Two Programs, One Curriculum
Elementary Education in
Regional District 13
The mission of Regional District #13,
a school system that honors tradition
and embraces change,
is to ensure that all students
become self-reliant, lifelong learners
and respectful, responsible citizens
who will thrive in global
and technological environments
by expecting excellence and providing challenging educational opportunities responsive to each student
in meaningful partnership
with family and community.
Statement of Core Ethical Values
As a school community, we are committed to growing in good citizenship and personal integrity; thus, we are continually asking ourselves:
Am I showing RESPECT for
- myself
- the worth and rights of others
- the views of others
- personal, school and community property
- the environment
Am I accepting RESPONSIBILITY for
- my own actions and words
- my own welfare and the welfare of others
- my personal growth and learning
- making ethical choices
Am I practicing HONESTY
- with myself
- with others
- in my work
Am I showing KINDNESS by
- treating others the way I would want to be treated
- promoting the well-being of others
- being patient with myself and others
- acting with compassion
Am I showing COURAGE by
- standing up for moral principles
- persisting in the face of adversity
- being willing to accept challenges
- being true to myself
Curriculum K-4
- What we teach
- The knowledge, skills, and habits of mind expect students to acquire during their education in Regional District #13.
- How we teach the curriculum
- The varied methods used by teachers to ensure that students master the curriculum
The elementary curriculum includes:
A strong emphasis on reading and language arts:
- the development of early literacy
- a balanced approach including both reading for meaning and phonics
- intervention services when necessary
- Writer’s Workshop in every grade
- consistent instruction in spelling and penmanship
A strong emphasis on mathematical literacy
- computation
- problem solving
The development of information gathering and processing skills:
- library media
- technology integration
- focus on research
K-4 Science
An inquiry-based science curriculum with units in life, physical, and earth/space science at each grade level
- The Five Senses
- Physical Properties: water
- Sorting of Rocks
- Animal Groups
- Light and Shadow
- Oceans
- Magnets (optional)
- Plants
- Balance and Motion
- Weather
- Forest or Pond Ecosystems
- Physical Properties
- The Interactions of Land and Water
- Biomes
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Changes in the Earth’s Surface
The science curriculum in every grade emphasizes
The elements of scientific inquiry:
- Developing observation skills
- Formulating questions
- Planning and conducting experiments
- Making systematic observations
- Collecting and organizing data
- Interpreting and analyzing data
- Drawing conclusions
- Communicating scientifically
K-4 Social Studies
A social studies curriculum that emphasizes the development of critical understandings in the social studies:
- Classroom as Community
- Holidays Around the World
- Classroom and School Community
- Family Heritage
- Introduction to Geography
- Classroom and School Community
- Cultural Comparison
- Native Americans
- Explorers
- Local History and Government
- Colonial America
- Connecticut History and Government
- States and Regions
The Related Arts
Weekly art, music, physical education and library skills beginning in kindergarten.
Bi-weekly health beginning in grade one.
Assessment of Student Progress:
- Ongoing assessment of each student by classroom teachers
- A progress report that reports each child’s progress toward specific curriculum benchmarks
- District assessments in writing beginning in grade two
- Connecticut Mastery Test
Our two elementary programs
allow us to proceed toward
the achievement of our mission
in a unique and exciting way.