Minutes: CoA Curriculum Committee; April 10th, 2012

Present: Robert J. Brem; Vivian Virkkila; Ed Loretto; David Sparks; Patricia Nelson; Hector Corrales/Truly Thompson; Kerry Compton;Yvonne Carter; Rebecca J. Kenney;and Maurice Jones

Absent: Krista Granieri; Maria Somma; Min Wu; Bob Grill;Karema Sharifi;

I.Review and Approve the Agenda (M/S Kenney/Jones)

II.Approval of Minutes from previous meetings(Tabled)

III.New Programs: First Discussions: POSCI AA-TPSYCH AA-T– in progress

IV.New Courses: HLTED 48 (Niloufari) (M/S Kenney/Sparks); PSYCH-28 (Peterson-Guada, Brem) (M/S Nelson/Kenney)

V.Modified Courses: Minor: POSCI-1 (Crain, Brem) (M/S Nelson/Kenney)

VI.Course Deactivations:TABLED: SPAN 20A & B, 51, 232; GERM 30 A & B; FREN 1A & B;

2A & B; 30A (Guerrero)

-- ISSUE: Does the administration wish to support a robust world languages program in this budgetary context?

VII.Issues/Discussions:The proposed changes to Title 5 (see attached document): § 55000. Definitions; § 55020. Regulations; § 55021. Grading Policies; § 55024. Withdrawal; § 55040. District Policy for Course Repetition; § 55041. Repeatable Courses; § 55043. Course Repetition Due to Significant Lapse of Time; § 58161. Apportionment for Course Enrollment; § 58162. Intercollegiate Athletics; and § 58166. Field Trips.

Discussion: Upcoming COA Futures Forum re: college vision, mission, and plan for the next ten years regarding curriculum innovation i.e. being a “Learning Community College” (issues of new courses added, cuts in offerings of old classes, and deactivations on the robust nature of curriculum at the College.

PROJECTS FOR 2012-13 need to go through all our degrees and certificates and decide which ones we want to deactivate based upon the number of students who have asked for said degrees; need for new AA/AS-T degrees; COR updates and compliance regarding SLOs

There needs to be a “visual” project management map/timeline for the TMC and COR and SLO process over the next year. Goal is four more TMCs by Spring 2013. Math TMC is done now; Communication AA-T still has difficulties due to narrative difficulties – to be fixed this week.

Discussion:continuing… Relationship of CC with the Senate – noted the Seante had to be educated that the CC does not answer to the Senate but to the CIPD and Board of Trustees and then to the State Chancellor’s office; Also noted the idea that term limits does not promote body of knowledge re State laws and SOP and CNET and is not considered good practices.