Annex B

Analysis of PCS DCLG PMR Survey Comments 2015

The PCS DCLG PMR Survey contained 60 questions and 7 free text fields for further comments. Overall there were over 450 responses left by members to try to express their additional thoughts not captured by the questions, most of these responses covered numerous issues. Over 99% of the comments were critical of the system and/or how it had been applied. A detailed analysis of the comments to each free text question is contained below. The order set out in this annex is the same as in the survey and the findings within each question are ranked by the number of people raising the specific point.

1. The PMR Process in General – What if anything could be improved?

There were 157 responses to this question with most respondents highlighting numerous issues with the current system and how it could be improved. This was the highest response rate to any question and the replies were varied.

i) Transparency

  • No transparency with the process
  • Line manager can tell you you’re doing a good job only to receive a DN at moderation
  • No notes on what happens
  • Not allowed to see evidence
  • Impossible to challenge

ii) Scrap it

  • System is pointless and ridiculous
  • Needs to be scrapped and new system devised
  • There is no benefit to the current system

iii) Moderation

  • Lots of pressure to fill a ‘quota’
  • Impossible to do, as there is no like for like match
  • The manager with the loudest voice gets their way regardless of evidence
  • Moderating staff whose work we don’t see
  • No challenge, moderation seen as sacrosanct
  • Get lower grade staff to moderate performance of senior managers as a trial
  • Should be stopped and staff marked by what they do

iv) Nine Box Grid

  • Worst part of the PMR system
  • So subjective, it needs to be ripped apart
  • Other parts of the civil service do not use a nine box grid why do we?
  • Replace it with a narrative.
  • Managers don’t even understand the ‘What’ and ‘How’ axis

v) Bureaucratic

  • Amount of time is disproportionate
  • Needs to be simplified
  • Incomprehensible, so it turns into a tick box exercise
  • Too long so nobody actually follows the process anyway

vi) Subjectivity

  • Eliminate the ‘How’ axis as its too subjective
  • Perception beats evidence
  • Bias and discrimination is rife
  • No way to actually challenge an adverse marking

vii) Counterproductive and Reduces Morale

  • Putting people in boxes is counterproductive
  • The private sector abandoned stack ranking as it reduces morale
  • This PMR system makes people want to leave
  • Creates a bulling culture where people are afraid
  • Divisive and pits people against each other

viii) Not clear what it is for

  • No one can actually say what the PMR system is used for

ix) Other Comments

  • There are too many equality issues linked to the PMR process
  • Development Needed phrase is not helpful. Less ambiguity on wording
  • PMR erodes the art of management
  • Not value for money

2. Development Needed – Further comments from staff who have had this box marking within the last 2 years

There were 19 responses from staff who had received a DN in the last two years.

i) Transparency

  • No transparency so managers can get away with lies
  • No evidence needs to be provided to put you in lowest box marking
  • As no evidence is provided, there is no challenge

ii) Moderation

  • This should be scrapped as it allows the worst form of discrimination
  • Line managers get shouted down by more senior managers who decide your box marking
  • Markings decided by people who don’t see your work
  • No minutes taken on markings, so impossible to challenge

iii) No warning given

  • I was told I was good all year and then got a DN marking
  • I still don’t know why I was given a DN marking
  • Was not told I needed to improve throughout the year

3. Moderation Meetings – Further comments from line managers/attendees at moderation meetings

There were 29 responses from line or senior managers.

i) Evidence

  • Markings supported by evidence are overturned
  • Markings are based on perception and not evidence
  • It’s about picking the weakest and marking them down regardless of evidence
  • Anecdotal evidence and hearsay used to change markings
  • Those with the loudest voice get their way regardless of evidence

ii) Subjectivity

  • Favouritism plays a big role
  • If there are any minutes, they are buried under the guise of confidentiality because the content is shocking
  • Kangaroo court
  • Based on opinions of people, not work
  • It is not objectively measured

iii) Quota

  • It’s clear that the purpose is to fill a quota

iv) Not allowed to attend the meeting

  • As a line manager I am not allowed to attend the moderation meeting and feel powerless to stop direct reportees being downgraded

v) Not enough knowledge

  • Moderates around the borders as other line managers don’t know enough to challenge
  • Impossible to compare different jobs at the same grade

4. Moderation Meetings – Further comments from staff not attending moderation meetings

There were 62 responses to this question

i) Secretive

  • Never been involved in one and no idea how they work
  • Never been given any clear explanation of how they work
  • The feedback given at moderation meetings should be recorded and made available to all those who were 'discussed'
  • Everything is secret and cannot be disclosed
  • Held completely behind closed doors
  • Astonishing - people get to disparage you with impunity and anonymity
  • Kafkaesque

ii) Fear

  • Everyone is terrified of getting a poor box marking, so no-one talks of moderation
  • Everyone is trying to outdo everyone else out of fear

iii) Subjectivity

  • Totally subjective, a system that needs to be changed.
  • High profile teams get better markings
  • Based on hearsay
  • What ever happened to integrity
  • Its run like a popularity contest

iv) Line Manager

  • Marking depends on having a strong willed manager who will fight for staff
  • High graded staff can generally push for better performance markings
  • Lower grade managers struggle to be heard

v) Other

  • Staff should be allowed to attend when moderation is about them
  • Complete exclusion of staff is abhorrent
  • It is clear it is only the quota that really counts

5. Performance Bonuses and Vouchers - Any additional comments

There 77 responses to this question

i) No equality of opportunity

  • Opportunity largely depends on what work you are involved in
  • The system is markedly unfair
  • The same teams nominate themselves
  • For people outside 2MS, it is more challenging to get nominated
  • Disproportionately awarded to those who do ‘flavour of the month’ jobs

ii) Rewarded randomly

  • Not rewarded for doing best or challenging work
  • It is a lottery
  • Depends on divisions/managers you work for
  • Depends on how loud you are
  • Hardworking conscientious employees get nothing

iii) Transparency

  • Needs to be more transparency on what is being rewarded
  • It is not clear how you would even get nominated

iv) Put the money into an annual payrise

  • Use the money to give everyone a payrise
  • Annual payrises should be reinstated

v) The voucher system

  • In times of austerity the voucher scheme should be scrapped.
  • Scrap it as it is a waste of money
  • The voucher scheme should be investigated by NAO
  • Isn’t it corrupt?

6. Bullying and Discrimination – Additional comments answered by respondents who had felt bullied or witnessed bullying behaviour as part of the PMR process

There were 51 responses to this question.

i) No evidence

  • There was no evidence to support box marking, bullied into accepting it
  • Marked down with no evidence and no leave to appeal
  • When I challenged, was told my work was shit

ii) Victimisation

  • Managers are bullied into filling a quota at moderation, those who don’t are adversely affected
  • Managers who stand up to bullying in moderation meetings then get marked as DN themselves
  • When I refused to sign my PMR, my manager took revenge

iii) Development Needed

  • People are bullied into accepting an adverse box marking when problem lies with the line manager

iv) Vulnerable Employees

  • Vulnerable employees are repeatedly picked on
  • HR don’t seem to do anything about bad managers
  • When I have tried to raise issues, basically ignored

v) Other

  • Excluded from doing work on my objectives
  • Bullying has been the result of an abuse of hierarchy

7. Any other comments

There were 57 responses to this question

Design a fairer system

  • A fairer system is urgently required
  • Dedication used to be valued, not any more
  • It is so vague, any manager can use it to do what they want
  • Subjective and bad managers are not challenged
  • It has essentially been an unmitigated disaster.


  • Ageism is rife in the Department
  • Pressure put on managers to mark down lower grade staff, so that by the time it comes to G6/7, less need to be marked in DN as quota has been filled
  • Fast streamers get all the bonuses and better markings, but they have more high profile jobs not given to ordinary staff
  • System discriminates against vulnerable staff
  • Entrenched bias against just about everyone who does not conform to the white middle class cliché of a civil servant
  • Development Needed disproportionately given to equalities group
  • A vile process which legitimises bullying and racism
  • Favours white, under 35 able bodied men
  • It’s all about written form; people with learning disabilities are likely to be disadvantaged here.

Ideas for a new system

  • Report by exception where everyone is presumed to be doing a good job unless advised otherwise
  • Move to a 2 box system – Competent and Not Competent and do not have a guided distribution range
  • Union Reps should sit on each of the moderations as observers
  • Change Development Needed as it tries to capture employees who need training and those who are poor performers
  • Scrap the nine box grid as it is not objective
  • Provide staff with a PMR system that reflects its value as an effective management tool
  • Look at the DN box markings and remove statistical bias against equality groups
  • Needs to be a process that holds managers to account for markings

What is the purpose of the PMR system

  • What is the point of it
  • It is not useful in any way
  • It means nothing for career progression


  • It is the biggest motivation to find another job
  • Divisive system which causes a tremendous amount of upset each year for no purpose
  • It has severely affected my mental health
  • It has demotivated me, blamed me and called me a failure
  • I have been subject to appraisals all my life, but I have never experienced a more demoralising system

Annual Awards

  • Annual awards should be reinstated as not everyone has the opportunity to be involved in ‘eye catching’ work.


  • No-one seems to care if you don’t get a report
  • Unclear what the standard is
  • Given up on getting an exceeded ever
  • Completely flawed and a waste of money
  • It’s not universal -it is completed differently in different divisions
  • This has been a catalyst for me leaving