COCA Central 2015 – Showcase Application – Non-Music Acts (cont’d)

(or apply online at:


Please Note:

All music acts MUST apply online at:

All other acts (comedy, variety, lecture, etc.) may apply online at Sonicbids or by using this form.

Below is specific information that COCA requires from all submitting acts. Please note that this process may take you up to 20 minutes to complete. In addition, you will need to have a 200-word (max) message about your act. This form and any attachments MUST be submitted in copy-able text format by email only to Curtis Bell at Brock University – see sections 21 & 22 below for details.

1. Stage Name of Act (Artist, Comedian, Lecturer, etc.):

2. Showcase Applicant

Please enter info about the person submitting this application:


Relation to Act (member, agent, etc.):

Tel. & Ext.:



3. Please enter info about the person who books the act:

Booking Contact Name:

Booking Company (or “Act” if self-represented):

Tel. & Ext.:



Act Website 1:

Act Website 2:

4. Road Contact

Please enter contact info for the road manager or artist him/herself:


Relation to Act (act member, road manager, etc):

Tel. & Ext:



5. Acknowledgement of Fees to Be Paid

By placing an “X” here ____, I acknowledge that any non-music act submitting this form by email astheir showcase application, must also mail cheques payable to “BUSU” as follows to the attention of Curtis Bell at the Brock University Students UnionOR submit a Credit Authorization Form indicating payments equivalent to the cheque amounts below:

1. Self-Represented Acts:

Cheque #1 - Non-refundable Showcase Application Fee – $20.00 + $2.60 HST = $22.60 CAD

Cheque #2 –COCA Associate Fee (artist rate) – $175.00 + $22.75 HST = $197.75CAD

Cheque #3 - Showcase Fee – $200.00 + $26.00 HST tax = $226.00 CAD

Cheque #4 - Conference Fee (incl. booth, delegate pass, lunch)

4-1. Conference Fee (incl. shared booth, 1 delegate, 1 lunch) – exact amount varies per options on conference registration form – minimum $210.00 + $27.30 HST tax = $237.30


4-2. Conference Fee (incl. full booth, 1 delegate, 1 lunch) – amount varies per options on

conference registration form – minimum $250.00 + $32.50 HST tax = $282.50 CAD

2. Represented Acts:

From the Artist

Cheque #1 - Non-refundable Showcase Application Fee – $20.00 + $2.60 HST = $22.60 CAD

Cheque #2 - Showcase Fee – $200.00 + $26.00 HST tax = $226.00 CAD

From the Agency or Company Representing the Act

Cheque #3 - COCA Associate Fee (company rate) – $335.00 + $43.55 HST = $378.55 CAD

Cheque #4 - Conference Fee (incl. full booth, 1 delegate, 1 lunch) – amount varies per options on

conference registration form – minimum $250.00 + $32.50 HST tax = $282.50 CAD

The COCA Annual Associate form (Artist or Company), and the Conference Registration form, are available on the COCA Web site at Click on Events – Central Regional Conference – 2015 Central – See list of “Artist/Associate” forms at bottom of page.

6. Showcase Descriptions

Please see the document called Showcase Descriptions to read descriptions of the various showcase categories for artists to choose from.

7. Preferred Showcase Category

Please indicate the preferred showcase category for which this application is being submitted (no more than 1 category please – see list below):

8. Showcase Categories

There will only be 4 showcase categories offered at the 2015 Central Regional Conference as follows:

Singer/Songwriter Showcase

Comedy Showcase

Variety Showcase
Lecture Showcase

9. Showcases Open to the Public

COCA runs some of its showcases in public venues such as nightclubs to better mimic the campus pub situation. Often these venues are open to the public to fill the room and to create a better atmosphere. If selected to showcase, do you agree to perform in front of conference delegates and the general public? (select 1 only using an “X”)

Yes ____ORNo ____

10. Performance History

(Note – if submitting this form electronically, ALL of the following info must be submitted in a file type with copy-able text (e.g. Text doc, Word doc, Searchable PDF, etc.)

a. Please attach a list of campuses your act has played in past 2 years – max. 10 (state “none” if zero):

b. Please attach a list of COCA conferences your act has showcased at in past 2 years (state “none” if zero):

c. Please attach a list of industry-related accomplishments – max. 10:

11. Artist Message for Conference Program

If your act is selected to showcase, COCA requires a 200-word (maximum) message that will appear under the act’s photo in the Conference Manual. Please attach that message on a separate sheet (for e-submissions, this must be a file type with copy-able text).

Under the 200-word message, we require booking contact information. We will use the information you have submitted in Question 3 above so please be sure it is accurate.

12. Terms and Conditions

Please see the document called Terms and Conditions posted on the conference webpage.

I hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions stated here – place an “X” here ____.

13. COCA Conference Policies

Please see the document called Policiesposted on the conference webpage.
I hereby agree to COCA’s Conference Policies as stated here – place an “X” here ____.

14. Production Questions

List equipment brought by act (all instruments, props and sound equipment):

List any special staging or lighting requirements (COCA will provide sound and general stage lighting):

By placing an “X” here ____, I understand that other than sound, lighting and normal stage equipment, COCA will not be financially responsible for any special equipment required by the act.

15. Usage of Biographical Information

Please see the document called BiographyUsage posted on the conference webpage.

I hereby agree to the statement above regarding Usage of Biographical Information – place an “X” here ____.

16. Video

Please indicate up to 3 web addresses so the selection committee can review your audio and/or video:

17. Stage Plot

If you have more than two performers on stage, please attach a copy of your stage plot.

18. Backstage Passes

How many artists appear on stage?

Names of management (max. 2)

19. On-Stage Names

Please Name All Stage Members of Your Act + Instruments if applicable:

20. Technicians

Do You Need any of the Following? (Please select Yes or No for each.)

Sound Technician: YES ____NO ____

Light Technician: YES ____NO ____

Monitor Technician: YES ____NO ____

See Next Page for Submission Details

21. Submission Details

This form and any supporting docsmust be submitted electronically as email attachments. ALL must be submitted in a file type with copy-able text (e.g. Word doc, Searchable PDF, Text doc, etc.). Please DO NOT SUBMIT any files as IMAGE SCANS because we cannot copy text from those file types.

Your completed form and any attachments must have these elements in the file name:

Central15_(name of your act)_ShowcaseAppln (or other item)

(Include e-copies of your Annual Associate Form & Conference Reg’n Form, if applicable.)

Completed forms and supporting docs must be emailed to:

with a copy to:

If you do not receive an acknowledgement by email that your application was received, please call Curtis Bellat the BUSU office at Tel: 905-688-6550, x4203 and leave a detailed message with your name, the name of the act, and your phone number.

22. Payment Options

Please refer to Section 5 above for payment details – please note different details for “Represented” acts (represented by an agency or other company) versus “Self-Represented” acts.

You may submit a series of cheques as indicated in Section 5 OR, you may complete a COCA Credit Card Authorization Form indicating a series of payments. Only the showcase application fee ($20 + HST = $22.60) will be processed immediately. All other payments will depend on the results of your showcase application.

A BUSU Credit Card Authorization Form can be found on the 2015 Central Regional Webpage under “Showcase Info” at the bottom.

If you are paying by cheque (payable to “BUSU”), please send cheques and a printed copy of page 1 of this formBY MAIL OR COURIER TO:

Curtis Bell, COCA Central

Brock University Students’ Union

500 Glenridge Avenue, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1

Tel: 905-688-6550, x4203Fax:

Note: Showcase applications and payment must be received at the BUSU office NO LATER THAN: Tuesday, October 6, 2015.