This document provides information for applicants for the position of SCIENTIFIC LEAD of the Wales Research Cooperative initiative.
It provides information under the following headings:
- Introduction and Background
- Scientific Lead Role: Person SpecificationKey Responsibilities
- Guidance
- Personal Information
- Declarations and CV
- Submitting your Application Form
- Assessment of Applications and Next Steps
Please note: the deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday6thMarch 2015
[NB: The ‘Wales Research Cooperative’ and ‘National Population Study’ terms used throughout this document are working titles for this initiative. The formal name will be finalised on completion of a branding exercise that is currently underway.]
SECTION 1: Introduction and Background
NISCHR is the Welsh Government Division within the Department for Health and Social Services that leads on strategy, policy, commissioning, funding, contract management and governance of health and social care research and development (R&D) in Wales. NISCHR provides an infrastructure to support and increase capacity in R&D, runs a range of responsive funding schemes and manages NHS R&D funding.
Between October and November 2013, NISCHR engaged its stakeholders, including public representatives, the NHS, social care organisations, universities, industry, the third sector and other government departments to review the infrastructure and programmes it currently funds and help determine what changes should be made. This facilitated the development of a revised proposal document which was externally peer-reviewed and subsequently approved by the Minister for Health and Social Services.
This restructuring proposal document included NISCHR’s ambition to define the next five year period for health and social care research in Wales through a new approach – to put the citizen at the heart of creating new knowledge and putting new knowledge into practice.
This ambition has led to the creation of the Wales Research Cooperative initiative.
Wales Research Cooperative
The Wales Research Cooperative is a national initiative to engage large numbers of people with health and social care research.
Its aims are:
- To increase the number of people involved, engaged and willing to take part in high quality health and social care research in Wales; and
- To help facilitate a culture in Wales where research is recognised as a key contributor to health and wellbeing
Its objectives are:
- To raise awareness and promote the value and benefits of health and social care research;
- To offer an open invitation for people in Wales to contribute to health and social care research, and by extension, create a resource to support recruitment to research studies and trials;
- To offer mechanisms to undertake public engagement activities, providing opportunities for the public to be partners in the creation of new knowledge; and
- To provide a platform to deliver a public/population health focused research programme
A key component of the Wales Research Cooperative initiative is the creation of a ‘National Population Study’ to engage the population of Wales to become actively involved in research - creating a rich, measured environment in which to conduct high quality health and social care research, and enable the investigation of the widest possible range of social and environmental determinants of health and social outcomes.
Over the last 12 months, an external Task & Finish group has provided advice and support to NISCHR in developing the Wales Research Cooperative concept. An outline proposal for the ‘National Population Study’ element of the Cooperative has been agreed, andthe initiative is now ready to move into the final development and implementation phase.
As the name and branding of the initiative have not yet been finalised, the National Population Study document has not yet been published on the NISCHR website. However, copies of the ‘National Population Study’ Outline Proposal document are available to prospective applicants on request from .
NISCHR is advertising a unique opportunity for a suitable candidate to act as Scientific Lead for the initiative.
SECTION 2: Scientific Lead Role
NISCHR is looking for a motivated, dynamic individual to take lead responsibility for the ‘National Population Study’ element of the Wales Research Cooperative.
The successful candidate will have a research doctorate and an excellent track record of health and social care research, with extensive experience in public/population health or epidemiology. They will be expected to work strategically and collaboratively, providing leadership for a programme of work that will involve the needs and expectations of a wide range of stakeholders.
The Scientific Lead will be required to work effectively within wider governance structures, and specifically in close liaison with NISCHR senior management responsible for the Wales Research Cooperative, by providing leadership for the research programme and key input into related communications and public involvement activities.
The Scientific Lead must have excellent communications skills, with the ability to present complex information to specialist and non-specialist audiences. They must have demonstrable experience and skills in building positive and productive relationships with colleagues and other stakeholders.
The employing institution of the successful applicant will be awarded a core grant, to be agreed on appointment. The initial grant will be for a period of 3years, with extension of 2years subject to satisfactory performance and the ongoing availability of funds.
The Scientific Lead salary will be at the level of a Senior Lecturer(clinical or non-clinical) or aboveat the employing HEI. NISCHR will pay overheads of up to 40% of total staff costs.
The post will be part-time (between 0.2 and 0.4 WTE, to be negotiated by the successful applicant) and will be based at a Welsh Universityor NHS organisation.
The Scientific Lead will:
- Lead the development, implementation and management of the ‘National Population Study’ component of the Wales Research Cooperative;
- Work collaboratively with NISCHR senior management , to provide strategic input and advice for the ongoing development and delivery of the Wales Research Cooperative, including input into communications and public involvement activities;
- Develop and implement appropriate management structures to enable the effective delivery of the national population study proposal, including delivery of activities related to the study structure, design, technical architecture and governance and ethics.
- Effectively manage grant budget and resources to successfully deliver the ‘national population study’;
- Work with key individuals and groups from a wide range of sectors to gain support and endorsement for the overall objectives and delivery of the Wales Research Cooperative;
- Work collaboratively with key stakeholders in Wales to ensure that the Wales Research Cooperative provides an effective platform for health and social care research;
- Provide advice and input for the appointment of an independent scientific steering group to provide scrutiny and support for the delivery of the ‘national population study’;
- Co-Chair, with NISCHR Senior Manager, the Executive Group responsible for management and delivery of the Wales Research Cooperative;
- Report progress and take advice from the Wales Research Cooperative Advisory Board on the direction and focus of the Wales Research Cooperative;
- Present developments, progress updates and other related activity at a range of public meetings and forums;
- Act as visible, accessible figurehead for the Wales Research Cooperative; and
- Be a member of the NISCHR Operational Board.
SECTION 3: Guidance
A:Personal Information
2.1Question 1: Applicant Details
The applicant will be the Scientific Lead if the application is successful. Please provide your name, institution, and address, as well as e-mail and telephone contact details. Note that the Scientific Lead should be one individual. If the application is successful, the Welsh Ministers will enter into a funding agreement with the employing institution of the Scientific Lead.
2.2 Questions 2-5:
No specific guidance is provided for questions 2 & 3.
In relation to question 4, Applicants can request a copy of the National Population Study Proposal document by emailing icants are advised to consider the scope of the proposed initiative when in describing the skills, experience, and knowledge they would bring to the post.
In relation to question 5, please note thatby‘public’ (here and throughout the application documents) we mean patients, potential patients, carers, and people who use health and social care services. By ‘involvement’ we mean active and meaningful involvement of members of the public in research project development and delivery and in research organisations. By ‘engagement’ we mean activity that enhances public knowledge and understanding of your work programme and where information and knowledge about research is provided and disseminated.
B: Declarations and CVs
2.3 Section B1: To be signed by the Applicant
Please ensure that you read the declaration carefully before signing. The successful Applicant will be the Scientific Lead. There should only be one Scientific Lead. If the application is successful, the Welsh Ministers will enter into a funding agreement with the employing institution of the Scientific Lead.
2.4 Section B2: To be signed by the Applicant’s Head/Prospective Head of Department/School and an authorised signatory from the administration of the Applicant’s institution
Please ensure that you read the declaration carefully before signing.
Please note that the authorised signatory from the administration of the Applicant’s institution will normally be someone from the finance or contracts department of the institution that will host the National Population Study,who has the authority to sign off research grant applications.
2.5 Section B3: Applicant CV
Please provide a CV, using the template provided at B3. Please only include information that is pertinent to your application (4 sides A4 max).
C: Submitting your Application Form
2.6 How to Submit Your Full Application
If you wish to submit an application, you should complete the application form and submit one signed hard copy and an electronic copy of your form to the NISCHR office by 5pm on 06/03/2015.
Hard copies should be sent to NISCHR at the following address:
The National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (NISCHR)
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
Please mark them for the attention of Alex Newberry, Head of Research Engagement, Informatics & Systems.
Electronic copies should be sent to
You are reminded that you must adhere to all specified word limits. Words exceeding the limit will not be read.
Please note: This is a competitive process. Both signed paper and electronic copies must be received by the deadline given above. Failure to submit either will constitute an incomplete submission and your full application will not be considered.
If you have any queries regarding your application or the submission process, please contact Alex Newberry:
Tel: 029 2082 6590.
For general enquiries please contact the NISCHR office on 029 2082 5252.
SECTION 4: Assessment of Applications and Next Steps
Your application will be considered by NISCHR. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview by a panel of NISCHR officials and external experts (including public representatives). Your application will be assessed forthe quality of relevant experience and knowledge, and the strategic vision of the Applicant. Only one application will be funded.
Decisions will be final and are not open to appeal. However, as a courtesy NISCHR will provide unsuccessful applicants with feedback on request.
It is expected that interviews will be conducted in March 2015, with formal offer and grant start date to begin in April 2015.
NISCHR looks forward to receiving your application.