Together We Shape the Future through Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship, and Leadership.
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION UNIT LEARNING OUTCOMES (Checked if addressed in this course)
- Outcome 1: Content
Demonstrate understanding of the key theories and concepts of the subject matter.
- Outcome 2: Pedagogy
Plan effective instruction to maximize student learning.
- Outcome 3: Technology
Use current and emerging technologies in instructionally powerful ways.
- Outcome 4: Diversity
Foster successful learning experiences for all students by addressing individual differences.
- Outcome 5: Problem Solving
Arrive at data-informed decisions by systematically examining a variety of factors and resources.
- Outcome 6: Scholarly Inquiry
Actively engage in scholarship by learning from and contributing to the knowledge base in education.
- Outcome 7: Ethical Values
Apply professional ethics in all educational contexts.
- Outcome 8: Initiative
Lead positive change in education.
Candidates will study goals, methods, and materials appropriate for teaching secondary level courses in social studies. Students will learn research-based methods of effective instruction in the knowledge and skills related to the discipline. This course has a significant field-based component.
Prerequisites: EDUC 500, EDUC 501, EDUC 502, EDUC 503
- Guide candidates in understanding the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of social studies and in creating learning experiences that make social studies meaningful for students.
- Guide candidates in understanding and using a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills in social studies.
- Help candidates plan instruction based upon knowledge of social studies, students, the community, and curriculum goals.
The candidate will:
- Select innovative, flexible, and engaging teaching and learning strategies to maximize student learning in social studies.
- Implement flexible and innovative learning experiences.
- Integrate language and literacy development in social studies.
- Devise learning experiences in social studies that build on students’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests.
- Develop learning experiences that involve students in examining study, work,and leisure in the future.
- Design learning experiences that foster personal initiative and enterprise.
- Conduct assessment in social studies, and provide meaningful feedback.
Required Texts
Chapin, J. (2007). Practical guide to middle and secondary social studies. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Supportive Textsand Articles
100 Best Books to use to teach social studies:
Martorella, P.; Beal, C. & Bolick, C. (2005). Teaching social studies in middle and secondary schools, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Each candidate is expected to attend class and contribute to the community of learners by being a positive participant in discussions, presentations, and hands-on projects.
- Cell phones shall remain off during all of class.
- Candidates are expected to be on time to class and to remain in class the entire session.
- All assignments should be submitted by uploading them to the course Blackboard site drop box no later than the specified due date. Assignments turned in later are subject to point deductions.
- All written assignments should have a cover sheet with assignment title, candidate name, course title, and date.
- All written assignments should be word processed, double spaced, and in 12 point standard font.
- All written assignments shall use appropriate citations and references in APA style.
- All written assignments should use correct grammar and spelling.
- In-class mid term and final exams will be given in this class. Each candidate is expected to be present for these exams except in cases of certified emergency
- All students must access the Blackboard system at least three times a week, to check for updates.
- All students must have a working email QU address, to enable efficient communication.
- Course materials, announcements, and grades will be posted to Blackboard.
- All assignments and communications should be submitted using Blackboard unless other individual arrangements are made in advance.
- Students are expected to access Blackboard at least once per week. If you do not, there is a chance you will miss important information in support of class work.
Unit Learning Outcomes / QNPS / Course Objectives / Course Learning Outcomes / Assessment (Tasks/Artifacts)Content Pedagogy / 1, 2, 5, 9 / 1, 2, 3 / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 / Unit
Pedagogy / 1, 2, 5, 9 / 1, 2, 3 / 1, 2, 4 / Micro-teach
Pedagogy / 7 / 1, 2, 3 / 7, 8 / Assessment
Scholarly inquiry / 12 / 1, 2, 3 / 1 / Field journal report
Content / 12 / 1, 2, 3 / 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 / Mid term & and final exams
1 / Defining secondary social studies / Begin Field Journal
2 / World view and social studies content / Field experience #1
3 / Constructivism and social studies instruction
4 / Inquiry-based learning in social studies
5 / World view and social studies content
6 / The community / Field experience #2
7 / Mid-term Exam
8 / Hands-on activities for the social studies classroom / Begin Unit design
9 / Formal and Informal assessment in social studies / Assessment project
10 / Global citizenship
11 / Ecology and social responsibility / Field experience #3
12 / Teaching about conflict
13 / Social studies for life-long learning / Field Journal due
14 / Final exam / Unit Design due
Unit Design (20%): Candidates will design a unit designed to cover a two-week instructional period. The unit must include lessons demonstrating a variety of strategies that recognize and relate to students with different learning styles, and that use technology effectively as a teaching and learning tool. The unit must include formal and information assessment tools.
Assessment Project (10%): In collaboration with a classroom teacher, candidate will design, administer, and analyze the results of an assessment in social studies.
Field-journal Report (10%): Candidates will keep a field journal discussion topics related to classroom climate, classroom management, and instruction and assessment strategies. The format for this report will be found on the class Blackboard site.
Midterm (20%): Candidates will have a midterm that will be a combination of objective and subjective questions.
Micro-teach (20%): Candidates will teach a social studies lesson in the field. The micro-teach will be scored with a rubric.
Final (20%):Final will be comprehensive and will include both subjective and objective questions.
Rubrics for assignments are available on Blackboard.
A / = / 100 -90B+ / = / 89.99 -85
B / = / 84.99 -80
C+ / = / 79.99 -75
C / = / 74.99 -70
D+ / = / 69.99 -65
D / = / 64.99 -60
F / = / 59.99 -0
Qatar University is an academic community actively engaged in scholarly pursuits. As members of this community, students are expected to recognize and honor standards of academic and intellectual integrity. The College of Education supports the ideals of scholarship and fairness by rejecting all dishonest work when it is submitted for academic credit. Qatar University encourages students to be responsible and accountable for their decisions and actions. Any attempt by students to present the work of others as their own or to pass an examination by improper means is regarded as a most serious offense and renders those students who do so liable to disciplinary action. Assisting another student in any such dishonesty, or knowing of this dishonesty and not reporting it, is also considered a grave breach of honesty. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism are described on page 37 in the Qatar University Student Handbook.
•Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers
•National Council for Social Studies
•Teacher Resources for Social Studies
•Social Studies in Action: A Teaching Practices Library K-12
•PBS Teachers: Social Studies
•Virtual Library for Teachers and Parents: Social Studies>
•KidsPort ReferenceLibrary Social Studies
•Sites for Teachers: Social Studies
- Structure innovative and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students.
- Use teaching strategies and resources to engage students in effective learning.
- Foster language literacy and numeracy development.
- Create safe, supportive, and challenging learning environments.
- Construct learning experiences that connect with the world beyond school.
- Apply information and communication technology in managing student learning.
- Assess and report on student learning.
- Apply knowledge of students and how they learn to support student learning and development.
- Apply teaching/subject area knowledge to support student learning.
- Work as a member of professional teams.
- Build partnerships with families and the community.
- Reflect on, evaluate, and improve professional practice.
In accordance with Law No 2 of the year 2004, and Article 49 in the Constitution of Qatar: "Education is the right of all.” and "the State shall extend efforts to achieve fair and appropriate access in education for all". Qatar University seeks to ensure fair and appropriate access to programs, services, facilities, and activities for students with special needs. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Office for Disability Services to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Special Needs Section
Student Activities building
Men’sCampus: 44033854, Fax: 44838925; Women’s Campus: 44033843, Fax: 44839802; Email: ; Office hours: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM
The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus in response to the best interests of the students.
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