"Co-funded by the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme

of the European Union"

The Poppy Project is expanding.

The Poppy Project recently received EU funding to open a legal advice centre for victims of trafficking and to provide training to those working in the criminal justice system. The centre will build on the Project's extensive community, legal and statutory networks and contacts. It will provide free legal advice to survivors of trafficking, their representatives and other stakeholders seeking advice about the rights and entitlements of victims of trafficking. Over the next two years the centre will also provide training to legal representatives and others engaged in the judicial system. 3 High level training seminars will take place in London, Brussels and Vienna.

Apart from providing advice about rights and entitlements, the centre will also act as a referral hub, referring victims of trafficking to legal professionals and firms skilled in representing victims of trafficking on issues of immigration, compensation, welfare, unlawful detention, housing etc. In a limited number of cases, the centre will provide direct representation to clients(primarily on immigration issues) where it is assessed a case has particular merits but legal assistance and aid from other agencies is not available. A main function of the centre will also be to develop a strategic litigation function- to work with Poppy frontline staff and others in the anti-trafficking centre to initiate legal challenges to improve the identification and protection of victims of trafficking.

We are currently recruiting 3 key start up roles for the centre:

1. An experienced (Female) Public Law solicitor (SP41 £37,851 pa– 2 year contract) who under the management of the Poppy National coordintator, will lead the centre and manage it's set up- strong preference will be given to candidates who have a strong track record of representing victims of trafficking

2. A (Female)Immigration solicitor (SP37 £34,152 pa– 2 year contract)to provide drop in advice, route referrals and in a limited number of cases provide direct representation for victims of trafficking

Both of these roles will develop and roll out a training programme with the support of an

3. (Female)Anti-trafficking Legal Officer (SP30 £28,770 pa – 2 year contract) - who will provide support to the solicitors, support the drop in advice functions of the centre and assist in the delivery of the training programme.

Closing date:Monday 24th November 2014 – 12 noon

Interview dates:1st December 2014 (Public Law), 4th December 2014 (Immigration), 9th December 2014 (Legal Officer)

Eaves offers a generous 30 days’ annual leave (pro rata) and a 7% non contributory pension scheme. You can expect support through regular supervision and a training and development plan.

You can find out more about Eaves and its projects, and also apply on line or download the recruitment pack by visiting our website You can also obtain a recruitment pack by emailing or calling 0207 840 7124 (please state clearly the post you are applying for).

Due to the sensitive nature of this role, this post is for a female worker only and is exempt in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Requirement (Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9 Part 1).