The Cheltenham in Bloom committee invites your school to enter this popular competition.

The aim of the Nature Garden Competition is to recognise and encourage those schools that are raising their pupils’ awareness of the natural environment.

Judging will be organised by committee members from Cheltenham in Bloom, Dave Richards (who also represents Cheltenham Horticultural Society), Mrs Mary Nelson, along with Senior Community Ranger from Cheltenham Borough Council Mr Wayne Sedgewick.

Judging will take place on Monday 12th June 2017. If there are too many entries for one day we will also judge on Tuesday 13th June.

The following points are only for guidance. Each school garden is judged on its own merit.

  • Is the Garden used as an outdoor classroom by all age groups within the school?
  • Have you considered a forest area?
  • Is the area used as an after-school club?
  • Have students been involved in the construction and maintenance of the garden?
  • Making use of the best space your school has available.
  • Is there a long-term strategy in place to ensure continuity and maturity of the garden?
  • General environmental awareness within the school as a whole, e.g. recycling, composting, grow your own, environmental projects/clubs, Eco-schools status, Children’s awareness of issues.

We would love to see any work you may have been doing about biodiversity.


The winner will receive a trophy, to be held for one year, together with a certificate and a cash prize. This will be presented by The Mayor, at the Municipal Offices in July, before the school’s summer break or if you prefer you may like to invite the Mayor into your school for the presentation.

Two runners up will also receive certificates and cash prizes sponsored by Cheltenham in Bloom.

We hope you are interested in entering your school and await the return of your application form (see page 2).

Please note the closing date for applications is Friday 2nd June 2017.

We would appreciate that this invitation is passed onto a member of staff who may be interested in entering this Annual Competition. Thank you.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Chris Ryder

Chris Ryder (Mrs)

Chairman of Cheltenham in Bloom

Tel: 01242 526464 or mobile 07808292143

Cheltenham in Bloom Schools Nature Garden Competition 2017

Application Form

School Name
Contact Name
AM or PM preferred
Judging will take place on Monday 12th June, exact time to be confirmed nearer the day.
Please inform us if you have a preference to morning or afternoon for the judge’s visit to your school and we will try to accommodate this. Thank you.
Please return this application form Friday 2nd June 2017
to: Chris Ryder:
or: Southfield
1 Hawkswood Road
The Woodlands
Glos GL51 3DT