Minutes of Ashby Magna Parish Council Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 23rd November 2017 at 7:00pmin the Village Hall, Ashby Magna / The Gate House, Gilmorton Rd.
Cllr Richard Frape
Cllr David Draper (Chairman)
Cllr Rebecca Scott
District Councillor Neil Bannister
The Clerk
Plus 3members of the Public
1613. Apologies for absence received from DCLLR B Liquorish.
1614. To confirm the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 17 August 2017.The minutes were unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.
1615. Declaration of Interest relating to items on the agenda. None received.
1616. Questions from Members of the public.None this time.
1617. Formal announcements from the Chair. Cllr Draper requested that mobile telephones be switched off and that parishioners did not interrupt the meeting. Advised that it is meeting held in public and not a public meeting.
1618. Update from AAWG (AMOS) (JG).
Awaiting the plaque for by the gateway to acknowledging all contributors and the final piece of equipment from Sovereign. Any surplus can go towards maintenance costs/ the purchase of a leaf blower as required. Clerk to e-mail Highways Dept to enquire about a warning sign for the playground.
The monthly checklists have been revised and handed over in the folder, and the rota updated accordingly. A note to be raised for July to arrange for an annual inspection. It was also suggested also that an annual fund raising event be organised to assist with any maintenance costs.
1619. District Councillors Report. Cllr Neil Bannister.
Congratulations were offered to Neil on his appointment as Leader of Harborough DC.
The Strategic Growth Plan for Leicestershire will be out for consultation in January until Mid-March. This will have an impact in Ashby Magna and the surrounding area. Further information to be forwarded in the New Year. This will affect infrastructure between 2030 and 2050. A new motorway junction is proposed at Whetstone Pastures.
An ambitious vision for new and improved leisure opportunities for towns and villages across the District – called Healthy Harborough has taken a step forward.
More than 2,300 people took part in the Council’s recent leisure consultation. The Council wants to create accessible, sustainable sport and leisure opportunities and to encourage participation, improve health and enhance the quality of life across all ages. At the recent Annual Parish Liaison Meeting further opportunities were given for community leaders to tell the Council what opportunities and facilities they would like to see in their respective villages. All the feedback has now been collated and helped to shape the Council’s new Physical Activity Strategy which will be presented to councillors shortly. Part of this vision is to include the refurbishment and to make improvements for the Lutterworth Sports Centre.
I also want to report on the new on line Harborough District Community Lottery which is to be launched early in the new year. Local community groups will be able to benefit from this new fund. 60 pence from every £1 lottery ticket sold will go direct to charities, voluntary organisations and other good causes. Players of the lottery can win a £25,000 jackpot as well as smaller prizes. I hope there are groups in the village that will consider making bids for funding when this Local Lottery is launched.
The District Council has a new Leader following the resignation of Cllr Blake Pain in September. I was both humbled and privileged to have been elected the new Leader at the Council Meeting in October.
One of my first decisions as Leader was to happily confirm the free car parking arrangements for the Council’s car parks in December and to confirm the extra garden waste bin collection for subscribers in January 2018.
Finally may I wish you all a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.
1620.County Councillors Report . Cllr Bill Liquorish. To be e-mailed to us for inclusion.
1622. Recruitment of Parish Councillors.We have received an application for one vacancy already advertised , although there are now two vacancies as we have now received the resignation of Julie Smith. Parish Council thanks her for her excellent efforts over the years both as chairman and a councillor. Clerk to arrange for vacancies to be advertised again.
1623. Letter notifying the diversion of Y83.Footpath now follows the boundary . No objections were received by Leicestershire County Council.
1624. The pot holes and drain covers were discussed. The pot holes are now repaired. The drain covers are still misplaced. Councillor Draper to forward a plan of the location and both he and the clerk will report the issue again.
1625. To discuss the lamppost repair and replacement strategy. Councillor Scott. The report from LCC lighting was discussed. We should devise a replacement strategy for the old lamp posts. Each one will cost approx. £1667.50. At least 3 need replacing shortly, Therefore we should begin a rolling replacement programme. Councillor Scott to take the replacement of one on Old Forge Rd forward by speaking to the County Hall contact first. Clerk to check the terms of street lighting also.
It was proposed to replace the street lamp on Old Forge Rd by Councillor Draper and seconded by Councillor Frape. Funds to come from the precept 17-18.
1626. To discuss fencing and dogs on AMOS.The fencing repair has not been completed as arranged. We have received reports of dogs worrying sheep and the Police have become involved. Councillor Scott to obtain up to date information. Councillor Frape will arrange for the fence to be made more secure.
1627. To discuss individual councillor roles. There is a need to share the responsibilities whilst the Parish Council is lacking in numbers. It was resolved that Councillor Draper will take on Environment Issues, Assets, PR and Windfarm to be placed with Councillor Scott and AMOS and the Speed Camera with Councillor Frape.
1627. Hedge Cutting. Some has been completed, the rest will be monitored.
1628. Correspondence. Following a request for funds from Citizens Advice it was Resolved to donate £30.00 as before. Proposed Councillor Draper, Seconded Councillor Scott.
1629. Finance.
Payments made since last meeting:
invoice date / Payee / Amount / Cq No / Date Paid18.8.17 / DTM / £2,155.20 / on line / 26.9.17
21.8.17 / eco plastic wood / £1,156.76 / on line / 26.9.17
31.8.17 / A North / £60.00 / 980 / 3.10.17
5.9.17 / e-on / £80.69 / on line / 26.9.17
14.9.17 / Leic Hosps C Trust / £50.00 / 979 / 14.9.17
20.9.17 / R Scott (AED signs) / £27.30 / on line / 26.9.17
22.9.17 / HDC / £22.81 / on line / 3.10.17
26.9.17 / Grant Thornton / £240.00 / on line / 9.11.17
2.10.17 / e-on / £232.39 / on line / 9.11.17
12.10.17 / Sovereign / £278.39 / on line / 16.10.17
12.10.17 / LCC / £781.09 / on line / 13.11.17
18.10.17 / LRALC / £45.00 / on line / 13.11.17
1.11.17 / e-on / £78.80 / on line / 13.11.17
9.11.17 / LRALC / £35.00 / on line / 23.11.17
13.9.17 / came&co / £607.77 / on line / 13.11.17
to pay
22.11.17 / Mrs Y Walters / £457.00 / on line / 24.11.17
The balances held at Nat West as at 23.11.17 were
Current Account £5345.59
Windfarm £6240.66
AMOS £1324.88
1630. Planning.
None this time.
1631. Other reports.
Environment and Village Assets. Clerk to ask John Kemp at HDC re the supply of 2 dual purpose bins to AMOS and Gilmorton Rd. The Street lamps have already been discussed.
AMOS.We are to obtain further quotes for grass cutting and find out the required notice period from LCC. Also investigate the possibility of purchasing a mower and raising a rota to cut the grass.
PR and Marketing. Ashby Magna Matters will be produced shortly.
Windfarm.We are awaiting news regarding the grit bins.
Chairs Report.Nothing to add.
Clerks Report. Nothing to add.
1632. Items to add to future agenda.None.
1633. Next Meeting will be held on 16thJanuary 2018 at 7.30 in the Village Hall.
1634. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.50p.m.