English 1 Academic Course Syllabus
Contact Info: J Room 404
As I welcome you to my English class, I can only hope that you are as excited about the new school year as I am. This will be a very productive year as we embark on a journey through various genres of literature and expand upon our written and oral speaking skills. I believe that in order to grow and learn in this classroom, we must first challenge ourselves to work to the best of our abilities each and every day. We all have the potential to become great learners and thinkers in this classroom, so I expect to see big changes within each of you during this school year and in the years that follow.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves”- William Shakespeare
Student Requirements
1. Attendance: You MUST come to class on time. Tardiness is not tolerated. Students must attend all classes unless officially excused. Accumulated tardiness, unexcused absences and/or cuts will result in detentions and eventually loss of credit.
2. Classroom Participation: This class will rely heavily on your class participation. I want to hear your voices, so feel free to share your opinions and ideas! Lack of participation will lead to a lower participation grade and final grade overall.
3. Journaling/Note-taking: Part of your classroom participation includes journaling at the start of class in your Do-Now journal (kept in the back of the room). In your own separate notebook or binder, you will take notes during discussions or when I write on the board or use Powerpoint. Journals and notebooks will be assessed quarterly for a homework and/or participation grade.
4. Homework: You must be responsible about checking homework assignments daily on my board and on my Faculty Pages online. Homework is a daily expectation in my class, so always be prepared for me to check and/or collect it at the start of class.
- Daily homework assignments will NOT be accepted late. Missing a homework assignment earns you a zero- no exceptions.
- Long-term assignments such as essays or projects will be accepted late with a 10 pt. deduction for each day late but will not be accepted a week past a specified due date. Any paper turned in over a week late will receive an automatic F.
5. Make-up Procedures: When you are absent, YOU are responsible for finding out what you missed and making up the work. See me at the end of class (NOT when you first walk in or when I'm teaching) to find out what you missed. I also attach documents to my Faculty Pages including notes, handouts, and hw, so you will have no trouble getting caught up in the event of an absence.
a. For homework: If you are absent one day, you have one day to make up the work. If you are absent two days, you have two days to make up work, etc.
b. Make up quizzes and tests will be taken after school within two weeks of your return. Failure to make up a quiz/test in a timely fashion will result in a zero.
6. Required Class Materials: To achieve our goals efficiently, it is necessary to have certain materials with you at all times. These include:
a. Do-Now Journal
b. Notebook or Binder for taking notes/class work
c. The book we are using (textbooks must be covered at all times)
d. Pen or pencil
e. Your completed homework
* Points are deducted from the Participation/Preparation grade if these materials are not present daily.
7. Essay Rewrite Policy: You are permitted to submit ONE rewrite for all essays or papers, regardless of your grade unless turned in late. The old grade will be averaged with the newly revised essay for a new final grade.
Classroom Rules
1. NO IPODS, CELL PHONES, FOODS, OR DRINKS (other than water) ARE PERMITTED IN CLASS! If seen in class, cell phones/ipods will be confiscated and placed in my hand with no arguments. Failure to comply results in an automatic detention. Repeat offenders will also receive a detention or write-up.
2. Be in your seat and ready to work on your Do-Now journal prompt when the bell rings. Continually walking in late will result in detention or a write-up.
3. PLEASE DO NOT TALK WHEN I AM TALKING! I won't interrupt you, so please respect me and your classmates too. Raise your hand, and I will call on you. Calling out, yelling, or disrupting class is NOT permitted.
4. Be prepared for class. Pencils will not be given out unless we are using scantrons on a test. If you are in desperate need of a writing instrument, you must place a personal item (not of value) on my desk as collateral.
5. Keeping your head down in class is not tolerated and will result in a detention after ONE warning. Be alert! Take notes and actively participate.
6. Show respect for yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and all property in this classroom. Stay focused and be considerate of others around you.
Consequences of Violating Classroom Rules
1. Students who do not follow classroom rules will receive detention(s) to be scheduled at my discretion. * Detentions are scheduled 24 hours in advance and take place after school hours for at least 30 minutes.
2. In the case of severe rule violations, disruptions, or refusal to give up a cell phone/ipod, the student will be written up and/or given a detention.
3. Cell phones and ipods will be confiscated without ANY warning if seen in class whether you are looking at the time, texting, or listening to music. If this happens more than once in any given week, the student will immediately be written up.
English 1 Academic Grading Policy
1. Essays: 200-300 pts.
2. Tests: 150- 200 pts.
3. Projects / Presentations/: 50-100 points each
4. In-class essays: 25-50 points each
5. Literature Quizzes: 25-50 points each
6. Vocabulary or Grammar Quiz: 25 points each
7. Do-Now Journal Entries: 25 points each
8. Collected Class Work: 5-10 points per assignment
9. Homework: 5-10 pts. per assignment (unless otherwise specified)
10. Participation/ Preparation: 100 points combined (25 pts. per quarter)
Midterm Exam: 10% of final grade
Final Exam: 10% of final grade
English 1 Academic
Ms. Izzo
Parent/Teacher Contract
I have read the Student Requirements, Classroom Rules, and Grading Policy and have discussed them with my child. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (please print):_____________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________
Cell Phone #:________________________________________________________
Other: (Work / Home) _________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________________