General Biology

Instructors – Mr. Acre and Mr. Potter

Office – Rm. 226

Phone # - 668-3186

Course Overview

Welcome to Biology. This course is designed to cover the district’s high school science objectives in life science. The course is aligned with the Michigan Curriculum Framework, upon which the MEAP test is based. Successful completion of this course will prepare the student to take further course work in chemistry, physics, and earth science.

But why study biology? What makes it so interesting? A cell is a complex system with thousands of molecular components working together in a coordinated way to produce the phenomenon we call "life". Similarly, an ecosystem is a complex relationship between thousands of different organisms interacting with each other to sustain and perpetuate this phenomenon. Throughout this semester we are going to share in many experiences and learning opportunities as we explore a variety of topics related life science that will help us understand these complex relationships.

First 9 Weeks Second 9 Weeks

Properties of Life Ecology The Scientific Method Microbiology Microscopes Protista

Review of Chemistry Invertebrates

Cell Structure and FunctionVertebrates

Digestion and Energy ProductionPlants

Protein Synthesis



You will be offered a variety of opportunities to learn concepts related to the topics listed above throughout this course. It is your responsibility to take advantage of those opportunities. Instruction will be mostly student-centered. You will be using scientific process throughout the semester to answer questions and make connections. Opportunities to learn will be provided through laboratory experiences, hands-on activities, demonstrations, research projects, guest speakers, reading and writing assignments, audio-visual media, computer technology and classroom discussion.So learning biology involves understanding how to reason, communicate, problem-solve, and work collaboratively.


The student must have successfully passedalgebraand physical science to be enrolled in biology.


The following materials are highly recommended for this course.

  • One –3 ring notebook (at least 1” width)
  • #2 pencils, blue or black pen
  • Standard lined paper and graph paper
  • Calculators (There will days when calculators will be helpful. However, I expect you to do arithmetic calculations involving three or fewer digits without a calculator.)
  • Ruler


Students are expected everyday:

To come to class prepared to study science for the entire class period.

To bring the above stated materials and assigned book.

To leave food and drink in the locker (with the exception of water).

To hand assignments in on the given due date.

To make up missed tests, quizzes, and laboratory work outside of class time.

To respect the property of the school, teacher and other students.

Animals in the classroom

There are several fish tanks and live animals in the classroom. These animals are for you to observe and enjoy. Please do not feed the animals or add anything to their environments without my permission. Do not harass the animals in away way. Harassment of the animals in class we lead to your removal from class.

Do Not Hesitate To Ask For Extra Help:

The best time for make-up work and special help time is after school (2:30 to 3:30) or during P.R.I.D.E. since mornings are often a busy time for teachers as they prepare for the day’s lesson. If after school time does not work for you just let me know and I will be happy to work with you in finding a time that matches your schedule.

Study Groups Are A Good Idea:

If you have friends taking Physical Science, you might want to consider forming a once a week study group to review notes and talk through concepts. A half-hour study group once a week can make a significant difference in your understanding and is an excellent study habit to get into. I will be happy to meet with your study group to answer questions.


On days when the student is absent, he (she) will be expected to make up the work promptly. If the student knows ahead of time that he (she) will be absent, then I expect the student to get the work and activities ahead of time and turn it in with the rest of the class. On the day before an exam we may review material to be covered, if the student is absent on this day, I expect the student to take the exam on the regularly scheduled time.

Policy on Academic Integrity:

In the academic community the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work which the student submits must be the product of their own efforts and must be consistent with the appropriate standards listed below:

Academic dishonesty includes any or all of the following

Cheating on Examinations


Fabrication, or Forgery

Computer Misuse

Misuse of Intellectual Property

Computing your grade:

50% Tests

30% Homework

15% Quizzes and Labs

5% Class participation and lab work

A100 – 94%A-93 – 90%B+89 – 87%

B86 – 83%B-82 – 80%C+79 – 77%

C 76 – 73%C-72 – 70%D+69 – 67%

D 66 – 63%D-62 – 60%E59% and below

I have read the syllabus for this course and agree to abide by its contents.

General Biology

Student name (Print): ______

Student signature: ______


Phone #: ______

Email: ______

Parent name: ______

Parent Signature: ______