Boarding –Tamalpais Pet Hospital

Phone: 415-388-3315

Fax: 415-388-5637


Pet Name: ______Breed:______Color:______

Vaccs due: DHLPP____ Bord ____ RV ____ FELV ____ FVRCP ____

*By signing this form, I am giving Tamalpais Pet Hospital the authorization to vaccinate my pet if he/she is not up to date on all vaccinations required to board in this facility; and/or if I am unable to provide the proper documentation proving that my pet is vaccinated.


Contact Person(while gone): Self Other ______
Contact Phone # 1)______2)______

·  If a non-emergency medical issue requiring a doctor's attention should arise while your pet is staying with us, would you like to be contacted with an estimate prior to any treatments being preformed? Please initial below:

Yes _____ I can be reached at the phone number(s) provided above.

No _____ I do not require any prior notification and authorize necessary treatments.

Arrival Date: ______Pick Up Date: ______

Preferred Diet: ______

Has your pet eaten today: Yes____ No____

Insulin: Given at ______Amount Given ______Amount Fed ______

Medications or special needs: ______

Has your pet been treated for fleas? ______If so, when? ______

Personal items: Leash Carrier Bed Food Meds Other ______

I authorize the following people to walk and/or pick up my pet(s): ______


Veterinarian: Name ______Phone ______

Desired treatment while boarding:

______Physical Examination (*may be required at doctor’s discretion, see note)

______Necessary Boosters/Vaccinations (required)

______Treatment for fleas (required if your pet has fleas)

______Senior Care Plan

______Dental Prophy/Polish

______Bath before going home Nail trim


______Other ______

*Please note: Your pet’s well being is our major concern. We will do everything possible to make sure your pet stays healthy. If a problem develops, we will call the contact number. If we cannot reach someone we will use our best judgment in providing sound medical care. Signing below indicates that you accept full responsibility for all boarding and veterinary fees.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Veterinary services during nighttime hours, some daytime hours, and/or weekends, is provided at the discretion of the veterinarian in charge.

Continuous presence of personnel may not be provided during these hours.