Department Chair Meeting Notes

UHMC – July 18, 2012

Present: John McKee, David Grooms, Lisa Deneen, Lisa Sepa, Nancy Johnson, Diane Meyer, Cyrilla Pascual, Eric Engh, Kiope Raymond, Elaine Yamashiro, Julie Patao, Kim Gray


Since our June 13 meeting report we have hired the following faculty:

Derek Snyder in ENG position

Keola Donaghy in Music position

Mike Takemoto in Art position

Kim Wolter in NURS position

Craig Omori in CULN position

Waiting to finish HWST and ENGT for Fall. Waiting for spring hire: BTEC, Math (2). TLC Director readvertised. We have assigned office space for the new faculty (most already have a space.)

New Faculty Orientation

Joyce Yamada is coordinating this activity for August 10 and 13. For Monday, August 13, the secretaries, department chairs, and new faculty and their mentors are invited to lunch at Ka Lama 102 at 12:00. Invites will be sent out shortly.


Enrollments are improving; however the purge will happen on July 20, but we expect to recover to close to last fall’s enrollments. Request from counselors for additional classes in ART 101, BOT 105, HUM 100, COM 145, MATH 103, 115,. Departments can add those classes.

Class Cut

Meeting will be on Wednesday, August 1 at 11:00 in KAA 107. Be prepared to defend any class under 10 enrolled. A low enrollment report will be sent out before the meeting.

Jane Jarrow Training

Will be offered at Maui College on Wednesday September 19; sessions in the morning and afternoon. Urge your faculty and staff to attend this classroom management workshop. Specific times and location will be sent out soon.


David Grooms reported on the activity around a retention/graduation report that is due to WASC by September 1st. Data will be shared once it is gathered and analyzed. Another report will be due the first part of February 2013 that will involve more campus input. We will be calling on you for resources.

Next meeting: August 1 at 11:00 in KAA 107 for class cuts.

Submitted by Diane Meyer