University of Oregon

Counseling Psychology & Human Services

CFHS Master’s of Education (Prevention Science) Degree Program Plan


Student: ______Advisor: ______

Instructions: This form is used to indicate the specific course requirements for students in themasters of education degree or students intending to terminate their doctoral plan of study. Requirements and options are shown in the first column. When a specific course is listed in the first column, this particular course is required. If no course is listed, you must make a selection from the course requirements checklist provided in your program handbook (and consult with your advisor).

If you plan to transfer in graduate level course work taken at another institution, indicate the institution, course and title in columns 2-4. Indicate the grade you earned in courses you intend to transfer, as well as the credit level and date completed. In the “Credit” column be sure to use the abbreviation “SC” to indicate credits earned in a 15-16 week semester-system institution. Your advisor will request documentation for all courses you intend to transfer, and all course requirements you propose to waive. Please use the appropriate College of Education forms to document your requests for transfer of credits and/or waiver of course requirements. These forms are available from the Graduate Academic Coordinator and are due to the Graduate Academic Coordinator in accordance with graduate school degree requirement due dates.

For courses you have taken at the UO, or plan to take, indicate “UO” in the second column and the appropriate course information in columns 3 and 4. Indicate grade and credit level and dates for courses already taken at the UO. Follow the same procedures for courses you intend to take to meet program requirements. Credit level and proposed term for taking the course should be indicated in the last two columns. The “Grade” column is left blank for proposed courses. All other information should be filled in the appropriate columns below. Note that if you wish to substitute a UO course you plan to take for a specific requirement, a waiver must be approved by your advisor.

Approved by faculty advisor: ______Date: ______

Approved by Program/Training Director: ______Date: ______

Revised 5/21/2014 –(45 credits & minimum of 31credits in CPSY, EDUC, SAPP; minimum of 16 credits in specialization)

NOTE: To complete the M.Ed CFHS degree, 14credits of “electives” are required to reach the 45 credits for graduation.

Students admitted to the M.Ed. program also complete the graduate specialization in prevention science.

DOMAIN 1.0: Psychological Foundations (6 credits minimum)

Curriculum Domain & Course Requirement / PROGRAM REQUIRED / SPECIALIZATION REQUIRED / Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) REQUIRED / Course Prefix, #, & Course Title / Grade / Credits / Date Completed
CPSY 621: Lifespan Developmental Psych (3) / x / x
CPSY 610: Health Psychology (3) / x
Example Electives
CPSY 605: History & Systems in Psychology (3)
CPSY 610: Social Aspects of Behavior (4-5)
SPSY 650: Developmental Psychopathology (4)

DOMAIN 2.0: Research Competencies (12 credits minimum)

Curriculum Domain & Course Requirement / PROGRAM REQUIRED / SPECIALIZATION REQUIRED / Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) REQUIRED / Course Prefix, #, & Course Title / Grade / Credits / Date Completed
CPSY 610: Research Design (3) / x
EDUC 614: Educational Statistics (4) / x
EDUC 640: Appl. Stat Design & Analysis (4) / x
CPSY 607: Prevention Science Research Seminar (6) / x
Example Electives
EDUC 630: Qualitative Methods I (4)
EDUC 642: Multiple Regression (4)
EDUC 644: Applied Multivariate Stats (4)
EDST 670: Philosophy of Research (4)
CPSY 601: Research (Prevention Science Research)

DOMAIN 3.0: Prevention Intervention Competencies (15 credits minimum)

Curriculum Domain & Course Requirement / PROGRAM REQUIRED / SPECIALIZATION REQUIRED / Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) REQUIRED / Course Prefix, #, & Course Title / Grade / Credits / Date Completed
One of these 4:
CPSY 615: Counseling Diverse Populations (4)
CPSY 610 Latino Psych Services (2)
CPSY 508 Psychological Trauma & Resilience (3)
EDLD 610 Culturally Adapted Evidence Based Interventions (4) / x / x
CPSY 643: Community & Preventive Interventions (3) / x / x / x
SAPP 508 Prevention Ethics (1) / x / x / X
Example Electives
SAPP 507 AOD Pharmacology (3) / X (F or SP)
SAPP 507 AOD Prevention (3) / X (F)
SAPP 507 Community Organizing (2) / X (W)
CPSY 601: Research (Prevention Science Research) (variable credits)
CPSY 606: Prevention Field Studies
CPSY 614: Theories of Counseling (3)
CPSY 617: Theories of Career Development (3)

Credits in major that are required = 31

Credits in the specialization that are required = 14

Elective options for prevention research or externships in prevention practice

  1. CPSY 606 Prevention Field Studies = variable credit supervised training in prevention practice (e.g., Lane C. Prevention programs, UO Student Affairs projects, UO PSI Prevention intervention studies, FHS early childhood cert – evaluation, etc.)
  2. CPSY 601Research (Prevention Science Research)= variable credit training in conduct of prevention research (department faculty projects, PSI projects, etc.)

CFHS Prevention Science: 2014-15 Program Progression
FALL 2014
Course Number / Title / Credits
CPSY 607 / Prevention Science Research Seminar / 2
CPSY 610 / Research Design / 3
CPSY 621 / Lifespan Development Psychology / 3
CPSY 610 / Health Psychology / 3
CPSY 643 / Community & Preventive Interventions / 3
CPSY 601 / Research (Prevention Science Research) / (1-2)
CPSY 606 / Prevention Field Studies(CPS related)
(e.g. Lane Co; UO Student Life, etc.) / (1-2)
EDUC 630 / Qualitative Methods I / 4
EDUC 642 / Multiple Regression / 4
TOTAL: / 14-16
Course Number / Title / Credits
CPSY 607 / Prevention ScienceResearch Seminar / 2
CPSY 615 / Counseling Diverse Populations(or alternates) / 4
EDUC 614 / Educational Statistics / 4
CPSY 601 / Research (Prevention Science Research) / (1-6)
CPSY 606 / Prevention Field Studies(CPS related)
(e.g. Lane Co; UO Student Life, etc.) / (1-3)
SAPP 507 / Community Organizing (CPS required) / 2
CPSY 610 / Psychological Services for Latino/a Families / 2
CPSY 614 / Theories of Counseling / 3
EDUC 644 / Applied Multivariate Stats / 4
EDST 670 / Philosophy of Research / 4
TOTAL: / 10-16
Course Number / Title / Credits
CPSY 607 / Prevention Science Research Seminar / 2
EDUC 640 / Applied Statistical Design & Analysis / 4
SAPP 508 / Prevention Ethics (CPS required) / 1
CPSY 601 / Research (Prevention Science Research) / (1-9)
CPSY 606 / Prevention Field Studies(CPS related)
(e.g. Lane Co; UO Student Life, etc.) / (1-3)
SAPP 507 / AOD Pharmacology (CPS required) / 3
SAPP 507 / AOD Prevention (CPS required) / 3
EDLD 610 / Culturally Adapted Evidence Based Interventions
(or WINTER CPSY 615 course) / 4
SPSY 650 / Developmental Psychopathology / 4
CPSY 508 / Psychological Trauma & Resilience / 3
CPSY 605 / History and Systems in Psychology / 3
CPSY 610 / Social Aspect of Behavior / 4-5
CPSY 617 / Theories of Career Development / 3
TOTAL / 7-16