Coastal Style Gifts Sale
- In business since 2011
- Hosted on Shopify
- 1000+ products
- Products on
- Most products drop shipped
- Email list of 800 customers
- 15 profit vendors
- 1-800 phone number
- Less than 1 hour per week fulfilling orders
- 1-2 hours per month updating products and inventory
- Recently brought two new vendors onboard is an online gift shop that carries coastal influenced home décor and other products.
Daily Tasks
1.Submitting new orders from Shopify or Houzz to vendors.
2.Responding to any customer emails or phone calls.
3.Inventory updates from vendors who provide daily updates.
Weekly Tasks
1.Inventory update from vendors who provide weekly updates.
2.Setup delayed delivery of any social media posts at your discretion.
Assets Included in Sale
All domains, social media sites (FB, Twitter, Pinterest), Houzz Account, content, custom theme
Domain Names:
Skills Required
Placing orders via email or website order management system, updating inventory, social media content updates.
Seller Support
The owner runs a software consulting business and does not have time to scale the business beyond its current revenue level. The new owner will receive a 2-hour migration meeting and 30 days of email support.
Opportunities for Growth
- Drive more traffic to website via Google Ads, Bing Ads, Social Media Ads
- Establish relationships with new vendors (list provided)
- Research and find new drop ship vendors
- Review margins on products and increase as needed
- Add Instagram account and post product photos
- Add products to Google Shopping
- Increase social media ad spending to increase "Likes" and encourage visiting website.
- Upload additional products to Houzz marketplace
- Increase promo code distribution to Houzz customers
- Bring products into a new 3rd party marketplaces such as OpenSky
- Print advertising such as Coastal Living Magazine, Ocean Magazine, etc.
- Send promotional products to influential bloggers to drive traffic and brand recognition.
- An ongoing risk is to always verify that dropshippers have adequate stock so your inventory is accurate.
Reason for Sale
- Due to increasing responsibilities of my engineering day job, I am unable to provide the time to properly grow this site. It’s a great, niche market but it needs someone to push it to the next limit.