Present:- Cllr. F. Hill (chairman), Cllr. D. Smith (vice chairman), Cllr. D. May,
Cllr. G. Plowman, Cllr. J. Coussins and Cllr. J. Shorthouse
In attendance:- R. Parker (Clerk), Cllr. L. Chilton, Cllr. P. Smith and a parishioner
Public Participation
The Parishioner asked if there had been any progression on the new possible estate off Sales Lane, Winshill. He was advised by Cllr. P. Smith that as yet no application had been received but that it was anticipated. He also confirmed that whilst the site off Dalebrook had received approval there had been no further action.
Councillor. P. Smith also advised of three local events:-
Swadlincote Pancake races - 28th February – Delph Market Square
Come & Watch the Rams – South Derbyshire Day – Tuesday 7th March
Spring Wedding Fair – Swadlincote Shops – Sunday April 2nd
Cllr. P. Smith also advised thatCouncil Tax will increase by 3.99% - 70p for band B properties
1/2/17Apologies for absence
Received and accepted from Cllr. K. Haines and Cllr. M. Stanton
2/2/17Variation in order of business
No change deemed necessary
3/2/17Declarations of members interest
None declared
4/2/17Planning applications and decisions
Tree pruning at 36 Main Street – approved
Erection of garage/workshop at 213 Bretby Lane – decision awaited
Demolition of conservatory, new windows/cladding and rear extension – to be decided
Change of use to commercial at old Post Office – approved
Newton Solney School – demolition of existing classroom and provision of an ecobuild nursey school – to be decided.
No objections raised by Parish Council.
5/2/17 To confirm the minutes of previous meeting held on 13th January 2017
These were circulated, read and approved – proposed by Cllr. D. Smith and seconded by Cllr. D. May – unanimous confirmation.
6/2/17 To determine which items of the agenda should be taken with the public excluded
No change deemed necessary
7/2/17 Outstanding Matters
Cllr.Hill had liaised with our solicitor at Samble, Burton & Worth to obtain advice regarding the possibility of making bye-laws and also registering the ownership of our common land. As the urgency to establish these items had now lapsed it was agreed to take no further action at the present time.
8/2/17 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had received an enquiry from Mr. Scott Muir regarding the appointment of a trustee for the Percy William Ratcliffe Cottages (Sunnyside). This follows the recent death of Mr. Dick Falder who had been a trustee. Mr. Muir had suggested that Mr. Roger Kerry of Rock House, Church Lane, Newton Solney should be appointed and asked if the Parish Council would have any objections. The new appointment was discussed and no objections were raised. Proposed by Cllr. D. May and seconded by Cllr. J. Shorthouse – unanimous. Mr. Muir was thanked for keeping the Parish Council informed.
9/2/17 Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Hill said that unfortunately he had been unable to attend the Area Forum meeting. He had been advised of a crack on the seat of the swing on the recreation ground – South Derbyshire District Council to be notified.
10/2/17 Reports from Councillors
Cllr. D. Smith complained once again regarding the number of pot-holes on the roads.
Cllr. G. Plowman was aware that there still may be an amount of bonfire debris on the riverbank. - he will check over the next few days
Cllr. K. Haines was unable to attend the meeting but had previously advised that she had organised the playmobile summer activities for the Recreation Ground.
Cllr. J. Shorthouse advised that the Village Hall had received an insurance cheque for £768 as compensation following the recent burglary. The Village Hall were also considering cancellation fees for room bookings that were not taken up.
Cllr. D. May advised he was in the process of applying for grants from various bodies concerning equipment and water for the Recreation Field.
Cllr. J. Coussins advised he will be attending the next sports club meeting.
11/2/17Village Plan
Following the previous meeting of the Parish Council Cllr. Hill had incorporated their comments. Various further aspects were discussed and Cllr. Hill promised to incorporate them and that the amended copy would be forwarded to those parishioners who had attended the meeting in November 2017 as well as being published on the village web site. If parishioners wished to make any further comments these should be forwarded in good time to allow for a final edition by the end of March 2017.
12/2/17Grass Verge – Blacksmiths Lane/Trent Lane junction
The grass verge on this corner is prone to being damaged by vehicles mounting the kerb, creating deep ruts and therefore spoiling the general appearance. The Councillors suggested that ideally the verge should be cut back and road widened to help the problem. Alternatively it was suggested that either the edge of the grass verge could be concreted or some large stone blocks inserted. It was accepted however that the problem should be referred initially to Highways Department at Matlock through Cllr. P. Smith and Cllr. L. Chilton.
13/2/17Bus Shelter
Whilst it was preferred to completely replace the bus stop with a new wooden structure it was felt that this could leave the Parish Council somewhat short of funds. The Parish Council will continue to acquire quotations for both repair and like for like replacement and will consider applying for grants
Cheques R. Parker allowable expences plus key £24.75
Derbys. CCground maintenance£568.84
Samble Burton & Worth Legal fees£60
Funds at bank£9200.50 plus £6000 on Deposit
To consider requests under s 137None
15/2/17Date & Time of next meeting
Friday 10th March at 7.45pm at Newton Solney Village Hall
The meeting closed at 8.40pm