Clinical Update reference list Oct 2013
Gruffydd-Jones K, Marsden HC, Holmes S, Kardos P, Escamilla R, Dal Negro R, et al. Utility of COPD Assessment Test (CAT) in primary care consultations: a randomised controlled trial. Prim Care Respir J. 2013;22(1):37-43.
Rolink M, van Dijk W, van den Haak-Rongen S, Pieters W, Schermer T, van den Bemt L. Using the DOSE index to predict changes in health status of patients with COPD: a prospective cohort study. Prim Care Respir J. 2013;22(2):169-74.
Kerwin EM, D'Urzo AD, Gelb AF, Lakkis H, Garcia Gil E, Caracta CF. Efficacy and safety of a 12-week treatment with twice-daily aclidinium bromide in COPD patients (ACCORD COPD I). COPD. 2012;9(2):90-101.
Jones PW, Singh D, Bateman ED, Agusti A, Lamarca R, de Miquel G, et al. Efficacy and safety of twice-daily aclidinium bromide in COPD patients: the ATTAIN study. Eur Respir J. 2012;40(4):830-6
D’Urzo A et al. Efficacy and safety of once-daily NVA237 in patients with moderate-to-severe COPD: the GLOW 1 trial. Respir Res 2011;12:156
Kerwin E, Hebert J, Gallagher N, Martin C, Overend T, Alagappan VK, et al. Efficacy and safety of NVA237 versus placebo and tiotropium in patients with COPD: the GLOW2 study. Eur Respir J. 2012;40(5):1106-14
Kerwin EM, Scott-Wilson C, Sanford L, Rennard S, Agusti A, Barnes N, et al. A randomised trial of fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (50/25 mug; 100/25 mug) on lung function in COPD. Respir Med. 2013;107(4):560-9
Martinez FJ, Boscia J, Feldman G, Scott-Wilson C, Kilbride S, Fabbri L, et al. Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (100/25; 200/25 mug) improves lung function in COPD: a randomised trial. Respir Med. 2013;107(4):550-9.
Janson et al. BMJ 2013;346:f3306
Halpin DM, Gray J, Edwards SJ, Morais J, Singh D. Budesonide/formoterol vs. salmeterol/fluticasone in COPD: a systematic review and adjusted indirect comparison of pneumonia in randomised controlled trials. Int J Clin Pract. 2011;65(7):764-74.
Sharafkhaneh A, Southard JG, Goldman M, Uryniak T, Martin UJ. Effect of budesonide/formoterol pMDI on COPD exacerbations: a double-blind, randomized study. Respir Med. 2012;106(2):257-68.
Pneumonia-related AEs with Bud/F 320/9 pMDI 6.4%, Bud/F pMDI 160/6 4.7%, F 2.7%
Calverley PM, Kuna P, Monso E, Costantini M, Petruzzelli S, Sergio F, et al. Beclomethasone/formoterol in the management of COPD: A randomised controlled trial. Respir Med. 2010;104(12):1858-68.
A Papi, M Corradi, C Pigeon-Francisco C, et al. Beclometasone–formoterol as maintenance and reliever treatment in patients with asthma: a double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respiratory 2013;1:23-31
Kerstjens HA, Engel M, Dahl R, Paggiaro P, Beck E, Vandewalker M, et al. Tiotropium in asthma poorly controlled with standard combination therapy. N Engl J Med. 2012;367(13):1198-207.
Wise RA, Anzueto A, Cotton D, Dahl R, Devins T, Disse B, Dusser D, Joseph E, Kattenbeck S, Koenen-Bergmann M, Pledger G, Calverley P; the TIOSPIR Investigators. Tiotropium Respimat Inhaler and the Risk of Death in COPD. N Engl J Med. 2013 doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1303342
Albert RK, Connett J, Bailey WC, Casaburi R, Cooper JA, Jr., Criner GJ, et al. Azithromycin for prevention of exacerbations of COPD. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(8):689-98.
Simoens S, Laekeman G, Decramer M. Preventing COPD exacerbations with macrolides: a review and budget impact analysis. Respir Med. 2013;107(5):637-48.
James GD, Petersen I, Nazareth I, Wedzicha JA, Donaldson GC. Use of long-term antibiotic treatment in COPD patients in the UK: a retrospective cohort study. Prim Care Respir J. 2013.
Miravitlles M. Long-term antibiotics in COPD: more benefit than harm? Prim Care Respir J. 2013. Epub 2013/08/24.
Crosbie PA, Woodhead M. Should we give long-term macrolide therapy for COPD? Thorax. 2013;68:966
Llor C, Moragas A, Hernandez S, Bayona C, Miravitlles M. Efficacy of antibiotic therapy for acute exacerbations of mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2012;186(8):716-23
Leuppi JD, Schuetz P, Bingisser R, et al. Short-term vs conventional glucocorticoid therapy in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the REDUCE randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2013;309(21):2223-31.
Runarsdottir SB, Gudmundsson G, Aspelund T, Harris TB, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, et al. Prevalence of Airflow Obstruction in Nonsmoking Older Individuals Using Different Spirometric Criteria: The AGES Reykjavik Study. COPD. 2013;10(4):493-9.
Sexton P, Black P, Wu L, Sommerville F, Hamed M, Milne D, et al. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Non-smokers: A Case-Comparison Study. COPD. 2013
Jha P, Ramasundarahettige C, Landsman V, Rostron B, Thun M, Anderson RN, McAfee T, Peto R. 21st-century hazards of smoking and benefits of cessation in the United StatesN Engl J Med. 2013 Jan 24;368(4):341-50.
Tashkin DP. Effects of marijuana smoking on the lung. Annals ATS 2013;10(3):239-47
Henderson C, Knapp M, Fernández JL, et al. Cost effectiveness of telehealth for patients with long term conditions (Whole Systems Demonstrator telehealth questionnaire study): nested economic evaluation in a pragmatic, cluster randomised controlled trial.
BMJ. 2013 Mar 20;346:f1035. doi: 10.1136
Ghosh RE, Cullinan P, Fishwick D, et al. Asthma and occupation in the 1958 birth cohort. Thorax. 2013;68(4):365-71.
Polosa R, Thomson NC. Smoking and asthma: dangerous liaisons. ERJ 2013 Mar;41(3):716-26