Clothing Policy - Suitable clothing and
lost property procedures
Suitable Clothing
Children will need to wear clothing which they can manage themselves. This will support their growing independence in using their self-help skills and ensure they can play unimpeded indoors and outside. Young children can find belts, braces, tight buttons and zips very frustrating, especially when she/he needs to come indoors and go to the toilet quickly. In cold weather please provide sensible outside clothing as outdoor play is very important all year round.
Messy Play
Many activities at the club involve interesting creative materials such as paint, clay or glue which children need to explore freely. We encourage the children to be independent and responsible by their own aprons on, but sometimes accidents happen or children get over enthusiastic. It is better if you do not let the children wear ‘best’ clothes as this will avoid anyone getting upset.
Child's name on all clothes
Please put your child’s name in all coats and items of clothing. They are likely to take off jumpers etc. at the club and may not understand at first that they need to hang them on their peg. This is very important as many children wear similar clothing and it can be very upsetting if they cannot find their own things. It also helps us to return lost property to the correct child.
Summer Holidays
In the Summer we have many new children who come to the club which can often make the cloakroom more cramped with items such as lunch boxes and spare clothes. Staff encourage all children to hang items up when they arrive and we tidy after lunch and tea, despite this items often end up on the floor due to excited children eager to play. Please make sure your child wears clothes which cover the back and shoulders and provide a hat to protect him/her from the sun. Please do not let your child wear jewellery, especially dangling earrings which can get caught and cause a serious accident.
Lost property
Below is a summary of how lost property is dealt with at CCOOSC. We appreciate that replacing lost clothing and equipment is expensive and hopefully these guidelines will assist your son or daughter in retrieving any items they may misplace. Staff members are unable to spend a large amount of their time searching for children’s lost property and the onus is on children to take responsibility for their own property. All lost property with a name tag that is handed in will be returned to its rightful owner. Lost property that is not labelled will be held for four weeks. At the end of this period all lost property will be disposed of.
Please remember there are nearly 150 children registered at the club and staff cannot always recognise items as belonging to a particular person if it is not labelled. If property is labelled, it can be promptly returned to its owner, thus avoiding distress and a costly replacement. Labelling uniform/clothes is very easy to do, name tapes are best, even iron-on tapes, however, if you do not have these, just write on the label or inside trainers or shoes with a good quality laundry marker pen or permanent marker pen. Please use full name or initial and surname, rather than just a first name e.g. J Jones is much better than John. Washing does erase marker pens, so please check that your son or daughter’s name has not faded on their belongings.
Liability for loss or damage to pupils' property
Pupils and their parents are responsible for their own personal property and possessions while on club premises or engaged in club activities. The club cannot accept liability for loss of or damage to such property and possessions.
Toys from home are not encouraged at the club for the same reasons. Occasionally there will be exceptions to this rule and parents will be informed of these as and when necessary.
High value items
We discourage children from bringing high value items such as jewellery, mobile phones and iPods. Our experience is that they are frequently lost or broken. If these items are brought to the club it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that they are kept safe. We suggest handing them to a member of staff to place in the kitchen to reduce the risk of damage. CCOOSC will not accept any responsibility for their recovery or replacement in the case of loss, theft or damage.
Any money brought into school should be placed in an envelope. On the front it should be marked as follows:
• child's name, how much money and what it is for.
All enveloped money should be handed to a staff member first thing in the morning. The club will not accept responsibility for the loss of any money due to these guidelines not being followed.
Reviewed November 2017