CME PTA Planning Meeting Agenda
December 6th, 2016
I. Welcome and Introductions -Attendees - Miranda Jones, Ann Billings, Jennifer Lucas, Amy Corn, Tammy Miller, Lori Wyrick, Kacey Roush, Todd Nurnberg
II. Minutes -These will be posted by the end of the week, I did not have enough time to do this prior to the meeting due to their late delivery to me.
a. November Planning Meeting
b. November Unit Meeting
III. Weekly Updates-I have been keeping the website up to date. Facebook and email communications are frequent.
IV. Sentiments
V. Treasurer’s Report -Amanda not present. Did not receive any update.
VI. Membership -Tammy updated - 12 new memberships and 1 new business membership. Total of 41 staff, 10 businesses and 386 members.
VII. Fundraising -Jennifer not present. Fundraiser pickup times were emailed to me prior to the meeting. I announced and posted to Facebook as well as through email. Pickup is the 13th (4-6pm). Signup is being created for volunteers.
VIII. Nominating Committee -Announced again the need for a President, VP of Fundraising, VP of Memberships, Secretary and Co-VP of Programs for next year.
IX. Volunteer Hours -Volunteer hours should start to be entered
X. Event Committee Reports
a. Reflection Projects -Lori - Winners are going to High School for District for Thursday.
b. Fall School Party -Tricia was not present. Great feedback - students really enjoyed it. Maybe think about 4th and 5th grade having more durable activities next year.
c. Santa breakfast & BOGO Book Fair 12/3/16 -Turnout was good. Serena sent Angel Tree and Book Fair update via email before meeting. Announced and posted to Facebook as well as through email. More stars added to tree. Drop offs due 11/14. Penny drive raised $1,600. Book Fair sales totaled $3,344. 10% comes back to us to purchase more books for the school.
d. Yearbook -Niki not present. No update on this received.
e. CME Scholarships -Ann explained the scholarship amounts and the selection process.
• Al Michelson
• Floyd Dunaway
XI. Spending Items -Todd has ordered the poster maker and looking into the Squeeze Machine for SIP. The large coffee pot was purchased for $128 which was under budget.
XII. Unit Meeting / Fifth Grade Performance & Art Auction
a. Thursday, 12/8 at 6:45 p.m.
b. Need board member volunteers to help at auction -At this time we still need someone to auctioneer. Kacey suggested moving to a silent auction or some other means of auctioning off the items. It was argued that going that route has resulted in smaller amounts of funds being raised. Someone else suggested looking into getting an outside auctioneer.
XIII. Principal’s Report -Todd gave thanks for the teacher checks for the classroom parties as well as their checks that will go towardsincentives as he and Kacey try to increase the amount of philanthropic projects in the school.
XIV. New Business -Tammy - D.A.R.E. Graduation and 5th Grade Recognition. Raffling off VIP seating as additional fundraising. Will announce at the Thursday meeting/performance. Planning meeting went well.
XV. Adjournment -We adjourned just before 7pm.
Sign Up Genius Links (found on CME PTA website):No new ones to add just yet.
Fifth Grade Recognition Fundraiser = TBA