Parliamentary Committees Series 46/2014 Committee Meetings 15th to 18th September12 September



[12th September 2014]

Parliamentary Committee Meetings Monday 15th to Thursday 18th September

Reminder about the New Look for this Bulletin

This is the second new-look bulletin in Veritas’ series notifying Parliamentary committee meetings and activities.

Open meetings are listed first with full details – name of committee, date and time of meeting, name of committee, the agenda, venue and names of committee chairperson and clerk.

Special Note on the Portfolio Committee: Finance and Economic Development that will hold Public Hearings on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Debt Assumption) Bill during the week.

Proceedings not open to the public are listed next, with date of meeting or other activity, name of committee and the business planned.

Reminder on Emailing Parliament

Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can send written submissions to committees by email addressed to

1. Meetings Open to the Public

Members of the public may attend these open meetings, but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may listen but not speak. The meetings are at Parliament in Harare. If attending, please use the entrance on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Please note that IDs must be produced.

Please note While the following details are based on the latest information received from Parliament, there are sometimes unavoidable last-minute changes to the meetings schedule. Persons wishing to attend open meetings are therefore advised to avoid disappointment by checking with the relevant committee clerk [see names below] that the meeting is still on and/or still open to the public.

Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

Monday 15th September at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Public Accounts

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Co-operatives Development and SEDCO on their 2011 Audited Accounts

Committee Room No. 4

Chair: Hon Mpariwa Clerk: Mrs Nyawo [ext 2218]

Portfolio Committee: Environment, Water, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Oral Evidence from ZINARA and Harare City Council on Construction equipment alleged by Contractors to be delayed at one of the Border posts.

National Assembly Chamber

Chair: Hon Ndhlovu Clerk: Mr Mazani [ext 2054]

Portfolio Committee: Higher Education, Science and Technology

Oral Evidence from the Minister of Lands, Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development on the role of biotechnology in enhancing agricultural productivity in countries that have embraced it and the Ministry’s position on the same.

Committee Room No. 3

Chair: Hon Mataruse Clerk: Mrs Hazvina [ext 2253]

Portfolio Committee: Defence and Home Affairs

Consideration of the itinerary to projects by Ministries of Defence and Home Affairs

Committee Room No. 2

Chair: Hon Sibanda Clerk: Daniel [ext 2216]

Monday 15th September at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee: Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Oral evidence from United Food Alliance Industries on the condition of service for workers in the sector

Committee Room No. 1

Chair: Hon Chikwama Clerk: Ms Masara [ext 2056]

Portfolio Committee: Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services on the update on E-Government.

Committee Room No. 311

Chair: Hon Chamisa Clerk: Mr Munjenge [ext 2052]

Tuesday 16th September at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Health and Child Care

Oral evidence from Mberengwa District Medcal Officer on how the Government grant for renovations to Munene Mission Hospital was spent; and Food Miles Trading (Pvt) Ltd on progress on the renovation works made at Munene Mission Hospital

Committee Room No. 1

Chair: Hon Labode Clerk: Mrs Mafuruse [ext 2228/2179]

Thematic Committee: MDG’s

Oral evidence from National Council of the Disabled Persons of Zimbabwe. National Disability Board, and National Association of Societies for the Handicapped on legislation, government policies and programmes aimed at alleviating the plight of the physically challenged persons.

Government Caucus

Chair: Hon Mtshane Clerk: Mrs Hazvina [ext 2253]

Portfolio Committee: Industry and Commerce

Oral evidence from the Baking Industry Workers Union on the collapse of Perfect Bakery.

Committee Room No. 311

Chair: Hon Kaukonde Clerk: Ms Masara [ext 2056]

Portfolio Committee: Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

Oral Evidence from the Director of Works and Head of Municipal Police on progress made in decongesting City areas around the Copacabana rank since the operationalisation of the Coventry Road holding bay.

National Assembly

Chair: Hon Zindi Clerk: Ms Macheza [ext 2222]

Wednesday 17th September at 9 am

Thematic Committee: Human Rights

Oral evidence from Law Society of Zimbabwe on the state of the justice delivery system in Zimbabwe.

Committee Room No 4

Chair: Hon Nyambuya Clerk: Mr Manhivi [ext 2057]

Thursday 18th August at 9.30 am

Portfolio Committee: Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment

Oral Evidence from Environmental Management Authority on environmental degradation in Chisumbanje.

Senate Chamber

Chair: Hon Wadyajena Clerk: Ms Zenda-Mudzova [ext 2280/2176]

Portfolio Committee: Education, Sport, Arts and Culture

Oral evidence from the ZIFA President Dr. C. Dube on the State of Football in Zimbabwe

National Assembly Chamber

Chair: Hon Mliswa Clerk: Mr Munjenge [ext 2052]

2. Portfolio Committee: Finance and Economic Development

The Finance and Development committee will beholding public hearings on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Debt Assumption) Bill between the 15th and 18th of September. The four meetings will be held in Mutare, Bulawayo, Gweru and Harare respectively. The full schedule of these hearings can be found in the Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 45/2014 or on the Veritas website.

3. Proceedings Not Open to the Public

Monday 15th September

Thematic Committee: Gender and Development

Consideration of the Committee’s Draft report on abuse in churches

Portfolio Committee:Mines and Energy

Consideration of issues to be included in the report on the Gold Sector.

Thematic Committee:HIV/AIDS

Consideration of draft report on the ART roll out programme in Harare.

Portfolio Committee: Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Consideration of the Half-Year Budget Performance Report of the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.

Portfolio Committee: Transport and Infrastructure Development

Review of the Committee’s Work-plan

Tuesday 16th September

Portfolio Committee: Foreign Affairs

Deliberations on evidence received from the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment on Ministry’s policies to attract Foreign Direct Investment.

Portfolio Committee: Lands, Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation

Formulations of questions for oral evidence from the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.

Portfolio Committee: Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development

Consideration of the Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development’s First and Second quarter budget performance reports.

Thursday 18th August

Thematic Committee: Peace and Security

Review of the Committee’s Workplan.

Thematic Committee: Education, Sport and Culture

Deliberations on the submissions from the Ebrahim Commission.

Portfolio Committee: Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development

Deliberations on the findings from the fact finding visits to Housing Cooperatives in Harare.

Portfolio Committee: Indigenisation and Empowerment

Consideration of the Committee’s Draft Report of Community and Employee Share Ownership schemes.

Portfolio Committee: Media, Information and Broadcasting Services

Familiarisation tour of ZBC Mbare and Star FM studios.

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