© Coaching Plus/NZ School of Coaching Ltd
Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what you are thinking and what is real or true. Sadly, many people spend a lot of time and energy telling themselves negative things about themselves, but the good news is that you have a choice about how you think. It is entirely possible for you to think positively about yourself and the use of POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS is one of the most powerful ways of influencing our minds so that we can be happier, more successful and achieve more in life.
Key Coaching Points
§ You create your own experience
§ You are responsible for the way you behave
§ To change how you feel about things requires you to change your thinking
§ You have a choice as to whether you feel happy or not.
Positive affirmations are strong and positive statements that you tell yourself. They are statements which describe what you really want to believe about yourself. It is useful have a couple of strong affirmations which you can practice regularly, particularly when feelings of self-doubt, fear or frustrations arise within you.
A positive affirmation is powerful if it has the following qualities:
* Stated in the present tense e.g. "I have" or "I am"
* Stated regularly
* Stated out loud
* Describes what you desire to be true
Examples of affirmations used in varying circumstances:
I am a healthy person
I have an abundance of energy
I am a calm and peaceful person
I like myself unconditionally
I am a total winner and am completely successful at everything I undertake to do
I am a confident and happy person
I am successful at what I do
I am capable and intelligent
I am a confident person who succeeds
I am capable and do well
Choose one or two affirmations which you can use whenever you "feel" negative thoughts creeping in and REPLACE those negative thoughts with a positive affirmation and you will find, that with time, those negative thoughts just give up and don't bother you any more!
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